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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I love ganf almost as much as I love lamp
  2. If y'all don't think I'm doing too much already, I'd be up for it. I love project management, took a class in it, and did very well.
  3. Man, this is a good cause, I wish I could be one of those gamers playing for 25 hours. Good luck and I hope it goes well
  4. I was thinking it'd start at midnight on Sunday (technically Monday) the 10th/11th. :-P IT stinks that you're too busy :cry: now i'm on my own...!

  5. Hey! Please don't cut me from Vroom. When is the deadline? Now that I am out of the immediate deadlines I should have more wiggle room to finish stuff but I need to finish FF2 ASAP, you understand. One of my Vroom tracks is done, just needs a final tweak and wav export. 2014 is the year of rock and metal for me, we got this

  6. Did the OCR Staffs Secretly Tell You That Temporal Duality Is Coming Out Next? I Would Have Thought It'd Be SM64 Or Something. *Shrug*

    Anyway, wanna make graphics for the FFCC compo? And also freakin' enter it? I kept trying to remember to invite you personally but then forgot. Please :-D

  7. I can do this fairly soon, maybe tonight. It's something I'll need to make when we are preparing the brackets anyway. I hope you don't mind if I don't put a super rush on it right this second. Very excited, but also a little anxious, about this competition. I hope it goes smoothly and everyone has a good time. We need some graphics made. I'm gonna talk to people and see what we can come up with. The original plan was for me to paint it, but I don't think we'll have time for that.
  8. Hmm, "Affection State" made the one that I thought was zircon. No idea who that is. Probably an ALIAS. An alias for zircon.
  9. I don't think I will 100% rule this out, but it's unlikely I'll enter. But it could happen. Good luck to all who can enter and have fun, most importantly.
  10. Thanks for posting that, Hakstock. I'll let you make the thread for Blaster Master month. We can share duties. I'll get December.
  11. I wouldn't work for free on somethin' not for OCR, especially if it's going to be monetized. People who promise "exposure" are often full of manure, but if you're having fun and into it that's all that matters. :-)

  12. Sweet! This is going to be an amazing competition! @MindWanderer: I'll let you have those picks! If we can have Chocobos and Moogles, then why not the dragon from FF5. It's as intelligent and useful as a Chocobo, and expresses as much emotional depth. Just to note, if anyone wants to choose Boko, they're allowed to. That's covered under Chocobo, though. So if someone chooses that, that's it for Chocobo characters. Similarly, if someone chooses Mog/Moogle from FF6, that's it for Mogs. If they choose FF9, that's it for Mogs. We're only gonna have 1 representation for Moogles. These smaller, weaker characters such as the Moogles end up being the most diverse claim because some of their themes from the different games are diverse. However, keep in mind you can only mix ONE theme. You can't mix the Mog themes from FF6 and FF9. Only one of those.
  13. Wasn't there an old idea to make an OCR label at some point for remixers, but maybe for their original music? I remember hearing something like that. NOt that it really has anything to do with the current topic.
  14. @Avaris - You'd get 1 week to remix and 1 week to vote, then if you survive the voting, you'll mix again I'll let you have that source for Kain.
  15. Most of us lived through the 90s and were familiar with Reel Big Fish .....most of us....
  16. The CD hasn't been printed yet. If you order it now, it will be shipped out after it is printed and ready to go.
  17. That is correct! The goal of the compo is to pit characters against characters, not bosses against characters! Yes, my list was just me going through the OSTs and picking out character themes that I recognized. Zorn and Thorn are included because they share the same theme and are basically a yin yang character, two that are never separated and might as well be 1 person. As for including The Turks, Rebel Army, or The Returners... that's not a character, that's a mob. The choices are pretty specific. I didn't include Jenova because her only activity is in battles, for the rest of the game she is an inanimate object, cells, DNA, what have you.
  18. I love this thread, it's all just remixers posting their own work XD
  19. We've got 7 people and need a lot more, so spread the word if you can! If it looks like we just get 16 people, then that'll be that.
  20. Can you pick a new #3? It's only the main numbered FF, no sequels or spinoffs. Hopefully you don't need a #3 anyway, but just to be safe! Ok, Gilgamesh is a go if someone wants to choose that as one of their picks. ALSO, the Google Doc is ready with the Character list, ninja editing it into the other links! Check first post.
  21. I did some research and Gilgamesh is more of a boss. I didn't want this to turn into "BadAss: Boss Themes the Compo" so I didn't list that, but if someone wants to put Gilgamesh on their list then we'll need to figure out if it can fly, but I'm hoping nobody does. Working on it, thanks!
  22. A week of mixing followed by a week of voting, then the people who continue do a week of mixing, then another week of voting. I think that's how it works, so people would get a week to remix and a week off to vote. The pace isn't too bad there, and it helps keep it consistent and fair. I know there are some days of the week I'm more available than others, so it helps to keep it even. I'm thinking Sunday at midnight to the following Sunday midnight EST.
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