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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Yeah, and it's sold something like 4 million... square enix would probably consider that a failure, haha. But to be fair square enix isn't doing so well.
  2. I should have said save Nintendo, not Wii U
  3. Because it's important. My enjoyment of the system is based on it.. existing, and striving, and having third party support, and having good releases from Nintendo.
  4. Yeah, at least for me, Nintendo lost the gamble. I'm gonna have PS4 and Knack on day 1 Everyone kept saying, oh Pikmin 3 will be a system seller, oh Wonderful 101 will be a system seller, then these games came and went, I think Pikmin 3 shifted something like 480,000 copies and The Wonderful 101 something around... 60,000 copies? Worldwide? Definitely not a system seller, and it bombed particularly hard in Japan. It's at the point where Nintendo needs to do something huge to save the Wii U. Revive an old IP, or bring a full fledged HD Pokemon RPG to the Wii U. Maybe even release a Pokemon MMO on PC. And basically... release their games on other consoles and systems.
  5. Please, let the women speak for themselves. The thread is specifically seeking active people with demos, and I should throw this in there too, that would be interested in collaborating with the common folk. *prods brOA in the bicep* *throws a banana in front of timaeus' walking path*
  6. Hey! I JUST remembered but I sent money to someone recently through Paypal and didn't have to pay any fees. You click on "I'm sending money to friends or family" and in order for it to not have fees I think you have to use a bank account. That's the only thing it'll work with, I think. Worth looking into. Better to either keep your money or have the person you're sendin' moneys to get all of their moneys. Don't let them negros at Paypal steal your money cause they don't deserve it! That's all, hope it helps in the future with the music business and everything. Speaking of, any new clients? :-(

  7. I, too, hope more people give it a listen. I hope I didn't scare people away with my song (which I thought was good but apparently is totally turning people off) for that I apologize. I really like the album and I think it flows great. The songs are fantastic and you all did such a great job. Can't even pick a favorite, it's just all of them. It's SHORT Enough that you can listen to the whole thing, very good. Perfect length I think.
  8. Just as a sort of roll call, who out there is a talented female singer and would maybe like to share a demo? Not just for me, but for anyone who may be seeking help from a female vocalist. It's the HARDEST SOUND to find in the community, because EVERYONE plays the Sousaphone -- but it's rare to find a talented female singer. Just because they are so rare in the community. (Females in general). So, sound off! And I know the website has a "collaborator search" type functionality, but I'm specifically looking for active people who hopefully have audio demos.
  9. Yup! Well mine are already written. I just finished recording the rhythm guitars for Together Forever (Season of the Witch), and it's totally symphonic black metal. Really awesome, heavy brass, fully articulated orchestra (4 violins, 4 violas, 2 cellos, 2 basses, and so on) The structure is kinda similar to Vampire's Kiss but the similarities are only superficial. It starts out with a Nicolas Cage clip, some heaviness, another cool acoustic break, and ends with more heaviness. I really like it, I think it'll be the star of the 2 songs. Used the 6-string in D Standard, that's what I always did for black metal. Using a 7-string throws off the bar chord goodness. Calling from Heaven (City of Angels) will use the 7-string though, and be a little more straight forward and heavy. It'll be the real heavy track whereas this one is the kind of artsy one. edit: and finished solos/leads on togetha foreva (7.56 AM 10/24) edit: getting close to done with rhythms for the OTHER song! Chernabogue KNOWS MY PLANS! But it's good that things are coming together nicely. edit: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13741915/wips/guitarcry.mp3 lol my guitar cried like a baby cause i hurt it. it's so sad
  10. Guys, please pledge to this, you won't be charged for 8 days. You can save up, and be ready to drop some money by that time...
  11. Holy shit, Mario murders Goombas then wears their flesh to scare off other Goombas
  12. That pissed me off so hard. I think they had it set to like 1 month or 3 months and if you didn't log in, your account was deleted or disabled or something. That's why I had so many accounts.
  13. For me I can't even remember. I was burning ocremixes on CDs before most of you even knew what a computer was. I remember I had an awesome burnt remix CD that ended with Spekkosaurous's The Trial in Concert, and it had Sgt. Rama's Green Greens mix.. and a bunch of others.. That was probably at least 10 years ago. But by that time I had a whole CD's worth of favorites (I remember the CD was so full the last track glitched out a bit near the end) I had an account that predates this one, which was a combination of 3 other accounts that Liontamer combined when I returned in 2009. My account from before this one had multiple names because there was a version of the forum that let you change it. I don't remember what the final name was, but one of the names I used a lot was "bo0ey" or some form of that, like djbo0ey. It was so long ago that nobody remembers and I've never been made fun of about it like djzircon. Booey is my IRL nickname. So it even predates Oinkness. The mix that kept me here for the most part was Jared Hudson's Metal Gear May Cry.
  14. Dude I'm sorry but the final WON is my favorite remix of all time, second favorite is Moksha Win. That's just how it is. I might even name the FF3 album "Liberation"

  15. Sweet, thanks! What is 08/14? That's August 2014 right? I appreciate it I never forget the remixes I need to make and frequent reminders can just depress me, when I am tied down and frantically working to meet other deadlines. D: But I'm trying to get out of that. I want 2014 to be a year where I can focus on personal stuff, so I won't be taking on nearly as much public works. Or like I said, if I do, I want to be able to finish everything within a week or so of claiming (or in a reasonable amount of time).
  16. Artist isn't done with cover, we got wiggle room. No real deadline. Thought it'd be done by now but it ain't. D:

  17. Oh man, today didn't go as planned, but you can be DURN sure I'll be on this like flies on poop tonight.
  18. I don't know how busy you are but do you think you'd be up for collabing on a Commando Man mix (mixed with another source maybe) to go on my Commando Man EP that I'll release on Bandcamp (like The Wettening, if you heard that one)

    I only have 3 songs for it and I kinda need more. At least a couple more. So I thought I'd see if you're interested!~

    It'd be pay what you want, anything donated would go straight to coffee fund. I think I got a total of $40 in donations for The Wettening, not including what they took in revenue share *shrug*

  19. Preview it: Download it: http://bionic.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Bionic_Commando_ReMixed_-_OK,_We'll_Groove.torrent I stepped in to help finish the album on October 31st, 2012, when it was announced that the project may face cancellation. I did NOT want that to happen! I hope you will find, like I did, that the music created by these talented and dedicated individuals was worth fighting hard for. Thank you so much to everyone who worked on this album (even those from years ago who are not on the final) and, of course, John Revoredo (with an assist from WillRock) who founded the original Bionic Commando album. The love for this great game felt by these artists is admirable, and has created a memorable album. We hope you enjoy it! - Brandon Strader ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01. "Rearming Commandus" Arranger: Rockos Composer: Junko Tamiya Source: "Prologue" Rockos: Bionic Commando: A game I never played. But still, who cares if I did play it or not? The fact is that the music from this game is really cool, like many other NES games. This is why this game deserves so much love from the community. Also, I got a personal invite from Brandon and I thank him for doing so. I had a lot of fun and I'm sure others did as well! I also thank those who took time to listen to this remix, and the whole album. 02. "Proceed Without Caution" Arranger: Sir_NutS Composer: Harumi Fujita Source: "Bionic Commando Theme" Sir_NutS: What does this game means to me? It means my childhood, it means my friends back then, some of them who I'll never be able to see again, but whom I can visit from time to time through this game. When I play it, I'm that 7-year-old kid sitting cross-legged in front of the TV, NES controller in hand, at his friend's house. It's the same as perceiving a particular smell that reminds you of some point in your life, or watching old pictures. I feel like I'm back there again. I wanted to give my best to this project because of that. It has real meaning for me. Later, gang! 03. "Gridlock" Arranger: Brandon Strader Composer: Junko Tamiya Source: "OK, We'll Move" Brandon Strader: I know my song sticks out like a sore thumb, but I wanted to select a very particular type of talented individual to make this the best album it could be, and didn't want to make a new remix -- I really like this one. My song was finished in March 2011, but was subsequently updated a lot of times. It was my first attempt at djent with severely downtuned guitars and bass, and I feel it is pretty close to what you'd hear in the real djent scene! I became familiar with Bionic Commando through this project and I hope others have and will too. 04. "Noochy Zone" Arranger: Phonetic Hero Composer: Junko Tamiya Sources: "Among Allies" & "Heat Wave" Phonetic Hero: Brandon contacted me about this track in like October or something like that, and I farted out the first 45 seconds or so in about an hour. Then this track stagnated hard, and I couldn't come up with anything for a looooong time. Then I wrote up to about the halfway point of the mix around March 2013, and then it stagnated hard, and I couldn't come up with anything for a looooong time. Then I finished out the structure, screwed with the synth solo and was finally done. The minimalism and what-the-lovery of the source tunes' structure and the quality of the remixes on this album should be ample proof that the quality of a remix has little to do with the quality of a source. On Facebook, I probably complained to everyone on OCR about this track because of all the problems I was having with it, but I think that despite quite a bit of liberal flair (though it should still be OCR-acceptable), this remix turned out to be one of my best yet. 05. "The Fairest Time to Fight" Arranger: WillRock Composer: Junko Tamiya Source: "Leap of Faith" WillRock: Back when I first joined OCR, John Revoredo asked me to help him co-direct the Bionic Commando project and do a remix of one of the tracks. I picked Area 2, and did an upbeat electronic style track. For a time, I helped John co-direct the project, and then as John became more busy with school and work, I ended up being the main director of the project. Eventually, John had to bow out of the project for personal reasons, and I was left with the main directional duties. Sadly, I didn't have the time to do it, so I ended up giving the project to someone else who would see it through to completion. This person was Brandon Strader, who has done an admirable job since I gave him the project. Since then, I've had less to do with the directional duties for the project, but I did end up revising my track in an attempt to bring it up to my current production standards. Yes, the project has been going for that long. So… now the project is nearing completion, finally, and even tho I couldn't see it through myself, I'm glad I was at least able to be part of this. It's been a learning experience, and a fun one too! 06. "Guerrilla Groove" Arranger: Amphibious Composer: Harumi Fujita Source: "Power Plant" Amphibious: It was a cold, December night at about 2 AM. As I lurked the Facebook, a rogue comment appeared upon one of my statuses from none other than Brandon himself. "You should remix Area 8 for Bionic Commando!" Whether it was in jest, or in pure sincerity, my delirious 2 AM mind did not know. But something compelled me to listen to the source, and, miraculously, an idea popped into my head. I put together a quick sketch and sent it to Brandon, and I was in. Truth be told, I've never actually played the game, but I've certainly enjoyed remixing this track! 07. "Hold Your Weapon" Arranger: Avaris Composer: Junko Tamiya Source: "Meet with Enemy and Descend" Avaris: I vaguely remember as a child watching my older brother play Bionic Commando. As a young kid, I thought it was one of the coolest games I had ever seen. The retractable arm... enough said. I have worked with Brandon before on other projects and enjoyed the chance to work with him again. His consistency and dedication makes participating in this project a no-brainer. I hope my track captured the 8-bit era and feeling of the original game. I wanted to create a fun track that capture the soul and feeling of the game. 08. "Enemy Underworld" Arranger: Nutritious Composers: Junko Tamiya, Harumi Fujita Sources: "Heat Wave" & "Bionic Commando Theme" Nutritious: Having grown up playing this game with my brother, it was a no-brainer to join up on the project. The theme I chose ("Heat Wave") isn't one of the more popular tracks from the game, but I could envision it in a really big orchestral/soundtrack genre. To vary it up a bit, I did throw some of the main theme in the middle as well. I really can say I accomplished what I was aiming for on this track, which is really all an artist can ask for. 09. "An Arm Pun" Arranger: Hylian Lemon Composers: Junko Tamiya, Harumi Fujita Sources: "Intruder Alert," "Boss Confrontation," & "Bionic Commando Theme" Hylian Lemon: I'm not familiar with the game, but I'm always up for a remixing challenge. In this case, it was to arrange incredibly short source tunes with different time signatures into a full, cohesive track. Brandon put up with my sluggishness because I put up with his. 10. "Master 'D' Is for Dance" Arranger: Gario Composer: Junko Tamiya Source: "Rise of the Albatross" Gario: Oh, I love Bionic Commando. The gameplay, the story, the graphics, the music, it all just... works. I can honestly say that one of my great regrets in life was being unaware of this game throughout my entire childhood -- I'm quite happy that I took a look at this gem later in life. How much later? About a few months before this project started in June 2009. Kind of odd that I'm one of the earliest members, yet produced my track by far the latest. Oh well, it came out great, the album came out great, and I'm proud to have been a part of it throughout. A big thanks to John Revoredo for starting this project, a round of applause to WillRock for keeping this afloat. Most of my gratitude, however, goes to Brandon Strader, for seeing this project to the end, and pushing me to end a chapter of my musical career four years in the making. Enjoy the album, everyone! 11. "Albatros Pls" Arranger: Benjamin Briggs Composer: Junko Tamiya Source: "Albatross Battle" Benjamin Briggs: Basically, I just extracted the main melody line and built the whole song around it. Mixing was a challenge because it was such an old project file, but I think the end result holds up quite nicely! Brandon Strader is a good person. 12. "Swing into the Sunset" Arranger: Rozovian Composer: Junko Tamiya Sources: "Ending" & "Epilogue" Rozovian: I've always had a thing for gadgets and cyborgs, humans interfacing with technology somehow. Whether this was fully metallic bodies or just chips under the skin, the idea of enhancing humans has always fascinated me. Gaming history has plenty of examples of this, and Bionic Commando is one of them. Who hasn't wanted to be a technologically-enhanced hero and fight something? Maybe it's the idea that we can be something more than we are, and the tech is just a visual metaphor for the things we can do. Maybe it's that robot arms are cool.
  20. I didn't know there was a no hate speech policy. In usual scenarios hate speech can be ingrained in a specific genre, say Black Metal, or even Grindcore -- though not ALL of it, obviously. And it's easy enough for an artist to disregard the norms of a genre while still mostly remaining traditional with it. Something like lyrics is small enough that nobody would notice, and there ARE Christian Black Metal bands. (Or Unblack Metal if you want to be trendy and use the new vernacular) I suppose any "diss" tracks, if there are any, would not be considered hate speech? I can think of one but it's obviously a thing between friends. Is it up to the site to determine whether it is a gag between friends or would such songs just be accepted? Not that I'm planning on doing such a thing, the topic just made me curious. I should really start making acoustic Christian music for OCR, just that and nothing else. Who knows, maybe the first time someone actually does this, we will find out that there's a huge crowd of fans just waiting for that and it'd be a big boost for OCR. /shrug
  21. Can attacks be blatant and offensive if they manage to rhyme well? Like.... I don't like Muslims, I think they smell All those terrorists will burn in Hell! I don't like Buddha, or Hinduism False religions belong in prisons Jews love money, they want your cash Won't make it rain, just want the ass They deny Christ as the savior Should be forced to do hard labor
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