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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. Literally just bought one today. I'll let you know how it does in my opinion. I actually plan on using it for vocal percussion and vocals, though the KSM32 I have works well for the vocal part. I'll be running it through a Focusrite Saffirepro14 preamp so it's not crap but not high end either.
  2. When I was little, I always kept track of my lives in Adventures of Link. Because, if I died, and I knew the game over screen was coming up, I would sprint to that f@$!ing NES and turn the game off before Gannon's scary ass face and laugh came on the screen.
  3. I try to mix it up on replays, but I just can't bring myself to use Gau or Cait Sith. Especially since they get in the way of my OCD romantic-pair thing. Though I did do the imp trick with Gau once, and that wasn't so bad.
  4. I used to say the same thing before my bosses shifted my schedule. If I work out in the afternoons, now, I'm there at peak time and my day wouldn't really end until 6:30. That, to me, is much worse than being at the gym at 6:15 every morning but being totally done at 5.
  5. Hak, I just read this. I also just finished my arrangement of this song for the album. I think you'll be happy.
  6. I never mentioned this, but my profile pic for Fitocracy is me literally standing on the site of the first Olympics.
  7. I always put romantic pairs together when building parties. Locke and Celes were ALWAYS in the same party, for example.
  8. I kind of got tired of putting in my data into Fitocracy, but maybe I'll start up again. Also, I work out in the mornings and the computers at work have a browser that's too old to input stuff into Fitocracy, so by the end of the day I've forgotten about it. I've been majorly slacking lately. I try to get to the gym 4 times and week and do something physical (running, parkour, hiking) at least 1 other time a week, but I haven't worked out since Saturday. Also, working out in the mornings means I have a mental battle every day when the alarm goes off. Do I get extra sleep, or do I go work out? Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose...
  9. You saw my room in the other thread. The only thing it's treated with is 1970's design principles.
  10. I have a pair of KRK Rokit 6s. They sound great, but I've noticed a problem - every time I give a mix to someone they tell me there's all kinds of low/mid mud. It sounds perfect in the monitors, though. Then, I'll play it in my car, or something, and I can definitely hear the mud. I'm thinking about grabbing a studio sub to see if I can't tweak it a bit so I don't have to do so much back and forth.
  11. Sometimes you just gotta grieve. Listen to something somber and morose - that's OK, too. If you want something uplifting, you could try listening to mine and Theophany's Clocktown remix. It's all happy and bright.
  12. Ha, that's actually a walk-out basement. God, the living room? I'd never get anything done and all my takes would have background noise in them.
  13. If it's local, I'll be there. If not, I can't take off the work, unfortunately. I hope I'll see you there.

  14. Dude, the studio needs some serious work, both aesthetically and ergonomically. I just haven't come up with a plan yet. That wood paneling is just gross, and the desk is nice, but not built for what I need it for. It's also acoustically bad - and behind those 1/8" thick wood panels is the LAUNDRY ROOM AND FURNACE. So I get all that lovely ambient noise. Synth is a Moog Little Phatty.
  15. Garp, where are you from? I detected a slight accent when I met you and I've been curious since that moment.

  16. Last year, when my studio was above ground with a leaky window that let all sorts of ambient noise in, I actually covered myself with a memory-foam topper while playing. I would make like, a little kid blanket fort using the foam topper, using the mic stand as the tent pole. It made playing exceedingly uncomfortable, but it actually worked.
  17. I've never actually contributed to a kickstarter before in my life. I guess I had to start sometime! Good luck with the project Jill. Edit: Totally just tweeted the backing to ALL FIFTY of my twitter followers. You're going to be famous. I swear most of them aren't friends and family...
  18. I've probably run about 10 miles in my vibram 5-fingers so far, and despite it being really awkward and taking a lot of concentration to keep my stride and posture in line, I don't feel as though I am injuring myself. I've also notified my wife that I will probably have the sexiest calf muscles on the east coast if I keep running on my toes like this, because wow were those muscles sore.
  19. Anything will taste like crap if you burn it! dammit man, get it together!

    As for the FF2 song..well, Larry kind of gave me a pretty big laundry list to work with. I think I can fix all of it but it might take some time. I've honestly been working on other projects in the meantime. I'll get back to it this week/next week if that's cool.

  20. Oh. Well, eff. That's what I get for not reading all of these. I thought I remembered reading an earlier post about how you were trying to solve some health problems. My bad.
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