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Everything posted by Annie Felis
I love this. First thing I went for was the Final Fantasy Adventure soundtrack, because Ito could really do great things with only four channels. I really dig that you have some of Sega's unloved systems in there, and a lot of japan-only games I've never heard of. There's a lot of great music there. Can we suggest games/systems for the list? Or are you limited to what's available right now?
The cat wearing the OCR-hat in your sig is hilarious, DA. I keep meaning to draw OCR-tan, but keep forgetting.
Going to give Legend of Grimrock a try. It looks like the old ballbusting dungeon crawlers like Wizardry or Bard's Tale. Picked up Knights of the Old Republic and Witcher as well, since I'm a terrible person who hasn't played them yet. I wasn't going to buy anything, I wasn't going to even open Steam to look...but dammit, I had to. It's so hard to resist when they run these sales.
Invitation for all game music enthusiasts
Annie Felis replied to DJYourGame's topic in General Discussion
I have to wonder what the deal really is when somebody signs up just to make a craigslist-style recruitment post. I mean this could just be an innocent shared radio service or some LastFM knockoff, but I'm always leery of these kinds of things. -
That's the only game I've seen on YouTube where grown men cry from how scared they are.
It wouldn't, but they probably have a good ten or so Final Fantasies on the drawing board right now, and odds are they're more interested in working on those. It'd be a different story if they could outsource a remake, like they did with FF4DS. I doubt they'd want one of their graphics-heavy games going someplace else, though.
Now I feel foolish because I own that thing and totally forgot about it. I played it for about two hours and never touched it again. Usually I give games more of a chance than that, but it was like some terrible Mana attempt at a roguelike without the actual creativity and knowledge you need to dungeon-crawl in those games. What I saw of the magic system looked like poor design and had literally no fun factor to it. But yeah I was meaning they should do something with SD2 and SD3. Secret of Mana online multiplayer would be wonderful, even if that's the only change they made to it.
They should do something with the Seiken Densetsu series. We deserve a Secret of Mana remake that wasn't translated by Ted Woolsey. There are whole towns of mute people in that game because they gave the guy a month to translate it at FF6 together. Imagine how Secret of Mana would look if it was more in the vein of how FF12 was done. I'd also like a Radical Dreamers remake that isn't Chrono Cross, because the plug-in-a-accent to make a character stand out is not whatCHA want. Also also: finish Xenogears. None of that plot chairs crap.
If they can't even do a re-translation of a game they keep re-releasing, then it doesn't matter where the hell they port/re-port it to. FF7's translation is horrible and altered some plot points. Not to mention that the oodles of spin-off games have changed the original canon, so you would figure that SE would want to fix the original to coincide with the later games. But nah, it's just easier to tack on a few achievements and re-sell a game that's 15 years with no new content. Why add new content? FF7 is their cash cow. I'd rather stick with the old PC version anyway, at least the modding community for it looks pretty cool.
OC ReMix plagiarism: report it here!
Annie Felis replied to SnappleMan's topic in General Discussion
I disagree. If nobody tattled to his mommy, then he probably would've done the same thing again. Thieves online tend to do it again and again with little fear of reprocussions (see: DeviantArt or Newgrounds). Having his family find out probably scared him enough to make him swear off stealing music. Also if it turned out he was some kid or even somebody still living with his parents, they could've done something like removed his internet connection as punishment. I'm not saying it wasn't a low blow, but it probably has taught him a lesson. -
Augh, me too. If they had any other song, it would be heartbreaking to see those one-eyed dogs in cages but not true tear fodder. They had to pick "Angel", which is known to turn on tear ducts at 200 yards.
This scene in Shadow Hearts: Covenant. (spoilers for folks who haven't played the first or second Shadow Hearts games). I also laughed because of Yuri's BAWW face. I cried at the end of FFX too, at least on my last playthrough. Then again I was a few months pregnant and full of horemones, and I was crying at stupid things like the FF7 overworld music and episodes of Elfen Lied. Normally I laugh at when Yuna faceplants in the FFX ending, because I'm a terrible person. I tried not to cry at the end of Skies of Arcadia on my first playthrough, but that's only because that game was amazing and the ending music was beautiful.
Your video game comfort music
Annie Felis replied to Avatar of Justice's topic in General Discussion
The Chrono Cross soundtrack is very cathartic. Something about Mitsuda's music is relaxing. I also like to listen to World of Warcraft music (specifically pre-Cataclysm stuff), because I loved the hell out of that game's music. -
Holy **** New Final Fantasy Tech Demo
Annie Felis replied to Thin Crust's topic in General Discussion
Shadow Hearts was released only in Japan at the end of the Playstation's life, but it got a good enough reception that it was ported to PS2 and translated. Then again Shadow Hearts was an amazing game done by a studio that was willing to port the game. SE probably won't care enough to port Versus to PSQuadruple or whatever they'll call it, and instead will probably vomit out another Kingdom Hearts spinoff. -
Random Encounter: Help Fight Chaos!
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Looking forward to this, and I must say a Final Fantasy album was long overdue. -
Holy **** New Final Fantasy Tech Demo
Annie Felis replied to Thin Crust's topic in General Discussion
I'm glad it is part of Ivalice, even if that wasn't the intent. It's a much nicer retcon instead of that FFX/FF7 bullshit. THE AL BHED PISSED OFF THE CETRA AND RUINED THE PLANET AFTER CRASH LANDING THERE WHEEE~~~ That second link is probably a fake story, or at least partially fabricated. First off it's Kotaku, who is known to jump on a story without validating it (the Fox News of video game reporting), and secondly the source comes from a swedish tabloid. -
Holy **** New Final Fantasy Tech Demo
Annie Felis replied to Thin Crust's topic in General Discussion
Vagrant Story was a game set in Ivalice, so technically they have been working on games for that universe, just not within the same timeline or with any big references to VS or FFT. The most you get is a vague mention or a monster name. Kind of sad considering how they want to retcon other things yet ignore a universe they keep reusing. -
That's hilarious. I have to wonder which #14 is at far left there, next to the Lakers player. Looks like a New York Giants uniform, but I doubt it's Phil Simms. I also noticed John Marston from Read Dead Redemption at front center, to the left of M. Bison.
The demon guy is a demonic Eradar from Warcraft 3. They got some details wrong, though. They're supposed to have cloved hooves and face-tentecles. I'm guessing they looked at the tiny WC3 model instead of looking up WoW models like they should have. The girl is familiar and I'm pretty sure she's a vampire character from some older JRPG, but I can't remember. She doesn't look like Misery from Cave Story.
I went back and got those too, since I donated $25. If you still have your verification/download link, you can go back and get the games they added. I'm happy to get Braid and think I should've gotten it a while ago. Now if they'll only add Aquaria my life will be complete.
Not to mention that zircon is a kind of rock. It's an actual word and trying to prevent other people from using it is kinda jerkish.
Wayback machine brought up this link from 2002. So apparently on their crystal-vision journey of marketing hemp dresses, there were two people from their studio that released a CD and used the same band name as their clothing line. I didn't look at every single month for every single year, but it doesn't look like they have any music links after 2002. If they didn't register the copyright for the band name then it doesn't matter. They're probably hoping to milk some money from you, but they have no legal grounds to sue you. Unfortunately they probably will go through with it and it will waste a lot of your money. I'm guessing they're doing this because they might want to release more music under that name.
Project M: Version 3.0 Releases Dec. 9th!
Annie Felis replied to The Derrit's topic in General Discussion
Hell yes. Please give me the old Melee Samus and not the clunky Brawl version.