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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I ain't CRAY I just don't have the power to email you an awesome copy of the first disc like Larry has. Ok, I'm also cray. Sorey.
  2. Get, as in a free copy of the album physical, or the advance preview? I think the advance preview is only for people who backed the Kickstarter... same with the physicals... But there's always the chance to win another one at MAGFest if you're any good at Cheetahmen. Blown away by bustatunez ALL of the time.
  3. Pfft you beat me by 3 years... son of a bum... well enjoy the gig.
  4. I agree. They've got a handful of games coming out this year but nothing that's really too appealing... nothing about new Wii U Zelda at all, they probably should have covered that. The best stuff coming to Wii U this year is multi-platform, like DuckTales remaster. Out of the list Dexie posted, the only ones that really seem like must-haves are Smash Bros and Wind Waker HD. So I'd say no, it wasn't strong at all... it was so weak I think they made a good decision to just release it separately from E3.
  5. For people anticipating the new FF6 album from OC ReMix that might be out, here is a pretty great FF13 remix album! A hidden gem!
  6. OK I'll try to give it a listen when I get home from wark. Tornado over here too. :'(

  7. I think the Xbox CoD scene is more notorious mostly because a microphone is included, whereas on the PS3 one was not. So maybe there were kids calling you racial slurs on PSN but you never knew because you couldn't hear it. I'm gonna get Call of Duty: Ghosts on PC, so eh. The point I was making was that I don't see the Xbox One as something that appeals to us seasoned gamers.
  8. Basically, I wanted the Xbone to be what the PS4 has been announced as being... Lower price, better features, no ridiculous spying. It's a huge disappointment that they think any (older person) will actually be interested in this. But they might have the young Call of Duty audience on board.
  9. I've waited for this for like 15 years since it was first announced and I'm STILL PUMPED for it even with a new name. Watch this trailer (in 1080p) and tell me you're not equally pumped: Even if it takes until 2015 to come out. I have a feeling we won't be disappointed with it or the PS4. I could be wrong, and if I am, then allow to issue an awww sheeuttt in advance, but I hope I ain't!
  10. Brown Mario on the ps4 would be amazing. First person Mario with jumping on enemies like in Borderlands, and aiming the fireballs. That's where Mario needs to go. If left to Nintendo, they'll just keep releasing the same game with a slightly different title, and a slightly modified tanooki suit.
  11. Did you really expect Nintendo to publish a new Mario game on a different console though?
  12. You have to have Kinect plugged in at all times or it won't work.
  13. Oh eh. I missed the part where some things were announced as not PS4 exclusives this morning (like KH3 and FF15) Upon looking it up, PS4 exclusives are... Killzone shadow fall Knack DeepDown drive club the order 1886 infamous: the second son last of us Out of those I think i'd mostly be interested in Knack and The Order 1886. But I think Sony's relationship with developers for PS4 is more important than XBone's lack of one, even if they didn't have the online and used game restrictions. So that's what I think!
  14. Wow, watching this interview with Nomura, he wants to bring a new FF character to KH, King Mickey being playable is up for consideration, as is online multiplayer. It'd be awesome if people could drop in and out of your game like Borderlands, and take control of gooby and dolan.
  15. Yeahhh even if FF15 and KH3 are on Xbone, I still think the exclusives coming to PS4 are better than Xbone. Just Destiny alone is mindblowing. And The Division, it's the kind of stuff you wish would come to PC.
  16. Haha thanks Dave, I save a lot of time watching things when you have such a good round-up like this If Smash Bros doesn't have good online multiplayer, I'm selling my Wii U
  17. http://store.steampowered.com/app/17410/ maybe though You never know with EA
  18. I slept through the "Future of Final Fantasy" this morning, and pretty much all of the "Square Enix Presents" content on their youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/squareenixpresents But honestly, after last night's Sony conference reveal, I'm still blown away. If anyone actually saw today's stuff and can summarize the goodness of it, that'd be great and much appreciated.
  19. I never finished Chain of Memories because it was a Suck. So when I started Kingdom Hearts 2 and Sora was trapped in whatever bulb that was, it was definitely confusing, but the impact on the story in general was so very very little that it didn't really matter that much. I think KH3 could work the same way, with the handheld games really not mattering at all. But they'll probably have KH 2.5 remix out before 3, already got 1.5 pre-ordered and I don't mind re-buying the 2 remix editions. BESIDES IT'S NOT LIKE THE PS3 IS GONNA BE OBSOLETE ANY TIME SOON HAR HAR HAR.
  20. Coming Next year!? Look at that cute, baby face! Trailer:
  21. If Microsoft was going to change anything, they should have done it after the initial reveal but before E3. Now it's too late. If Call of Duty Ghosts moves Xbones off the shelf then it's a sad, sad day for gaming. People could put that $500 towards a computer than can run CoD Ghosts, and... actually be able to control it with a keyboard and mouse instead of a slow-butt xbox controller. Just sayin'!
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