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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I had to sleep before work and haven't gotten to it yet, but it's OK. You guys don't want to know what you'll be mixing with too soon. That would be an unfair advantage. :')
  2. Now THIS is exciting news: http://www.techradar.com/us/news/gaming/consoles/new-ps4-games-reportedly-being-announced-on-november-14-1196569 TLDR; More PS4 games being announced before launch
  3. I will shamefully admit that I was a fan of wizard rock for a while.
  4. After flipping the coin several times and coming right down to the wire with heads, tails, tails, heads.... the final flip was... tails. So Timaeus gets Penelo... and Hakstock moves down to Basch. And we've got our solidified roster!
  5. We can hold you on retainer in case someone needs to drop out. I think that would be ok. Sorry you didn't get in, too slow! ;p I got so used to saying EDT though. Just waiting for one of the conflicting participants to claim heads or tails... the result will still be completely random anyway, but this should be a fun way to resolve it.
  6. OOOOH SNAP, Ladies and Gentleman! Our last challenger is in, which means we can start on Sunday at midnight EDT -- HOWEVER!!! A coin flip is needed, so I will be using a standard issue American quarter. I will allow one of you to choose heads or tails. If you win the coin flip, you get to keep your #1, but if you lose, you'll need to go to your second choice, and that hopefully won't lead to any other conflicts. x_x So... HEADS OR TAILS? First person to answer gets it! EDIT: Just to make it super fair, we'll do best 2 out of 3 coin tosses.
  7. I'm not the person to ask about the usual time, I've done a final mix anywhere between 5 hours and over a month.
  8. Having a subforum would definitely be a huge help for you, with 3 analysts.
  9. There's only 1 spot left, so hopefully you're quick before someone else gets in.. we had 3 slots fill last night :-o!

  10. YUP!! You stealth-weaseled your way in, and there's only one spot left. Thank you so much to the 3 folks who put up lists last night. I've added them to the roster. Now, we just wait for one more person, which should be easy. If we manage to get him/her early before Sunday, I can try to quickly get everything else ready (the randomized brackets, maybe even some of the images) to get this started on Sunday night at midnight EDT.
  11. I don't think it will! FF3 is official and we never even got a subforum. You might have to find another system. It's easier doing it on my own, cause I can just listen to something immediately as it is sent, and then label it a wip and put it in my wip folder. But there have been complaints that nobody else can hear any of the mixes, but it's out of my control.
  12. Yo BrushFire Surely you pre-ordered Cod: Ghosts so you could get the exlusive
  13. If someone has to go beyond their 3 choices because of coin flip losses, yes, I'll probably have to pm them to get new choices. It shouldn't be too bad of a deal, there's still a lot of great stuff to choose from. There are no conflicts yet, so theoretically everyone currently has their 1st choice. But if someone conflicts out of the next 4 people we get, we may need the coin flips.
  14. LADIES AND GENTLEMAN Carl is about to go on duty once more
  15. If it takes until Sunday to get 24 people, it'll start the next Sunday that night at midnight EDT, so... the 17th? But if we get 24 in like 2 days I could mad dash to get it all prepared in time for the 10th (technically the 11th)

  16. Don't worry, go ahead and make your picks. We only need like 4 more people to get this going. There's a list of what people chose in the spreadsheet in the first post, if you just pick something that isn't someone else's first pick, it will be fine. Don't worry! Just have fun with it and make something cool. Just by participating you'll be a WINNAR. Edit: this document and click on "Roster" DarkeSword gave me a cool idea for the 24 option, it will be made clear soon enough! I hope you guys like it.
  17. You wanna compo? Only need 4 more people! Bring a friend! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45311

  18. I thought it might be reacting to my face and I tried to smile but nothing happened *shrug*
  19. djp talked about the track in the last OCR Talkback he was on. I think he's giving it a good try, hopefully he won't have to start from scratch with a new concept like he did on ff6.
  20. Do you mean with EXP Share or the daycare? Or do you mean that their level just is higher when you get to a new area? I've noticed that but I thought it made sense since I'm at like level 30 with my pokemons and I'm stuck fighting level 14 sometimes :/ But then I go to another area and they're maybe level 18? It's still not good but it makes the game really easy. I beat the first gym with a wild pikachu I caught. If I had used my torchic or even donger (my froakie) I would have destroyed it 3x as fast I still kinda giggle when donger uses pound
  21. ...we should try to hit at least 24 people by next Sunday, anyway! So call in your favors with remixing buddies if you need to, and let's make this kick butt. And to clear up any worries about not "being good enough" or anything like that, don't worry about that. This isn't about winning and it's not about making the perfect song. At its core this competition is about learning, and practicing. It's unusual to finish a whole mix in a week, and all the polish involved, but this competition can help you start learning your own mental shorthand that could help you out a lot in the long run. It helped me (With DarkeSword's compos, and One Hour Compo on ThaSauce) That's probably why I have so many mixes on OCR. :-/ So please, do not be upset, you will do great -- all you have to do is list your picks!
  22. You know there's a lot of other albums that came out and will be coming out until this one does, or do you only plan on coming to OCR for this one album, then never coming back?
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