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Brandon Strader

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    1. Not Interested or Available
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
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  1. 1. Never reeeeaally got back to you yet about 'Poop.' or any of your other 100+ submissions on the site within the past few months. XD

    overall I love it a lot, and after a tough past few months it hit the spot.

    Also, congrats on the Commando album. groovy as fuck. ha ha haa, djent djent djent djeeeent.

    2. oh man... if you really name it 'Liberation' I will be honored as muhfugga.

    3. buuuut you of all people should know that I hardly know anything about FF so it'd be weird for me to join that compo. XD

    plus I promised myself I'd get other things outta the way first (my own music, I promised HoBo stuff for his compo, the MM album, etc...)

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