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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. also rip xbone On Mirror's Edge 2: https://twitter.com/mirrorsedge/status/344198222119587840
  2. Makes me wonder, was this the big announcement they teased at TGS, or are they still announcing a "brand new Final Fantasy game" at E3?
  3. OMG hah they got me as a customer for ps4 I didn't think i'd be involved in the new consoles
  4. Price: $399 It's the obvious choice against Xbone, and competitive with Wii U (being honest, it's the obvious choice against Wii U)
  5. OOOOOOOOO Fuggin called it son of a bish!!! HOLY FUCK KINGDOM HEARTS 3 Oh, Ps4 exclusives.
  6. OH SHIT A new Versus 13 Trailer, now
  7. I would have preferred a flat box with rounded edges and a disc tray with a lid that pops up and--oh wait, that's the PS1. But I still have a ps1 that works to this day, these new designs are too shitty and break, and need repair too often. Go back to stable basics IMO. The Order 1886 new IP looked cool. If all they're going to show is shooters, they're not gonna get my business. Shooters are PC only, I'm not trying to aim with a controller. InFamous Second Son still looks awesome. Knack looks sweet. Strong launch titles. The Dark Sorcerer LOLS! Awesome TRANSISTOR!! Looks good! They just showed like 17 games with early PS4 exclusiveness console-wise (I know some of them are already on PC)
  8. Just started at 9:17pm. Not bad? Get hype Is it just me or does the new Beyond: Two Souls trailer look completely different from before? It looks like a CoD type game now... so weird Gran Turismo 6 has the "uncanny valley" but for cars, is that possible? HAH, They showed the PS4 finally and it looks EXACTLY the same as the prediction I saw on Reddit
  9. The conference is about to begin maybe
  10. Mirror's Edge 2 will be on PC eventually. Don't bother getting it on console. ^ This brings up a good point. I never bought an iPad because the price is ridiculous, but it definitely makes the Xbone price seem... less ridiculous by comparison... lol:
  11. Sony conference: tonight at 9pm until 11pm
  12. I woke up right before this conference was going to start and chose to go back to bed. Not because I wasn't interested at all, but because I knew it would be summed up nicely like Brushfire has done a few posts back. And because I was super super tired still for some reason. Dead Rising 3 was something I was expecting to be announced and the screenshot I saw looked cool. I'm trying to find video of the conference now, anyone help? :3 I'd want to buy Dead Rising trilogy on PC though.
  13. That's not Halo 5 any more than Halo Legends, Halo Wars or any of the novel series Halos are..
  14. Samples! Surely thou shalt provide us with samples, good sir! ALSO, WELCOME!!
  15. guys xbone is gonna be awesome trust me would i lie to you please big brother just giev it a try i promise it will be fun
  16. If the early access was really 2 weeks then no way can this be out before summer. I thought it was 1 week. Hrmph.
  17. This thread is about Final Fantasy XV. If it is Versus, that'd be awesome. If it is PS4 exclusive, that will be terrible and I will be forced to skip it. Hopefully SE has the brains to put out a PC version if so.
  18. From what I heard it only takes 30 mins or an hour of playing to get a card, so I don't figure it'll be a big deal for TF2 players. but no, you don't get stuff for what you did in the past, it can only track new stuff. Edit: I sold a couple tf2 items and an invite, and ended up with $3.50 - enough to buy the Lunar Pack and finish my set and get the badge for Counter-Strike: Global Offensive All in all not bad, but now I need to play tf2 more often.
  19. I'm totally gonna say I'll do it so you'll do one on my list but then do something completely different :-D

  20. I'm really bad at math but 3 million copies of Tomb Raider at $45 a pop (to be fair, I'm sure a lot of people paid $60 for it) Is like $135 million dollars If a Hollywood movie budget is that high and it makes $30 million back (not including dvd sales etc), it's considered a flop So either game budgets are overly bloated, which is true, or publishers need to redefine what they could consider to be a 'flop' If Square-Enix expected the game to be their single source of income for the year then yeah it was a flop "Veteran analyst Billy Pidgeon says $100m Tomb Raider needs 5 to 10 million sales to be successful" If the budget was $100 million then shouldn't $135 million be a good profit? Not to mention, the way I did the math setting the price at $45 for each copy is skewed, a lot bought it for $60 which would add up to $180 million if everyone paid $60
  21. It does kind of sadden me that they made it this way. They could have made it so you could collect all of the cards, but make them even more rare, which would still maintain a strong marketplace I think... at least for a while. They could have made it so cards expire after a while if you don't combine them into a badge. They could do a bunch of stuff to keep the market fresh somehow, without doing it this way. But it's also pretty interesting what they might add as far as Achievement-based cards is concerned. Though it's almost definitely going to be cards for overly difficult achievements, or for getting all achievements in a game. :/
  22. If I really liked Sim City I may have ordered it, and I almost certainly would have been annoyed with how badly it worked (like early on Diablo 3) but eventually stuff gets fixed, it's just a matter of waiting... sometimes a long time... I think the most heinous features announced for Xbone, like the 24 hour connection thing, might get patched out in a future update when they see how much it affects the sales of Xbone. But that's an overly optimistic view.
  23. Good point (about the Diablo stuff) And this part in particular, I sorta figured... I don't know if anyone's interested or not in the whole thing, but I guess time will tell. I think if we had enough people at OCR participating in this, we could potentially get some card collections and badges going without spending cash.
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