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Everything posted by michael-collins

  1. Welcome to the dumb world of vgmixing! It sounds like you're clipping, make sure the volume on the master fader is below 0 at all times or it will distort. It's not really a remix because nothing was changed (nothing I can tell anyway.) You gotta add or change something.... If you really want to get on the site keep workin on it. Work is how to get good
  2. The Dajil song I mentioned below is actually a great example as it starts out with hand drums, listen to how they pop! They're very bright and in your face and have a satisfying "clomp" to them but they sit great in the mix. A/B with the song again, and try to get your hand drums to sound like his, as well as your drumset. (If you have the mp3 of that song - Xenogears Creid Dajil - open it in your sound editor, cut out a short part that features hand drums, and save that as a separate file, and cut out another short part that features the drumset, and now you can A/B your song with those on repeat until you get them to sound the same. I'm no expert but when I do that kind of thing my shit starts sounding way better. If you want it to sound like the pros, well, you gotta compare it to the pros...
  3. A/B this song with Mitsuda's Dajil arrangement from Creid or a similar song that has great sounding drums. I think you can EQ & Compress your drums to make them really kick, right now they sound wimpy. Even the handdrums, maybe you can add a little brightness and punch to them. Give your kick some thud at 70 hz and give your snare some snap at 8khz, add compression to them and a bit of reverb on the snare.
  4. I agree, this isn't rock at all, not really even folk rock to me, it sounds more like video game music. Which is fine because you're in the right place for that. If you're really trying to do some rock stuff then listen to how, in particular the drum parts are written in some classic or modern rock tunes, and how the melodies are written. The drum parts will normally have a driving kick & snare beat with either hi hats or rides going, and the melody won't be nearly as complex, and will repeat notes a lot. This is fine how it is if you want it to be the forest theme in a video game though.
  5. Doom metal to test my guitar tone & mixing...the line is from an episode of Legend of Galactic Heroes, which is a great anime btw. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/blood-will-be-smeared-across
  6. The guitar tone is good. I think if you have a bass you should play the bass instead of using a sampler (if shreddage bass is a sampler.) real is always better than fake. and I think the mixing of the drums really lacks some balls, when you're done tracking try to give the kick and snare more punch w/ EQ (mostly) & Compression...
  7. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/gothic-neclord-better-dead my friend requested this. i'm probably gonna take a break from doing these and practice guitar a while. once my chops are good enough I'll start actually submitting to the site
  8. I like this one better than your Tales one you just posted. The reason being, this one develops and keeps dragging you forward, whereas the Tales one kind of just meanders musically. Both songs sound good audio wise, maybe revisit the Tales one and see what kind of excitement you can add by changing up the arrangement a little bit more like with what you did here.
  9. It sounds like Masashi's stuff off Sigma Harmonics. Which is a huge ass compliment because that stuff sounds TIGHT I am a big fan of this soundtrack and you did it justice
  10. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/wing-commander-main-theme-no Someone requested this so I did it. Rock version
  11. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/final-fantasy-mystic-quest I know I have a lot of work to do on my mixing and guitar playing, but I like this arrangement and maybe with some work I can get it on the site. Let me know how close I am and how much work I have left to do!
  12. YOU HAVE ENCOUNTERED A VARIS I updated the mix, same link if you want to check it out. So great call on the panning. There were two issues, 1) I am a great big eejit and had the harp panned hard left along with the hi strings 2) I am a great big eejit and exported the harp and oboe from stereo to mono which really messed up the sound. So I fixed that I personally like the drum samples and the guitar distortion, however I did add additional processing to the drums (mostly eq) to get more power and punch, as well as some more eq and processing on the guitar. I was trying to get the "Snap" I hear in all the pro records on the snare. It's seemingly impossible, but I eq'd the shit out of it and it sounds pretty good to me considering I am a newb Thanks for listening!
  13. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/alundra-the-use-of-meia-mystic
  14. you're a bastard for posting this coz it's soooooooo good whoever did the mixing, give him a hand shake. i looooooooooove those fuckin drums maybe they are a bit loud though in the mix. it's like i can barely hear the guitars or anything over them. but other than that, this is tight
  15. sweet. i wish my guitar playing (and tone) sounded like that. the cover is well done with the tune matching up exactly to the original. i like how you changed it up in the middle. i thought the timpani were a bit too heavy maybe in the context of the mix. the drumset sounds amazing i followed you on sound crizzle
  16. Thanks for listening Dhsu! Yeah I am just practicing guitar and mixing right now, when I get to a level I'm happy with I'll start doing full arrangements and submitting them
  17. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/the-legend-begins-nobuo Song from one of his earlier games, Romancing Saga 2 Enjoy
  18. Here is the direct link to the song https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3/soma-bringer-rock-version
  19. thinking about submitting this to the site, what do you peeps think
  20. I like the idea with where you were going with this, but some of the harmonies at the beginning are off, at least it sounds that way to me. and while yes it is a remix, the harmonies here sounded wrong, not like a change but like a mistake in the transcription The drum parts started getting boring for me in the middle after a while. 2nd repetition f the main theme. again in the repeat of the main theme after the B part The part B sounds cool except some of the voice leading sounds a bit weird, covering up your melody etc I can see you making some really cool stuff later on down the line with some more practice... Maybe try changing up your articulations on your violin, it's not very believable. Although I know how hard it is to get a sample violin to sound decent
  21. See if you can get somebody with guitar chops to record the guitar part for you. (Someone better at guitar than me) Check out Solid Slate drums for drum samples. Everything you are using sounds MIDI computery as hell, and that is not gonna do it for anybody outside of an actual video game I agree it needs a transition in the middle Listen to some rock and metal music for how the drum parts are played/written. The drum track doesn't sound like an actual drummer is playing it, and I don't mean the velocity, but just the actual drum part. Try using a standard rock beat or variation thereof until you get the hang of drum part writing well enough to do some embellishments. Good first try and the MIDI guitar is really well sequenced....but MIDI guitar just isn't a real guitar....
  22. I really like the sounds you used for this, they really fit well together and fit the song. The mixing is clear and everything is balanced correctly and stands out... It sounds like you may have changed the voicing of some harmonies, which sounds interesting... Of course people will say it's not "remixed" enough but, unless the remixer is really good like Lulza, I normally prefer to stick closer to the original tune because the remixer's musical ideas will pale in comparison to the original composer's musical ideas... I like this Synth violin is nice. Nice change there too (B part of Chrono Trigger) Good job!
  23. https://soundcloud.com/christophercollins-3 "Soma Bringer rock version" This one of my favorite Mitsuda songs, after doing a piano performance of it I wanted to run it through my guitars and see what happened... turned out pretty decent If you like it follow me on sound cloud, I do a lot of these things
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