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Everything posted by XPRTNovice

  1. http://www.crysonic.com/bundles.html Advertises $1600 worth of plugins for $50. I am not at all familiar with anything here - does anyone have any opinions?
  2. Okay, so I put on the vibrams this mornign to give them a re-test run. I was able to get them on a little faster because my feet were dry (I hadn't been wearing shoes before I put them on), so that problem isn't as bad anymore. But I'm worries that they just don't fit my feet. Don't tell anyone this, but I have giant big toes. So when I fit my feet in the shoes, ther'es like a quarter inch of space between the end of every toe and the end of the shoe. Except of course the big toe, which fills out fine. There's a liiiitle bit of space in the back, but the shoes don't actually slip off my feet. I'm wearing a 43 (I wear a 10 and a half in US size) so that's actually already running small for me. Those of you with vibrams - is this fit OK or am I screwed because I have Mutant Feet? I lifted with them on, today, because I wanted something low impact where I could just get used to wearing the actual shoe. I did jog a bit in the parking lot to see how it felt, and it felt like someone was drivign sledgehammers into the bottom of my feet. Do I just need to get used to that impact? I don't need a compressed spine when I'm 50 because I wanted to wear cool feet-shoes... I'm going to continue experimenting with them. On another note, I joined a Parkour gym.
  3. Ugh, this. I'm such a tard when it comes to the actual technical stuff behind plugins and mixing and mastering that when I get to this point my progress slows soooooo much. It's disheartening, and when you realize at the end of that you just spent 3 days figuring out something that the music community would laugh at you for not knowing, you just want to crawl into a hole.
  4. I guess this is sort of dependent on what your work mode is. I was just examining yesterday that I'm simultaneously working on 7 tracks and I've been able to work on them all at a good pace without leaving any behind. BUUUUTT 100% of them have been for projects, so I actually OWE someone something. That is a big motivator for me - I can't stand it when people say they'll do something and then don't come through, so I never want to do that to project directors.
  5. how to push out different instruments in a multi like Kontakt to different stereo channels so you could use your DAW's sends/effects. I was opening like 4 versions of Kontakt in a single project if I wanted to add distortion or somethnig.
  6. Totally titling one of my songs Steaming Turd if I do any more for the album.
  7. You know what I think a game like that could use? Some whistling!
  8. I have a bonus track on this one that's a 9 song medley comprised entirely of whistling, it's pretty hype
  9. Thanks for those time notations, I will fix them. Problem with the strings is that I did this piece before I bought EWQLO...I really should switch the samples, shouldn't I But that's gonna take foreeevvveeerrr...
  10. Hello everyone, I've cleaned this up a bit and wanted to see if I couldn't get a couple of more head nods before I put it up for mod review. I took all of your suggestions. I've modified the OP but the link is here: http://soundcloud.com/xprtnovice/flight-of-the-dark-owl-master
  11. Oh my god, I had completely forgotten about that! I'm so ashamed that I still have a copy of that game somewhere.
  12. Hold on, are you saying that changing skimpy outfits as a special power doesn't make for a good plot? This thread is crazy.
  13. You shut your dirty mouth! I would have accepted "Hire people who can actually voice act for Heavy Rain", but NO!
  14. Hmm...I think I would have changed the ending of FF7. It just didn't close enough loops for me. I always thought that game would have been absolute perfection if they had just spent more time on the ending. [spoilers - highlight to read]I just don't care enough that Red XIII had puppies...itself a scientific impossibility, considering he was the last of his species [/spoilers]
  15. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=7835033&sku=B69-0824 This seems like a pretty ridiculous deal - $280 with the rebate? I don't NEED to upgrade my tower, but at this price I am seriously considering it. I could probably re-sell the computer I have now for about $200, and it's only a 4 core with 8GB DDR2. Would really love some experts' opinions on this before I pull the trigger.
  16. I think this statement is a misconception that the general population has, and it stops them from getting where they want to go. Krug is right - calories in vs. calories out. 1 pound of weight equals about 3500 calories. To lose 1 pound a week, you actually physically must consume 500 less calories than your maintenance level for that week. Now, you can make that gap happen two ways: diet and exercise. To "work off" 500 calories, you can bet on doing probably about an hour of medium to high intensity cardio. Or you can NOT eat a few things. In my opinion, it's way less time consuming to NOT do something than to do an hour of something Zircon, I'm not sure what your workout regimen is, but you might want to take some focus off cardio. If you lift weights, try lifting BEFORE your cardio. Lifting is going to burn the carbs you have available, and then the cardio can start to work on the fat stores. If you just do cardio, all you're doing for the first 20-30 minutes is burning carbs that you just ate. If you're not lifting weights, I recommend starting. There's a misconception that cardio > weights when trying to lose weight, because people associate lifting with bulking up. Mix it up a bit and I bet that will do two things: get you the results you want and make working out less abysmally boring. Personally, an hour of straight cardio - ESPECIALLY if I'm doing it on some repetitive machine inside a gym - is worse than watching daytime television. Also - studies show that long-term low intensity cardio (walking for an hour) does better things for you than short term high-intensity cardio (running 3 miles). EDIT: Zircon, if you want to go extreme with your diet, try going paleo for a month. If you cut out cookies and cake but your meals mostly consist of bread, pasta, cereal, and rice, it's going to be REALLY tough for you to see results. I know they're cheaper and they generally taste good, but complex cabohydrates just aren't good for you, despite what the FDA's food pyramid tries to sell us. The mountain of evidence that shows how damaging to your intestinal track processed grains are is growing veeery fast. My wife is beyond knowledgeable about the nutrition side, so if you want some reading material, let me know. Everything I know I've learned by osmosis from her.
  17. I find that the more flexibility I have, the worse I make my mixes because I don' t know what I'm doing. The group strings do have a lot of verb, but the solo strings are dry enough that you might be able to play with them a bit. I know a lot of people that say they don't like EWQL because the verb is baked in. So far, I've had no issues with it because I'm not going to be using orch samples for anything that doesn't require reverb, you know?
  18. If you ever wanted to try Vibram 5 fingers but didn't want to pay $100, now is your chance: http://sport.woot.com $35
  19. I bought EWQL's composers collection for like $500 on ebay and so far I think it's awesome. I got gold orchestra/choir. I've played in bands and orchestras for the last 20 years, though lately I've been having trouble finding one I enjoy. I'm not a string player though, so when it comes to programming strings I don't often know what I am doing. Favorite pieces: Rachmaninov's Piano Concerto no 2. Fucking win. Also love the Planets by Holst (particularly Jupiter), the Firebird Suite, Rhapsody in Blue ...
  20. When you say "loud vocals," what do you mean exactly? I sometimes sing loud but I'm not like screaming or anything...
  21. Just looking to clean up a bit of my mic inventory, because I'm a small time studio dork who is looking for quality over quantity. I have a Shure SM58 and a Audix i5 that I never use. My real question is - do I actually need dynamic mics for studio work? I think the immediate response would be "Yes, for your guitar cab", but I don't own a guitar cab, nor will I likely ever own one. Any electric stuff I do goes straight from my guitar to the preamp. I also am never going to be micing drums, so that's out, too. All the stuff I record live are: Vocals, sax, clarinet, trumpet, french horn, mandolin, acoustic guitar, flute, whistling. Given the above, and that most of the time I get suggestions to use either large diaphragm condensers or ribbons - and the fact that I never gig out - do I really need these two dynamics? I could sell them both and then use that money to get a sweet KSM32 or something like that. I just can't think of a scenario where I would want these two anymore. I have the MXL990/991 combo, and I want to get rid of those two for some better stuff. Mic experts - unite!
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