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It's about time? I loved this when I heard it way back, and I still love it. Great job, and sing more!

Edit: After listening to this a billion times, I have to say I really don't like the drums. Otherwise, it's too damn catchy to pass up.


Its not often I post my comments on a mix, but this is top-top notch. The lyrics are great! Fantastic ear candy here. This is one of my top 5. AMAZING JOB!


Heh. I remember when you posted your dislike for the singing back in March at DoD. Each to their own I guess. I've always liked it since I first heard it. I've only listened to one other of your songs, the theme tune to Chaff City.net (now defunct). Hope to hear more from you soon! (Looking forward to your "Be Absentminded" for Summoning of Spirits :) )


Great stuff. Personally, I thought this song could've used even more power in the vocal department...it just felt half-hearted at times, like you were being lazy with your voice by using only lower half of your range. Maybe if you transposed up a couple keys?

That aside, though, I agree with djp...this song sounds very natural and, as Shna suggested, sounds like it could've straight out of an episode of "Smallville." I'm also not ashamed to admit that the "why try" segment made my pee-pee hard.

Nice work. :nicework:


I'm guessing I'll be in the minority on this one. This mix ain't doing anything for me. I'm of the opinion that the vocals suck, there's nothing interesting about them. They give me a sort of Beach Boys feel only it's like Dhsu said, it's like he only used the lower half of his range. In that regard, I find the vocs bland and boring.

Whenever there wasn't singing, I was enjoying the mix some because it means something else had to carry the song, meaning the instruments and the arrangement that wasn't just some cookie cutter punk/pop sounding string work on the guitars and drums. Basically, the solo section was the only thing I enjoyed at all. The "why try" probably would have been better if he would have changed his pitch up or something but as is, I didn't really care.

So now I'm on the outside looking in.

...it's cold out here.


I downloaded this song last thing before I went to sleep last night. After a huge party, and tons of fun, I get a great song. For me, it now commemorates one of those times when summer is actually fantastic.

Excellent work, it'll be seeing its fair share of plays from me.


I love this track, I downloaded it earlier today and have been listening to it most of the day.

The vocals are really good and go very well with the music, i've never played Star Ocean so I can't say how I feel about it being as a remix...But I think that this would be a great track to actually have in the game. ^_^


This is one of those songs, that if I were judging it, I'd give it a yes, but reviewing it, I'd bash it.

It's a quality track with alot of cool stuff going on... but it just sounds like crap. I mean, I can tell that the artist is talented and knows what he's doing... it's just the direction that the talent was pointed towards.

Maybe it's a genre thing. Maybe I don't care for whiny pop-rock bullshit. But hey, it seems we got alot of chubby 13 year old girls from the Midwest here at OCR. Go figure. :)


I think this is a good, well executed mix, and I enjoyed it, even though I was not familiar with the source material. I thought the production and performance were solid and it fit the intention nicely - in short, it's a pop track, and that's all it tries to be and it does it well. Whether one considers that therefore "less worthy" of making it on the site is not an issue, and it seems bizarre to me that genre would be allowed to have much sway on its acceptance anyway. Also as DJP has mentioned, it does sound very natural. Listening to this, I could have easily presumed it was written from scratch as one of David's original tracks. Again this may be partly due to my unfamiliarity with the source, but taken on face value I feel it is very effective.

The only small beef I had with this was the percussion sounded a little out of place, considering the other material in the track - it sounded rather synthetic in this context, though I'm sure that is to do with lack of resources, and it is only a small issue I feel as it's largely neglegible.

In summary, it's a catchy, fun and accessible track which I don't feel is too hard to enjoy. I have to admit to humming to it ;).


Also on a sidenote, I think it's a little unfair to poo-poo a track for what you feel it may socially represent [be it 13 year old girls or whatever zany assumptions you can come up with]. I don't see much logic in disliking music itself for whom else may enjoy it or what fanbase it may attract. The reasoning that "I don't like this music because these people listen to it" just amazes me, it really does.


The intro guitarwork SO reminds me of some other song...not a pop song, like a hymn, or an old-timey patriot song...screwed with my head.

Good song in general. Why try is a fun set of lyrics, and I like the breakdown in the instrumental part.


Wow, I really really wanted to like this song, cause its a new direction that alot of songs haven't went into...but something about the whiny singing i just couldn't get into. Perhaps I am not into the whole rockish pop deal, but I do things this is a direction worth taking, I just don't think this song is the first step we need.


Glad to see Hale submitting & getting posted.

This is a very good track and a refreshing/daring approach to VGM arrangement, specially considering your computer specs! ;) You're a good singer.

Great stuff, keep them coming.

- Xav


One of the most memorable songs from the already spectacular March Dwelling of Duels, Summertime by Hale-Bopp had the fortune of being in the style of one of those "catchy pop tunes" that get a lot of play on the radio. Because of that, there were a lot of fans and a lot of haters. When I first heard it, I loved it. Like the "Ken Song", it got stuck in my head and I found myself humming it wherever I went.

Very catchy, very well done (for the genre) alternative pop rock. Muted fifths, "light on the thinking" guitar solos, simple punk drumming, some great use of back up harmony. The break at 2:04 was prettty cool.

Short but memorable. Good job, HB!

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