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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Because the selection process is not open, candidates who feel they may be qualified to become a judge are discouraged from lobbying judges to obtain a position on the panel.

    On the other hand it would continue OCR's tradition of choosing judges that nobody has ever heard of. :D

    Edit: Holy cow 14 siblings?? She could have her own TLC show!

  2. while I appreciate the effort of the person who made that TIB track for GH, he did a pretty poor job of lining up the notes. There's a section where the pattern should go 2-1-2-3-2-1-2-3. He has it going 1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4.

    I don't know if it applies in this case, but some GH tabbers prefer to make the notes fit the actual fret positions as opposed to going by where they are relative to each other like on a piano.

  3. Well there's no need to panic just yet, Bahamut. I think it's kind of expected for this sort of thing to happen on the grand opening. I personally like the extra aspect that stats add to the game, but it's nice to not have to worry about them once in a while. This is essentially a replacement for the Remod server, and that never permanently drew any players away from the OCR server.

    I do suggest replacing pl_dustbowl with cp_downtown_b3 though. :) Would be nice to see an arena map or two as well for some extra variety.

  4. Welcome to the server. :)

    I am going to agree with zircon, and add that saying it's not a "spawn door" borders on semantics. In my opinion it is completely analogous to the shortcut doors on Dustbowl 3 and Goldrush 3. They're shortcuts, and they close after a certain point is capped, they can be circumvented by taking a much longer route, but that does not justify sticky-camping them. The problem is especially exacerbated on Badwater by the fact that it's so open that a demo can very easily jump over enemy lines to get to it, and the door is far enough behind the front lines that you'd have to waste a sentry for the sole purpose of protecting it.

  5. Because we do it for you. STOP TRYING TO UNDERMINE THE JUDGES >:(

    Haha, I think it'd be more accurate to say that Larry does it for them. The rest of the judges just say "Well Larry pretty much covered it." :< (No but seriously, I'd love to see some stats on how often Larry's been the dissenting minority on a decision.)

    Personally I review only when an arrangement is really good or really bad, so middle of the road stuff tends to get left out. I'm guessing other people do the same, if the number of reviews on my tracks are any indication. :<


  6. I hadn't heard of the "uncanny valley" theory either, but it's something my friend and I have talked about independently for years. Thanks for putting a name to it!
    This is a concept I was unfamiliar with, but it makes sense.
    And yes, I must be living under a rock 'cause I have not heard of the "Uncanny Valley" theory before, but once you started explaining it in the introduction, I understood where you were going with it games-wise. I've dabbled in this subject before without knowing there was an actual theory around it.
    Very nice presentation. I've never heard of the "uncanny valley" theory before, but I understood what you were getting at pretty quickly.

    Man ya'llz some ign'ant foos.

  7. Diablo II is for pussies, real men play ANGBAND.

    Kidding aside, I'll second Grandia II. Excellent game, and it's the only other JRPG I can think of for PC. I've heard Anachronox is pretty JRPG-like though. And if they like Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic might be for them.

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