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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. I didn't say it was easy. I was just wondering whether he'll ever have enough of it. If I had something that demanded this much of my time and that this many people depended on me doing well I'd probably crumble completely under the pressure on myself I'd build up. And it's not like his workload is going to decrease anytime soon either.

    At some point, he decided he wasn't going to be able to evaulate all of the songs on his own, and so he created the judges panel and he saw that it was good. Delegating the writeups as well would probably feel like a huge failure for him, as would letting someone else do most of the coding of the website. I'm just wondering how long he'll be able to do it on his own.

    I think that if (hopefully when) he delegates the write-ups to other people, he could still maintain a connection to the community by having a site/development blog that he can just update at his leisure. It'd let him keep everyone apprised of any progress (in as much detail as he wants) without the additional pressure of meeting a weekly posting quota.

  2. Problems disguised as choices, especially in terms of strategy or equipment, always annoy me. For example, in Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, they presented you with a "choice" between focusing on magic or focusing on physical combat. The reason "choice" is in quotes is because a pure mage character was virtual suicide in that game; you needed at least some physical combat skill in order to survive. It's a problem in disguise, not a choice, and it's annoying because it's dishonest. Why present me with the opportunity to go full mage if it's pretty much guaranteed to get me killed? Especially while insisting that it's a valid choice?

    It's still a choice because there are still several viable configurations that will allow you to progress in the game. Intentionally being a weakling just doesn't happen to be one of them. :P

  3. Good point, it can never hurt to have examples to back up your point.

    But yeah, I think the idea here is that decisions based on personal preference are choices, while ones in which only one answer will advance the game is a problem. Incidentally, my personal preference is actually games that consist mostly of problems, since I can never make up my mind. :D

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