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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. That is a fantastic idea! :-D I think I'll try to do that, since it really doesn't look like we can get 32 people. I think we're at 18 or so now.

  2. Argh! Got your pm I'll add you soon. Might even add The Vile Cat. Already added The Ste Vo.
  3. Yar you might not always get screwed up but there's a chance you could, and I personally don't wanna take that chance! It might not be a big deal for other peeps but I'm 9 hours in and haven't even hit the second gym yet. I'm taking my time and I don't wanna play it over again Was just warning people gawsh
  4. That sounds more complicated than if we just got 32 people. I hope some more step forward.
  5. Do not use Wonder Trade http://www.pretendo.co/wonder-trade-pokemon-x-y-hacked-badly-use/
  6. It is an error the staff is trying to get fixed. Working with the digital retailers takes a way too long time which is out of OCR Staff's control. This is $11.88 the OCR album is $9.99, I have good taste in music so I chose to buy this first but I think THE ANSWER IS OBVIOUS about whether you should buy the OCR album (the answer is yes.)
  7. Sort of a gag cause I failed at basic math earlier in the thread, but thank you - I now know who to ask if I need help.
  8. Yeah, I don't really like it. It has that Whedon camp that I find unbearable. That music was awesome though.
  9. HOLY SHIT WE'RE RICH!!!! yay I hope I get a cut of that cent when it's split some 30 ways
  10. I actually drew a poor man's bracket in MS Paint after those nice fellers pointed out that 24 wouldn't work, and they were right. I apologize for the confusion, it's purely based on lack of sleep and not being good at math.DarkeSword also sent me that random link, I'm not worried about the randomization at all... just needs to make sure the maths checks out. The seeded bracket thing looks sweet, depends on how many more people step forward. BUT I really have no idea how that would work.
  11. I'm bad at math tho. Top 3 is fine. Or top 5, whichever you want to do. Hmm might be tough to wrangle 32 people together but I hope we can do it. Get the word out!
  12. Huh, no. That's probably a theme from a sequel or spinoff (or prequel!) We are focusing on character themes from the main numbered FF titles.
  13. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/randomencounter/careless-juja-video-game-music This has 3 days left, and is very close. It could use some help. It's worth it.
  14. I'm SERIOUSLY considering switching Sephiroth to "Those Chosen by the Planet", but will need to consult with anyone who chose that as an alternate. I don't believe anyone chose it as a main choice yet. I made the spreadsheet for choices, you can find it inside of the other spreadsheet link. There's now a button for "Sources" and "Roster". I didn't realize it would work that way, but there it is. IMPORTANT -- We have 18 people. We need 32 now. So as soon as we hit that, we're good to go, and may start as soon as Sunday night, the 10th, at midnight (technically Monday). We will be using EDT.
  15. Would OCR give some kind of special coverage to a mix that was produced for considerable cash (studio time, etc) I know they've posted 'music video' for mix in the past, on the front, but if none is available, I wonder what kind of thing you guys would do, or if you would even do anything at all apart from just a normal mix post
  16. My picks *gasp*! 1. Hope (FF13) 2. Lulu (FF10) 3. Julia (FF8) 4. Steiner (FF9) 5. Celes (FF6) edit: Sorry, I'm so scatterbrained I keep double posting lately. :-/
  17. This is answered in the first post! "Collaborations with and contributions from outside artists are allowed, but the primary artist must be the actual competitor." Don't worry, there are no stupid questions Nope. That's really not fair to the characters who only have 1 theme. So if you consult the character list I posted, and see someone who has multiple themes, the one that I have linked there is probably the approved theme. In the case of Sephiroth it's just One Winged Angel. Technically it's a boss theme, if anyone feels that is wrong, we can switch it over to something that isn't a boss theme which also represents Sephiroth.
  18. Hey! did you make the image for FFCC group? It's nice. I need to figure out how I'm going to make the graphics. I assume it's ok to use official artwork? Or would that be a problem with SE?

    Also -- we have 17 people, so we're above 16. What was the next number of people we need to stop at? It's 24 isn't it? I think that's what we should do.

  19. So it worked out positively? That's.... unusually lucky, but congrats.
  20. I think they didn't do one because they just did one on the 29th
  21. I came in like a wrecking ball....
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