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Annie Felis

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Everything posted by Annie Felis

  1. Now now, they made the Valkyria Chronicles games. It isn't like that group was twiddling their thumbs since 2000. On topic: some of those tweets on that page are talking about it being a card-based RPG. Any interest I had for a new SO has dwindled to nothing.
  2. It's a workshop remix, but there's this Portal ska cover.
  3. Hell yeah. I've been looking forward to this.
  4. Haha, you used "Capcom" and "thinking" in the same sentence.
  5. Shirma/Shiroma is right, although in retrospect I should've renamed the filename so it wasn't called that. You mentioned the game series so at least you know who she is and didn't just do a view source. As for your image uh...I'm not sure. I'll guess from a Persona game, but I haven't played those so I can't be sure.
  6. Nope, although drawing her as a white mage sounds fun.
  7. Sure, I'll play. I have some fanarts laying around. Hint: it's not just "White Mage".
  8. I don't know how to feel about this. For one Disney is just becoming bigger and more evil for aquiring this, and I loathe Eisner's version of the company with a passion. However it would be damn nice to see some Star Wars movies that were written by somebody other than Lucas. The original three (4, 5, 6) were filtered through other writers to make them less kitchy and campy, whereas the more recent prequels were pretty much just Lucas, hence the really crap dialogue. Disney has to have some good writers somewhere. I'm just afraid they're going to make Leia a Disney Princess, or churn out terrible CGI direct-to-bluray movies much like they have with those Tinkerbell movies.
  9. Yeah, I figured out the trick is to just stick with it and keep doing things. Just beat it. This thing is glorious.
  10. I laughed pretty hard once I got the dragon power-up. I still haven't figured out how to get a lot of zorkmids. Not the easiest game but the randomness is hilarious.
  11. A parent that takes the kid out on the rounds. He's being a tiger, though.
  12. You are ignoring what I have linked and everything people have said because you don't want to hear it. You even chose to listen to the comments over the article itself, which very well could have been planted by the company to paint them in a better light. It is a scam. It is not a good thing. Some of those surveys want your SSN for crying out loud...that's the one thing you are not legally required to give out to anybody, including family or even employers. Do you know why it's not a legal obligation to supply your Social Security Number? Because if people have it, it's so so easy for them to commit identity theft. So hey, you can probably still back out now if they only have your name and address. You'll get junk mail for years, but it's better than having your SSN stolen.
  13. Dragoon games. Legend of Dragoon looked so pretty in screenshots and it was hyped big by Playstation magazine back in the day, but when it was released it was this lazily translated train wreck with bland music and archetypical characters. That's not to mention the battle system that required way too much practice to get the timing right. I tried to get back into it recently, but had to take a break for a few months. When I came back to it, it was unplayable because I was out of practice with the timing of everybody's skills, and I was right before a boss. The other one was Drag-on Dragoon, which was renamed Drakengard. My buddy and I were excited by all the information that Magic Box (remember Magic Box?) had on it, and it looked like an enjoyable hack-and-slash RPG. That was before I was subjected to the repetative music and lousy english dub. The flying missions were especially obnoxious, just for how poorly the levels were designed. It's also a game that requires multiple play-throughs to get everything, which would be fine if it wasn't so tedious at points.
  14. I still think it's a bad idea, because nothing is ever free, but you are free to do as you choose. This probably will come and bite you in the ass in the future, though. Don't be surprised when it does.
  15. I think you should just pay the $60 to get your own copy and not give these scam sites your information or time of day. The surveys you take probably require you to give your real name, real address, real phone number...all information that is actually worth about $80, and no doubt they resell that information dozens of times to advertisers. So you're being paid less than what your personal information is really worth. Also there's this article talking about what really happens with that site.
  16. I really enjoy vocaloid, as much as it feels weird to admit that. It's one of those fandoms like Homestuck or MLP: some of the fans can make you not want anything to do with it, but the more you explore what there is to offer the more you enjoy it. It's great creative music for when I'm writing, because normally I can't listen to vocals or talking while typing. It doesn't matter so much when I can't understand the language. I like Miku, Luka, Gakupo and Gumi...but there isn't as much for the latter. People are Miku-crazy. They're also Len/Rin-crazy, which means that they're used for a lot of songs that just do not fit the voices (it's hard to find a good fit for Len). Kaito is kind of a bad voice bank, but they've used his voice in a lot of good songs. My favorite tunes: Lilith Electro Last Night, Good Night Magnet Canary Black Rock Shooter Cantarella Cendrillon Imitation Black Chocolate Train Looking For Blue Color Cradle of Destiny Meconopsis Betonicifolia Bonus track: apparently there's even a Corridors of Time vocaloid remix, done by Kamui Gakupo. Because that tune hasn't been around the block a few times before.
  17. Nobody's mentioned Nier yet? I plan on plodding through Drakengard 2 just so I can better understand Nier when I play it, which I admit only getting for the music. Tales of Graces F had some pretty nice tunes that stood out, too. A lot of the soundtrack was your typical bad-synth JRPG fare, though. And yeah, I have to say "me too" about Skyrim. I spent my time hunting dragons just to 1. hunt dragons and 2. hear that hunting music while killing a frickin' dragon. I'm a sucker for Jeremy Soule's music.
  18. If it was over the Farmville thing, Farmville is a rip of a chinese game (which probably was "inspired" by the Harvest Moon games). I don't know how that whole thing went, but if the game came from China there's little that can be done, since copyright doesn't mean a lot there. Besides, even if somebody won against Zynga, they'd probably just pay whatever fines/royalties ordered by the courts and keep doing what they're doing. They're swimming in money.
  19. Easy answer: If it's a Zynga game, it's plagerising something.
  20. It makes me think of "Still, The Road is Full of Dangers" from Super Mario RPG: http://youtu.be/XZaxo5t0OFc
  21. That's hilarious.
  22. I got 210% in under six hours on Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. That was with the uber gear too: Crissaegrim, God's Garb, two Rings of Varda. I guess the only reason it's noteworthy was because I wasn't trying to speed run or anything, I was just playing the game while at a friend's house. I beat Emerald Weapon in seven minutes in FF7, all decked out in materia so Aire Tram Storm sucked, and I didn't wear the Underwater Materia. I usually beat Ruby Weapon with only Cloud, too. Dazers every three or four turns and he can't do anything. I've stupidly ground an incredible amount in FF7, to the point where I had a set of Master Command, Master Summon, Master Magic, Master W-Item, Master W-Summon and Master 4x Cut for every party member. This is what you do when you get a Playstation and only have two games for it.
  23. That really made me cringe, but mostly because they need to stop dubbing jrpgs with the same handful of bland or lousy actors. After seeing Fragile in english, I seriously thought that there was Jonny Basch, one other dude and one woman. Turns out there were ten VAs, and most of them were women. The female VAs they keep getting are so terrible that they are all starting to the same now. What they really need is the option to turn voice acting off in more games, so we can just read text and imagine voices back like we used to. The people who aren't thrown by the terrible acting hired by Nippon Ichi or Atlus or whatever can still listen to stuff spoken in english, while the people who get irritated by it can just mute the damn characters. It's one of the first options I look for when going into the setup for a game. Edit: However they can keep putting Steve Blum in everything they want. My beef is mostly with the female VAs.
  24. I probably would've hated it if the sailing music wasn't so damn awesome. That made it tolerable. The Metroid Prime games respawn was obnoxious, especially in Echoes. You never had the right ammo to kill the right things, so crap respawning was doubly obnoxious. It's a shame you couldn't just run past things like you could in Super Metroid or even the original game.
  25. Actually there is no justification for her to kill the citizens that reside in the empire, no matter what its leaders and military have done. It's not part of the character's personality to kill innocents, even if she does want some form of revenge.
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