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Everything posted by lavosslayer

  1. This one really hurts. Until I heard "Inner Universe" I never considered listening to an anime theme outside of watching a show. That track changed all of that and to this day I have "Inner Universe" and "Rise" on rotation on my daily playlist. RIP ORiGA
  2. Really enjoyed this mix! Everything flowed so well together and felt at home on a SNES. I especially enjoyed the portion of the song from about 2:24 onward where it almost sounded like Rose's theme from Street Fighter Alpha 2. Fantastic job!
  3. HAHA yeah! sounds like "Smokin' off their self-titled album...very good point!
  4. Wow, a personal response, Well, I totally get it man, and I appreciate that you created your own thing. I wasn't expecting everything to be my cup of tea or the way I would do it cause obviously I wasn't the one doing it! lol I still enjoy the track, it just didn't go where I would have, but your totally right with "Prancing Dad" and some of those other mixes being almost perfect and very difficult to distance the sound from to be original. What you came up with still rocks my socks off, but I suppose I just like a little more "cut me into pieces and spread me out over the yard" kind of shredding when it comes to my evil mastermind final boss themes! lol
  5. Actually I was listening to it earlier today and I felt the same way. Quality work and production values but it seemed like the chaotic aura that comes with that source track was unfortunately missing. I still like and appreciate what we got but I think a little more doom and gloom in the sound to compliment the chugging guitars would have pushed it to the next level! Still, overall I'm totally happy with what we got from this release and will be listening to it plenty in the next couple months!
  6. ok, I finally just finished Disc 2...wow...that entire Opera sequence from "The Nightmare Oath (Overture) through Till We Meet Again (Aria de Messo Carattere) was just fantastic! If there was any one spot of the soundtrack I was more unsure of with this album being made it was that part and you all did a fantastic job! "The Impressario" coming out as my favorite of the three tracks (definitely the Queen influence as many have stated). Still coming down off the nostalgia high!
  7. Anyone else get a Ghost in The Shell "Inner Universe by Origa" vibe from the Smoke and Clouds track on disc 1? Not that I mind cause that's one of my most favorite anime tracks ever, but it had a very similar vibe to me as this remix. Great job btw to the whole crew!! I'm so glad this album is rockin' it! I can't wait to get my hard copy of FF Remix discs I got from the kickstarter!
  8. I just can't do it, most remixes on this site make sense to me in some way or I can see what they were going for. This one takes probably one of Nobuo Uematsu's greatest musical triumphs and completely obliterates it. I will state this up front, I am not a fan of rap and most of it I find completely irritating (so there is no doubt some bias), but I understand its purpose and function. (For example the Asterix Niggaz 4 Life remix is fun despite its genre due to its originality and goofy lyrics). I realize this remix is rather old and I hate posting negative reviews, but I felt like I needed to say something about this one in particular because of how much it truly bothered me.
  9. Wow this is totally EPIC!!! I loved the Relics of the Chozo remix album for Super Metroid, but I have to say that if this guy did a full remix album of Super Metroid Himself, I wouldn't complain!
  10. I'm loving every second of this... medleys are always a bit of a chore but VHD pulls this one off really, really well! I'm a very content FF6 fan right now!
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