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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Nah that's ok. You can rework FF3 a bit if you want. Maybe try to make it more prog rock-y or something. I know I need to get on the ball with ff2 but I also need to do two VV2 songs and a halloween song for viking guitar by october 1st, so -_-

  2. I found this on Spotify by searching for "First Fantasy" - someone else said it is on iTunes. That's awesome. Great work Zoltan
  3. If you could be more lenient wip-wise, I could still be on board for Last Soul But I want the meaning and quality of the song to be more important than having it done in a week
  4. Get us signed to Century Media or something! Being on a label would make it a lot more realistic to tour!
  5. Maybe it was Pearl Jam. I will do some research later to find out if they all sound the same
  6. I know you'll probably never forgive me and I have dumb ideas, but I never meant to drive you out of here -_-

  7. I know you are joking because you put the . I think a lot of my bitterness stems from the fact that I really value OCR to the point that I'm probably a little over-protective of it. That probably sounds ridicuous to you but it's the best way I can think of to explain how I feel. I'm getting old, by this point in my life I should have accomplished so much more but I don't regret my time at OCR. It saddens me that my community contribution is seen (not by all but by some) as a detriment. I think I have improved and I am open to more things than I ever would have considered in the past (you once called me a wet blanket). OCR and my contribution to both the site and the community is really important to me because it's the only really meaningful thing I have been able to accomplish in my life up to this point. The only times I've considered leaving OCR is when others have made me feel that I need to or that I am damaging the site by being here. That's the opposite of what I set out to do. I hold no ill will towards Jimmy or what he put into the site nor am I bitter or jealous that he is famous or successful. I JUST would like to see him around here more. That's ALL there is to it. And others have told me I am wrong. Look, he's free to do what he wants. I'm not going to gripe about it anymore. If it was me, I'd still be here. I can understand if he's too busy to come here but I don't think that's really the case, and his assertion that he doesn't come here because of me or 'people like me' hurts. I am poo and I'm stupid, I get it.. I'll just leave it at that, and give apologies for rustling Jimmy.
  8. No, I wasn't. I'd still come to OCR. But having read Larry's post I guess it's not a big deal.
  9. "I'll shout you all ice creams if I see y'all in person."

    Fus roh dah the ice cream right down my gullet

  10. Flying Dog Platform is either going to make the best entry ever or no entry at all. I don't know, but I do know I probably won't be a part of it. Starting Wednesday until Sunday night I'm pretty much going to be gone. I was hoping we'd have something mapped out by Sunday and then I'd be able to finish it up, but it didn't work out that way. I hope my team does bring something to the table and my apologies that I probably won't be involved. I guess there's still a slim chance. All I know is I want to make a Phish (or was it Hootie and the Blowfish?) style remix with Tuberz McGee, but that's.... unrelated to the final entry...
  11. I'm sorry you feel that way BGC, but you are also making some assumptions that are not accurate. I am happy for you, and I'm not jealous of your success. I think that was the worst possible conclusion you could have jumped to, but it's understandable. My criticisms have always ever come down to you not being an active part of OCR. Zircon said you're on secret projects, which is good, but there are many projects run by others that are just as deserving of your consideration. I'm not talking about FF3, it is not personal. If you feel that it is personal then you are wrong, and if I led you to believe as much, I apologize. There are a lot of other projects that are public that you could help with. Is it so hard to be a part of OC ReMix? Saying you left because of people like me is a cop out. You were gone before I ever criticized one of your album threads, that's the whole point. I check OCR a ridiculous amount of times per day, and I post far more often than I should. I do it because I love the site and the community, and I consider myself a part of it. It's not a contest to see who can post or be here more. That's not the point. If you don't want to be around more often then that's your choice, and I will refrain from criticizing you for popping in to post album threads and then leave in the future. It's not wrong to post album threads, or if you need help with a Kickstarter to post a thread for that. Yours sold out in 20 minutes and was 300% overfunded by the end of the day, then you still posted a thread seeking money at OCR. That's what rubbed me the wrong way. I was being obtuse and forgot the whole pledge aspect where you send out gifts to people, shortsighted on my part. But it came from what you said to me before, which I can't even quote, as it was way too long. You sent me a message called "." during the Assassin's Creed Revelations contest, where the topic of discussion was whoever won recording the AC theme with Hans Zimmer for a mere $2,000. (Madeline Bell won, several of us entered). The argument was that you thought $2,000 was far too cheap, that the contest wasn't worthwhile at that price point, Hans Zimmer could afford to pay the singer more. While I can understand your views there, it always colored you as a money guy to me not just because of your opinion, which is fine -- people have them -- but the length at which you scolded me over my wrong opinion. Maybe it's wrong of me to think of you as a money guy. You're obviously a very good fund raiser and that comes from somewhere. Honestly, it's not my place to question your motivations. Like everyone else here, I can often make inaccurate assumptions based on stuff I should have let go in the past. Wasn't my intention to make you mad or drive you away. Get back here. Also Virt is a great guy and a valuable source of advice. I'm also not jealous of him and I'm glad he is as successful as he is.
  12. I agreed with your original comment, that's why I quoted it. I find it offensive that reasonable dissent was met with a warning of ban. You feeling that it's wrong for people to monetize OCR is not an attack on the community, if anything it's the complete opposite.
  13. Pretty cool, from humble beginnings. I hope to see DoD become a very large entity all of its own over the next 10 years.
  14. But the fancy garnish me is the best part I think it would be more apt to just host a compo with some interesting theme, and not worry whether it would fit OCR's source usage standards or not. If it does, or if it doesn't, that's great. Just worry about the music. That's really the most important thing.
  15. I contribute more than most, and I don't ask for a dime

  16. Just to get clarification on that, can I make a thread basically called "Give Me Money" and have a donation link? I know you said it's fine for remixers to make a thread for an album, but that's not what this was. His album was already funded, and overfunded. This was a thread made to ask for free money that had nothing to do with the album, possibly masked as a product reveal thread for a product that had already surpassed its funding goal. There was no need to issue a warning, I just wasn't aware that this was ok. I can start preparing fundraisers for myself in the community forums from now until long after I've left OCR.

  17. Let's all gang up on him and squeeze the song out of him Damashii can hold him upside down and jiggle him until it falls out
  18. You most certainly may, my good man! I look forward to hear what you do with it. I can only imagine how much you've been practicing over the years since your last mixpost. THANK You!
  19. I didn't, I actually tuned in and it was a lot of fun, the album was really good and it was NOT too long.
  20. I wouldn't worry too much about Hz, the TV you get will probably be 120Hz and then you'll set it to "Game Mode" and it won't matter.
  21. This is simply fantastic and in a genre that needs much more representation on OCR by people who are capable of doing this. This might be one of the most enjoyable and cohesive mega-collabs I've ever heard on the site, I'd consider it a pretty major milestone.
  22. NO. I paid $100 more than that for a 60". That extra 10" is a big difference! I saw a 70" 3D tv on sale for like $1300. I'd either wait until the price comes down more or just get that now. 70", amazing.
  23. Download all my stuff first it's da best
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