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Everything posted by MusicHunter

  1. This needs a remix shouldnt be too hard!
  2. tbh i would rather want a jet force gemini remix ablum actually would great or some more remixes too
  3. Sooooo sam dillard has released a NEW album called block buster hits and BOY does he do a good job on all the songs my favorite is the first personally though NO ONE has ever remixed havoc district and its just divinely beautiful its like an orchestra of exploviness and hits all those sexy notes https://samostudios.bandcamp.com/album/blockbuster-game-tunes-volume-1
  4. We still need a spyro year of the dragon remix from buzz's dungeon and many others too would be loved!
  5. i like this i would download it immediately if i could!
  6. heres a great remix that needs to happen the game is blast corps any of the songs but my personal fave is a song title havoc district. if someone would do a few tracks from the game or just this one that would be great!
  7. Sooo this song ive been listening to forever needs a remix as great as it sounds can someone do it PLEASE?
  8. This music makes me wanna dance and be all happy. i love it, added to my wake up music list for sure!
  9. so i would love it if the site had some digital devil saga remixes espically of the battle theme from digital devil saga 2 as that is pretty darn good.
  10. FINALLY! a remix of this cherished song of me ive been freaking WAITNG for someone to do this and by god you have hit the coffin in the nail and NAILED this song down to a tea i love it and i'll be listening to it CONSANTLY if not hourly! i even requested this song and by god my prays are FINALLY answered!
  11. hey just curious were you serious bout the remix of thudercade?

    1. Mak Eightman

      Mak Eightman

      Hi. Sure, dunno when but I'll do it


  12. Damn what can i say bout this track the start just builds up to the epic over all tone and it just makes me wanna listen to the whole thing day in and out and when i saw this was by sam dillard i was FLOORED he has created just a master piece AGAIN and i will definately forever back him and all his projects he will ever make!
  13. Ok finally found a game that ive been looking for 15 years plus and it needs a remix if its possible i would like this one if possible i think its the stage theme
  14. So heres something the site lacks MAJORLY. axiom verge needs someone to remix that soundtrack i would love to suggest one otherworld is a good one to start but maybe someone could do some of the others too
  15. Damn i like this dark song! it really hits the spot right now.if you did a hopes a dreams song of this that would be killer!
  16. This song is very 90's sounding and thats in a good love it and kinda felt like listening to something from that era so this hits that spot really nicely!
  17. Hey since i saw a virda request remix i think a cort battle theme remix would be pretty cool too!
  18. This mix brings back memories. and you know ITS great and wonderful i love everything bout this song and im gonna show this to tommy when i see him at videogameslive next year when they come to my town.
  19. So ive been listening to this remix of a song found by these guys and i think this site lacks the songs of snow board kids really really badly!
  20. PLEASE make this downloadable i want it so bad its awesome lyrics and awesome music!
  21. oh this i can AGREE with phantom crash i was addicted to as well!
  22. please remix this track a game like this needs some remixes espically this one!
  23. such a great song it kinda reminds me alittle big of the dk64 theme for the water wold stage cant remember it and maybe abit banjo kazooie but in a GOOD way
  24. Theres a really calming effect bout this song and its in a VERY good away i love the chimes and it kinda feels like it wants to make you zen but either way i love this song new favorite go!
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