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Everything posted by DimWiddy

  1. Back in 2013 I used to do a lot of Mega Man styled original music for various projects. Now all those projects are dead, so the music is MINE! Hope y'all enjoy. https://soundcloud.com/dimwiddy/sets/dimmers-mega-dump
  2. Marshal! You know... from Rhythm Heaven...? Yeah, I'm one of them.
  3. Wow, looking at the votes is real... gratifying! You guys are so nice! This is probably the most pleasant "last place" I've gotten!
  4. I coulda sworn I did that already... anyways, here it is! Update: panicked and submitted on my old account instead! I'll have to PM you earlier before the deadline next time!
  5. PMed Rama my entry.
  6. Well, uh, just thought you ought to know I'm doin' a thing for this too!
  7. Ohhh man... one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite OSTs...
  8. Tsk, tsk, tsk! You missed out on some quality tunes, bud. Nevertheless, I'll try to find a source next time that's more accessible.
  9. I'm rarin' to go as well! Too bad Flipper Flop didn't get any love, though...
  10. Whaaaaat? I had a losing speech prepared and everything! Seriously, though, this was way unexpected... thanks, you guys!
  11. I'd like to change my name from Agrippa to DimWiddy, if it's all right with y'all.
  12. So does that mean that I can delete my ThaSauce upload and resubmit tomorrow with some improvements?
  13. Ooh, boy. Maybe this'll be what finally motivates me to learn a thing or two about sound design. All right, you've got me hooked. Let's do dis.
  14. +1 Studio Ghibli presents EVERYTHING. I think that Pokemon is especially fitting for the slow, nuanced style of Hayao Miyazaki.
  15. Hey, I'd like to change my username to "Agrippa"--you know, like the ancient Roman politician. "FiscallyInvisible," though an interesting name, is just too long.
  16. Hey, that was a good listen! Good melodies you got there. The synth that comes in at 0:14 is a little loud though, if you ask me. I imagine you're working on that already though, right?
  17. Yes. Yes. This changes everything. Thank you so much! This is precisely what I was looking for!
  18. Ho boy. Now I feel silly Anyways, thanks very much! I'll have to dust off the ol' Casio. However, I do try to create an automation clip, but it doesn't work--i.e., I right-click on a knob on a synth, select "create automation clip," and it says I need producer edition. How do you create an automation clip, if not in this way?
  19. Looks like automation clips are only possible in producer edition... hmm... is there any other way to do this than with an automation clip? That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! I think that the word I was looking for was modulation. Here's an example: Those staccato synths have the thing I'm looking for. I have a few synths that do this, but their modulation pattern (if that's the right term) starts over at the beginning of each note. How do I get it so that modulation changes over the span of multiple notes as in the example? Is this also an automation track thing?
  20. Okay, I'm a complete newbie at this. Listening to the mixes around here, I've already found some effects I want to learn. If you don't know how to do them, even knowing their names can help me. 1. You know this remix? http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02663/ What is that "muffled" effect called, and can it be achieved in FL Studio (Fruity Version, particularly)? And how do you increase/decrease it over time? 2. How can I change EQ over time, similar to how it is done here: 3. How can I get one waveform/synth to "phase" into another one? If you have any other effects you could tell me about, please do let me know! I wanna expand my palette as far as I can. I have the funds to upgrade, so I will if it's necessary to get these effects.
  21. Hoo boy, that's a tough one to follow. I'm Will Collins, just a wee lad of 17. Mostly I write real, portable-to-Famicom chiptunes (did I mention they're REALLY REAL?) such as THIS one, but recently, as in about a week ago, I ran across the Great Robot Master Remix Battles and stuff, and thought that would be a fun thing to do. Currently I'm in the process of learning to use FL Studio 11, so hopefully I'll be up and running and ready to compete by next year... I got started writing music about 3 years ago when I wanted to make a fan game having to do with a certain blue guy who shoots lemons. I got as far as writing the soundtrack and designing the characters and then I got bored of it and quit, but I sure as hell learned to make a good melody. I still do that sort of thing, for other people's projects, and I often partake in OHCs down at ThaSauce under the username hectictesseract. Oh, and I guess I should link you to my profile on the Famitracker Forums too, for any other chiptune guys.
  22. HAH! ALL my compositions are "pretty good," puny mortal. Okay, seriously. I've done tons of Mega Man fan songs, but let's not count them... THIS is my first "legitimate" original, made just 6 months ago! This is when I really realized I could write completely original originals (not fan-compositions or nothin') and not just fall on my face. Hey, but you might see a few Mega-styled originals from me around here anyways...
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