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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I know you guys are working on releasing FF6 and are super busy but I'm just wondering, I saw the latest judge process update, and it seems like it's been on December 28th for a while. Have you been adding stuff to the panel that just hasn't been listed yet or is it still on December 28th?
  2. 1. Commando 2. Fake 3. Junk 4. Splash Woman 5. Magnet Man
  3. How the heck do you even read that? Makes it sound like they've lost 4.8 billion dollars in 2012. That's not even possible. AND If anyone switches to Xbone because they removed the DRM (and also cut the best features of the console) then they are a fool! Thou shalt not reward this kind of behavior. If Xbone cared about gamers they wouldn't have done this in the first place. What's to stop them from adding it back a month after launch?
  4. Do you have a source to back up this claim? Also Microsoft is currently fiddling with their DRM due to 90% of people being against the Xbone. http://kotaku.com/xbox-one-drm-reversal-cuts-features-requires-one-time-514419715 But they're also cutting features.
  5. Hmm, I did post one of those ff9 pictures in my post, but I thought they were paintings because of the somewhat watercolory look of it. If they're 3D renders then that's even better if they still have those, it means they could produce larger versions. They'd be vector, right? So if they actually put out the high res versions of those backgrounds, and upgraded the character models, that's a FF HD remaster I would buy. If it's like those ff8 pictures I posted, I'd skip it. I already have ff7/8/9 on PSN and frankly they look better than those pictures. :3 PS: Did anyone ever hear for sure whether the International version stuff is being released as paid DLC? for FFX / X-2
  6. Great! That's good! That's all I ask, thank you! I want the 1 week format because it helps push remixers to produce good music in a reasonable amount of time. I need the discipline and it might be helpful for others too. Also, if I made it 2 weeks or something, then it would stomp on toes of people who want to run a compo afterwards. Yay! I would too, and Tifa's theme would be a great choice. It would be a good exercise, you could give it a try! No shame if your crystal gets shattered as long as you do your best. Shame if your crystal gets shattered cause you didn't do your best.
  7. That's not what I said, but ok. I like Nintendo, I'm just disappointed with their constant string of terrible decisions.
  8. super smash bros all-stars battle royale rumble
  9. Tune into Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Now. PS4 Demo coming up. Keep personal opinions about Fallon and his show to yourself, and enjoy the demo. I may write notes here about it when it's over. "Used games, that's pretty important, you go to Gamestop to pick up that stuff!" Eh, so it wasn't nearly as substantial as the Xbox One yesterday, but the game wasn't broken, so it gets bonus points. Here it is in case anyone missed it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Csr6ahk5RMg I guess it's more substantial than I thought. I was expecting more personally, but after revisiting the XBone one, and how broken Killer Instinct was, I think you actually see more content in this and get a little better idea of what you're getting, though it would have been nice to have a real release date instead of "Holiday" My money's on mid-November.
  10. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20469567 http://www.hamiltonpark.com/Benefits-of-the-Wii-for-Seniors-in-Nursing-Facility-NJ http://www.dailynewstranscript.com/lifestyle/health_and_environment/x390643827/Gentle-Wii-Fit-exercise-works-for-nursing-home-s-residents#axzz2WdPBS0Lz http://www.qualitylogoproducts.com/blog/nintendo-wii-niche-market-wiihab/
  11. The Wii sold because of the gimmicky controllers and a promise of quality motion gaming that was barely delivered on, depending on what you're into. It sold in tons of nursing homes purely for Wii bowling.
  12. I'm gonna go PS4. That probably won't affect your decision at all but yeah, I hope it's good and doesn't blow up in all of our faces and waste all of our moneys. Though to be fair, even the stuff that launches broken gets fixed pretty well as time goes on, it's just the waiting that is a pest.
  13. DarkeSword is saying I could do it in October, but didn't you want to do Sonic compo then? Would you wanna put Sonic on hold and participate in FF:CC? I'm thinking of only doing 16 entrants, keep it small for the first one. So it'd probably only be what, 8 weeks?

  14. Mr. L, your post disappeared but you are MORE than welcome to participate! Sweet! Sweet! It'll be a bit of a wait eh.. Ok. That gives me time to wrap some things up, and paint the roster. Thanks! The twist is the crystals and stuff. It's all the same as DarkeSword's thing that's the real twist, it's an anti-twist. WHAT A TWIST! /shyamalan Your crystal could be shattered. Sweet!
  15. "I mean, if we HAD to single out one of the vast number of Final Fantasy titles which we could make in HD, it would have to be Final Fantasy XII," he said. "I was not involved in the project, though, so we can't really comment on that." "What I can say though is that I hope the remastering of X and X-2 will trigger similar projects for more of the past games." This is a joke right? Ok, they could do HD remasters of ff7, ff8, ff9... but they had better do it for REAL and not just make it widescreen and update the models, without adding more polygons... Goshdarnit, I don't trust Square-Enix to make a non-lazy HD remaster. I know the art they used for these games was painted large and then downsized for the games. So it would probably be SOMEWHAT easy to do this, but would they do it right? WOULD THEY? From what I saw of the ff8 remaster they're already doing, quick answer was No, but I haven't really seen much of that. But still, no. They didn't do it right. I would love to see Dirge of Cerberus remastered in HD though. Especially those Advent Children-quality cutscenes. If this is Square-Enix's idea of an HD remaster, they can [redacted] FF9 in-game paintings should look like this, watch them be lazy and use the crappy versions like they did for ff8.
  16. Hey, I posted this: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=44146

    Do you think you could let me know when your compos are planned for so there's no conflict?

  17. I posted an interest thread in community liek you did once ERMAGHERD

  18. I always donate the double reds but I've never been paid for it.
  19. THANKS!! I made a thread in Community for seeking interest.

  20. I feel the same way, man. And honestly, I've played enough twitch games over WiFi to know that online multiplayer is highly possible without game-destroying lag. Heck, I started out with Counter-Strike over dialup. It wasn't the best but it never bothered me until decades later when I finally got DSL and realized what "twitch" meant. But so many people had dialup back then it wasn't such a big issue. I now have 50mbps Cable and usually have a ping of anywhere between 20 to 60 depending on the server. I think another side of it is that Nintendo servers have always been notoriously slow. Even with my 50mbps it took like 4 hours to update the Wii U when I first got it. I'm someone who can download like 2gb in 30 minutes, so that's just not good on their part. If you CAN'T provide a good online service..... chop out online capability. It seems like Nintendo's stance is to not even bother trying. But as mentioned already, it doesn't look like they put a considerable amount of effort into 3D World.
  21. Hi. This is an idea I've been kicking around for a while, a weekly compo in the style of DarkeSword's Mega Man weekly compos, but with a twist! To put it briefly, you would choose a character theme from Final Fantasy series. For example, you could choose "Hope" or perhaps "Shadow" from FF6, just as an example. You will then enter battle with an opposing Final Fantasy Character, let's say you choose Hope from Final Fantasy XIII and you get paired up against Rosa from Final Fantasy V, you would then create a remix that uses both themes. Conceptually, it is called Crystal Clash because each remixer will enter with a crystal in their possession. For your battle, you will enter a "Crystal Room" and the winner will proceed with their crystal while their enemy's crystal is shattered. The remixer who makes it to the end and shatters the final enemy Crystal will retain their crystal and be forever known as a Crystal Bearer. That Crystal can never be lost, although it would not be applicable in future compos. I mean, you don't get an "extra life" if we happen to do another one of these. There might be bonuses for specific weeks wherein I will choose a third theme, probably a battle or dungeon theme, for you to mix into your remix. It'll be purely bonus and may sway the voter's opinions if you use it but it won't necessarily be required. If anyone would be interested in joining such a weekly compo, which will not be scheduled to coincide with any other compo, please state your interest here but also feel free to share ideas or advice. It's my first compo. Before it begins, I want to paint up a nice roster artwork. We'll probably just use existing official character art for each character. When the compo is over, if it appears to have album quality or can reach album quality, we can consider fixing it up and submitting it to OC ReMix. The compo will NOT be limited to posted remixers, but please bring your best work. So.... who's interested?
  22. Rama: they were high end PCs with GTX Titans. That's all we know. But to not be bottlenecked they would have to be pretty high end.
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