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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. I played a demo of Rhythm Heaven the other day, and I have some concerns. Maybe some people who have played the full version can assist:

    I noticed that there wasn't much feedback. No scoring, no "300" or anything. At the end of the stage, I got an "just OK" despite only missing one thing. The first time I tried, I missed like 6 things and got a "just OK."

    Does the full version have more feedback? High scores? Other types of replay value?

    I loved Elite Beat Agents, but I am so far disappointed in RH so far, but again, it was just a demo. Anyone care to give more detailed analysis?

    If it's anything like the GBA game, the characters will give you visual feedback telling you how close you were to the beat. E.g. if you did it right they will smile, if you barely made it they'll look at you funny, and if you totally screwed up they'll fall down or something.

  2. So I just checked out these iZ3D drivers and it turns out they have a free anaglyph option. This means that for the price of a pair of red/cyan glasses, you can play any Direct3D game in stereoscopic 3D. I've tried it with a couple games (Portal and DMC4) and it's pretty awesome, although I still need to tweak the settings some more to get the colors un-wonkified.

    So in other words, the topic title should be changed to "3d gaming is officially here for under $20." :D Heck it could even be free if you've got a pair lying around from your Spy Kids DVD or something.

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