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Everything posted by Orion

  1. I was wanting to compile a chiptune album for Christmas. Anyone want to join in? Here's my effort https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/greensleeveschip https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/emmetotterjugbandfamilychip
  2. Boss battle for a platformer... it's actually a moss battle. https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/frogatto-fly-boss
  3. https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/monacle-man-melody
  4. yea haha. I kind of agree with you there. The piece loses a bit of steam and i felt like i may have overextended the rhythm to make up for it and added some percussive choices that may not benefit the melody or development quite as much as I'd like. I like the way it sounds but I am not quite sure it's an effective way to make the piece work. I actually would prefer to leave the piano chords back b/c it lends itself more readily to dynamic change to begin a piece with quieter dynamics and then provide a nice powerful moment where everything comes together late ron. When the 30 second period jumps in, it creates a far greater sense of power and really heightens the drama of the piece, which is precisely what I was intending to do . This is why I'll typically leave the intro of a piece a little sparser to start out with and build as I go. Thanks for your thoughts
  5. If someone asks me how to MAKE it as a musician... I would probably tell them to Write music because you love to do it and b/c it gives you a sense of purpose and happiness to create. If it turns into something else then it is a great gift. But write to write, mainly. For the benefit it provides in the moment and for the memory of the experience. For many it gives their lives meaning and structure to do art. I probably belong to this camp myself. THIS.
  6. I've always been interested in integrating chipsounds with more traditional instrumentation. Just trying to perfect the sense of balance between parts.
  7. Classical Chip https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/adventurestuffchip
  8. Chiptrack minimilism https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/orion-minimilismfin
  9. Rpg theme with new orchestral samples https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/stringexperimentsno-1
  10. rpg graveyrdddd https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/evil-graveyard
  11. I wouldn't recommend learning basslines from Victor Wooten unless one is up to the challenge. His level of skill and virtuosic playing style is not great for beginners... That being said, I'd totally do it anyway b.c Victor Wooten is awesome and b/c CAKE.
  12. I've been invited to play in a chiptune festival in Los Angeles in January. Plan on making it happen. I am working on my set. Any crits or advice would be greatly appreciated! 1)https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/frequency-3-0-track-1 INTRO - definitely 2)https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/symphony-no-1-melody-outline Sorta-reprisal of track 1) 3)https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/8bitness (not sure about this one yet) 4)https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/funkynight (hasn't been converted to 8 bit sound fonts yet) 5)https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/chip-and-bass (pretty sure about this one) 6)https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/littleasianjazzmelody (not sure about this one yet) 7)https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/frogattobossbattlespastic (pretty sure about this one) https://soundcloud.com/ryanreilly/frogattodreamadventure (definitely sure about this one)
  13. greenlights are pretty. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=181850301 also some more stuff. https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/things1-wip
  14. Here's some stuff. It's more built upon the idea of a cue than a piece of music that loops. I can't really figure out what I want to do with it. It's kind of like a "spelunking for treasure in a mummy's tomb" sort of vibe. thing. stuff. https://soundcloud.com/crystalkingdom/cemetaryevil
  15. It'd probably be better if each update during the course of a day were consolidated into a single daily update. 1 update a day is more than plenty. It really seems a little disorganized (and this is something I need to work on for my own work) and inefficient to have so many releases so often.
  16. I like music b/c it is something that I like that provides me with great value without the need to understand why. The first time I heard it, I understood its significance without knowing why. It was something that I could make my own that no one could ever take away. Finding out what makes it tick is just icing on the cake.
  17. What sound fonts are you using? They sound really nice
  18. That ONE guy - BUTTMACHINE
  19. I'd be willing to contribute some tunes from Suikoden 2
  20. Oh sure! That sounds really cool and I'd be honored to serve as an example in your thesis.

  21. Sure Paul. That sounds like fun. Which 'exploration' and 'medley' pieces are you referring to?

    You're kind of getting me excited now. Is this a class for game composition?

  22. Thanks for your thoughts, Paul. I will try to keep refining
  23. Good points. It's because of guys like you that I have improved. ... Oh BOO. lol. (u poophead) Dedication is making a 15 minute Megaman remix track that you know will never make anyone's playlist. Tbh, I wrote this piece in a few hours. It took me several days of writing for the megaman competition. lmao
  24. I apologize to the guys on my team. I really didn't find out I was 'UP' until late in the week. By which time I already had plans for paying work lined up and on a deadline. Also there was some unexpected irl stuff that had to come first. I'll just have to bring it the next time I'm up.
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