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Everything posted by JJT

  1. i'll try and spell things out a little more for you. the busy sections are cluttered, so here's what you do. 1) REMOVE ELEMENTS THAT ARE CLUTTERING THE MIX 2) EQ THE REMAINING ELEMENTS SO THAT THEY'RE NOT CROWDING THE SAME FREQUENCIES 3) ADJUST THE PANNING At 2:07, what am I supposed to be listening to? the guitar, the strings, or the brass? they're all inhabiting the same space in the stereofield, and roughly the same frequency range. At about 2:55, a synth horn takes up the melody, but it's competing with the guitar, which is way up front, the backing strings, which are occupying the same frequency range, and a solo string line which is panned close to everything else. It's chaotic There's no quick fix for this. It takes a lot of time and experimentation to learn the finer points of production, especially when you have a mix as dense as this one is. I wish I could give you a bunch of tips like "drop a highpass filter at X frequency range etc etc etc" but I am not that gifted as a recording engineer. EDIT: One thing I forgot to add. When you're eq'ing 95% of the time you want to CUT frequencies as opposed to boosting them. I didn't figure that one out for awhile
  2. adapting this part of the OST into something listenable is an accomplishment. YES
  3. I YES'd this even when the brass was terrible. The horns have now been upgraded to "not embarassingly bad," so I'm not gonna dwell on this vote anymore. Nice work. YES
  4. david, as i said earlier, the snare isn't a deal breaker for me. at all. the biggest problem with the track is how dense and cluttered things get. applying lots of compression isn't going to help that much. i would work on eq'ing and panning the various elements in the busy sections so that it's easy to tell what's supposed to be in the foreground, and what's supposed to be in the background.
  5. for serious this time..................... dot dot dotdodtodtodtodotdtodotdtodtodtodtodtodt
  6. should sephfire refer to himself in the third person? also, no.
  7. Call off your dogs, Jimmy. David, I'll take a look at this when I've got a moment.
  8. If this thread were Blade: Trinity you would be the forced, unfunny Ryan Reynolds character.
  9. http://fishy.escariot.net/public/Hurry4.mp3 Cain wanted me to make sure this version is what's being judged. edit: easy pass. things do start out a little coverish, but both the arrangement and the awesomeness expand as the track progresses. this is a great debut track. sometimes when i listen to your stuff cain, i wonder where you came from, and why? perhaps you were sent by some higher power to teach us lessons about love and honor, before departing as abruptly as you appeared... what was I talking about again? oh, YES
  10. another mix i'm working on....this could stay as piano-only or get upgraded to a full rhythm section. anyway, i thought some peeps might be interested in seeing this: http://www.championvinyl.net/guardia.mov
  11. sounds pretty good, but what's the point of making it exactly like the original?
  12. i thought there was too much trance. of the global variety.
  13. i've gone through phases where i've tried to hang around the WIP boards, but generally it's too daunting. my most constructive WIP sessions were definitely before i took on the judging mantle.
  14. yeah, that totally didn't happen with this one.
  15. battletoads is amazing. if you like puzzle games, look no further than lolo3.
  16. that is exactly what a real organ sounds like. you've gotta be kidding me.
  17. youtube. look up the bad plus covering "flim." that's a pretty sweet video.
  18. i agree with shariq re: liberal arrangement and poor structure. i don't think he's out of line using the word "boring"-- i'm having a hard time staying focused on it myself. the textures sound pretty weak, especially the piano and that brass sample near the middle. still, they're nos as weak as the arrangement is. it's overlong, meandering, and just kind of fades out at the end. in the future it will help for you to cut your arrangement down to its best ideas, and spend less time presenting them. there's way too much space and nothing going on dynamically. if you skip randomly around the mp3, you're always going to find the same textures playing at the same intensity. this is what purgatory sounds like. NO
  19. brass hurt. owowowowwowowow. fantastic arrangement. terrible brass samples. there's gotta be better ones available for free on the net. at the very least, there HAS to be something better on crappy sites like hammersound.net man. anyway. given how skillful the arrangement and partwriting are, i'm reluctant to NO this. actually i can't. keep in mind that in the future, the difference between 'good enough' and 'fantastic' is gonna lie in your sample quality, and skill as a producer. YES
  20. i gave them small pox. it'll be a matter of days.
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