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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Thank you, I will let him know that the next time he comes online.

    I recently installed a new graphics card, Sapphire Radeon HD 3650, this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102726 My computer is 7 years old though, so I am saving up to build a new one.

    Odd...the 3650 should handle TF2 just fine at reasonable settings. Although if your computer is 7 years old, I wouldn't be surprised if the bottleneck is elsewhere. :P

  2. Thems the breaks, man. Pretty sure all wireless routers have wired ports too though, so you could probably get away with just having a really long Ethernet cable (although that costs like $30 in itself). There's also kits that basically consist of two units that you can plug each end of the connection into, but I dunno how reliable and/or cost-efficient those are.

  3. PS Games:

    -DDR Konamix (no original jewel case)

    -RPG Maker (very cracked jewel case, game is fine though)

    -Metal Gear Solid (Greatest Hits)

    -Final Fantasy Origins (I & II)

    -Final Fantasy Chronicles (IV & Chrono Trigger)

    -Final Fantasy Anthology (V & VI)

    -Final Fantasy VII (Greatest Hits)

    -Final Fantasy VIII (Cracked jewell case)

    -Final Fantasy IX

    -2 PS Memory Cards w/jewel case that holds up to 4

    -Playstation Branded Hard-shell Game Case, zips up, fits 7 double jewel cases + 1 single jewel case. Friend gave this to me a long time ago. Not sure what it's from. I'll sell it or give it to someone who buys a bunch of the FF games (since most are double jewel cases themselves)

    I've actually been meaning to get all the FFs except VII (have that one on PC), but you could probably get at least $40 out of that one alone. So anyway, how much you looking for the other FFs?

  4. I would say wait and see. 1GB should be enough if you're running XP, but if you're still having this problem after you install your graphics card, then yes I'd go for some extra RAM. And if that doesn't work, well...come back here and we'll tell you other parts you can replace. :D

  5. I have a friend who was absolutely devastated that they took out Mewtwo in Brawl. He absolutely swears that his neutral air and teleport mindgames make him invincible. :P

    Edit: Salluz, I'm going to talk to you like a friend and give you some honest advice: for your own sake, don't post as if you are a veteran or expert at something. Questions like "what's so great about Dedede" (answered by Derrit) and "Is Crazy Hand in Brawl" (the answer is yes; you'll find out later that he is being controlled by an even more powerful being) are fine, and people will gladly give you what you need. But if you try to give tips to the "n00bs," you just sound arrogant and end up making a fool of yourself, because for the most part your advice is redundant at best and plain wrong at worst. As the cliche goes, if people want your advice, they will ask for it.

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