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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. To add the click for the metal kickdrum. Click is good. Highpassing to 20hz is kinda redundant because we can't hear it anyways
  2. Just set your parallel compression to release like 35ms. You only need it to add snap to your drums, and you don't want the bus send to be set too high or it'll sound bad. But you still need to compress your drum pieces individually even with parallel compression. There's no real point to cut the kick at 80Hz. I usually boost 80Hz if I'm doing metal, I'll boost lower (like 50hz) if I want a more subby sound to the bass of the kick, but between 50 and 80 is pretty normal area to boost on a kick drum. No cut, unless the kick drum is too bassy to begin with. Cutting the bass where you're boosting the kick is smart. But up to 60Hz is considered sub bass. That's why I would recommend going 80Hz for the metal kick instead. You want the bass of it, but not necessarily the sub bass. Using your ears, add a peak boost around 4-5KHz for the click and you should be in business. Don't cut too much out of your kick or it'll sound hollow, like slapping a plastic coffee container with a spoon.
  3. I dunno man the original Chain of Memories seemed like a cheap attempt to jump on the card game bandwagon but I never played the remake so I may be wrong. Hopefully they did away with the card stuff in it.
  4. I remember Smash Bros Brawl having some pretty serious input lag, even offline (exponentially worse online). I don't think I experienced that in NSMBWii but it's been a while since I played that. :3
  5. People keep posting stuff from XboxSupport, and they seem to be saying all this really negative stuff about the Xbone. It's pretty outrageous, first of all I'd hate to work for XboxSupport right now, secondly I can't help but feel sorry for these dudes who are answering the questions, honestly, but the truth just happens to be shitty.
  6. If they're not emailed though, and instead sent to a judge, can they also be considered for dp? Or does going straight to panel make that impossible? ---- Congratulations on the recent Kickstarter news! This raises a good question, what are the chances of V6 launching at the same time? Or at least soon?
  7. Was the mp3 I sent good? I made a couple other little tweaks that may have changed it too much on the one I PM'd

  8. http://www.shacknews.com/article/79743/kingdom-hearts-3-director-warns-we-may-have-announced-it Kingdom Hearts 3 announced too early...... People were expecting this out in 2014, right? Well, it's good to be optimistic, but when Nomura says too early, it doesn't sound too good to me. Let's also open up a dialogue with some speculation here, about what could or should be in the next game! http://www.pennlive.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2013/06/kingdom_hearts_3_speculation.html Nomura said whenever Disney acquired a new property, he'd call them up and say "Can we use this in Kingdom Hearts?" And sometimes they'd say "absolutely no" and sometimes they were less sure. What would you think is an absolute no? I would think Marvel. Star Wars I would think MAYBE, but probably no. What do you think? My most-likely YES's would be The Jungle Book, Wreck-It Ralph (minus the extra stuff, maybe just the characters + Sugar Rush.) And personally I'd LOVE to see Robin Hood. Epic Mickey would be cool but confusing given that it stars Mickey and such.
  9. The problem with the flute is the part / sequencing more than the sample. There's no pause for breath, and the sequencing is really kind of mechanical. It's hitting a bunch of equally-powered notes without a pause for breath. At 0:34, the kick is muffled. That's a good kind of bassy hit to have, but you also need to have the higher frequency in the kick -- give it a small bit of click to go along with the oomph. That'll make it easier to hear and also give it some definition. The break at 1:21 is awesome! I like the glitching. At 1:36 you can hear how muffled the kick is. When you add that click, you should also raise the volume until it sounds fitting. At 2:07 to 2:53 it sounds like you don't even HAVE a kick. You gotta get that level figured out. Too much subby oomph, not enough click, and volume too low. I've used Slate Drums and they aren't as customizable as other libraries, but that is not so much an issue for what you are experiencing as far as I know. What I think might be the issue is that your "room mic" is too high, and the regular volume is too low. This gives it too much of a roomy sound and not enough of the core sample's volume. So in general your drums are not hitting with as much power as they should, and as much power as I know the Slate drums usually have... So fiddle with the room settings and raise the volume on everything! But don't go overboard then have people blaming me because your song is all drum and you can't hear anything else, there's a good range to be in without going overboard, right now I'd say you are under. You said you're working on a new version, let me know when you have it up and I'll try to comment on it faster... sorry. P.S. Don't try to "meld" the guitars and bass, they should sound distinct from each other, while being EQ'd apart so that they don't bleed into each other. If they're just kind of bleeding into each other, try a 200hz low shelf cut of like -1db or more depending on how much bleeding, cut the bass at your kickdrum's bass frequency and between 250hz-600hz or so, that low frequency area of bass guitars that aren't worth crap. 800Hz should be your "body" type area of the bass with that good buzz, 0hz to 60hz or so is your sub bass which you should either leave as is, boost, or cut depending on how much bass you want. BUT If you can't hear this, I'd be careful... you need to be using a system that can reproduce the sub bass accurately or you're gonna have a mess in some peoples' systems. I'll usually high pass a bass to about 2Khz but you can also boost it a bit at 2KHz for more nice buzzy pick sound. I mean, you don't have to highpass to 2KHz and I know there's more high end frequencies that are awesome, but unless you're making something like " " you don't really need those freqs.
  10. I can agree with you here. I had Super Mario Galaxy, it was pretty mind-blowing. I'd like to see something innovative like that, yeah maybe a SMG3, and bringing new GamePad innovations to it... keep it beautiful and fresh and bring it to the HD world! Also bring back Super Mario RPG. I do still think the design of Super Mario 3D World is crap. It looked like just a bunch of copy paste, from the flat platforms, to the circular platform, to the 3 rat enemies that were identical... It looked like something they probably could have made in a couple days.
  11. Mario in a cat suit isn't even something particularly new. There was Tanooki Suit Mario Which worked pretty much the same as.... (Or it could also be said these are a very small variation on....) They're basically trying to advertise the same old thing over and over, maybe that's why people aren't talking about it... it's really not a new feature at all. If they had good online multi-player, that is something they should put on the cover. I'm not concerned with it looking ridonk. Frog mario is awesome. But they aren't being interesting, unique, creative, OR putting effort into Mario games anymore... it's just a way to make bank for Nintendo now. But the fans are part of the problem, any small suggestion of change and they get outraged.
  12. Hi dfcentre Thanks for being a voice of reason in here! About multiplayer... If Super Mario 3D World doesn't have ONLINE multiplayer, I'm not even going to bother checking it out. Don't get me wrong, I love single-player games as much as the next guy, but the Wii and Wii U really set themselves up as a party system, something you should play with friends. I'm a 25 year old adult, my friends are all old and I recently moved to a new neighborhood full of jerks who damage my private property and older people (like elderly) etc etc what I'm getting at is I go online to play games with either online friends on my friend list, or random people. The Wii dropped the ball hard in this regard, it had online with Smash Bros Brawl but it was incredibly laggy and not well made at all. Hopefully they bring online multiplayer to the Wii U and do it properly. They've missed a lot of opportunities already with these games, making NintendoLand practically worthless, and severely limiting the long-time appeal of NSMBU.
  13. Dang, I didn't know this... Does this mean I'll get 1 through the Kickstarter, and another copy of FF6 physical for contributing to the album? So I'll get 2 copies? One to leave wrapped and one to open and listen to etc? If that's true then that is aaaaaaweesometastic
  14. Haha dang, Microsoft is watching youtube close. It was basically this:
  15. Wow, the Xbone startup sound has already leaked onto Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHsRYsusM_I
  16. Yeah for this to be accurate, Nintendo should be an extra standing on the sidewalk way in the back, Sony on the bicycle, and Microsoft getting hit by a DRM car.
  17. The "used game market" provides a product that the person, otherwise, would not be purchasing. It provides this product at a price the consumer feels is fair.
  18. I meant it was shit in the Kitchen Nightmares way, I'm sure it's still edible but it's not fresh or as enjoyable as it should be. It really does not look like a game that they put much effort into. Hah, the brown version of this actually looks pretty cool. Almost like autumn.
  19. Alright my man, let's slap it up on the competitions schedule! It's called Final Fantasy Crystal Clash, each round lasts 1 week. Ends on... let's say... Saturday at noon EST. People choose a character theme from the Final Fantasy series, and enter battle with characters from the other team -- mixing the 2 themes together. Very similar to Mega man compos and such. They enter a crystal room and battle for their crystals (each room has 2 crystals) and if they lose, theirs is shattered. If they win, they get 1 crystal and proceed.

    Whoever makes it to the final crystal room and wins, gets the compo crystal of the world and either chooses to save or end humanity (they can't really do this, it's just a symbolic thing, whether they chose to fight for good or evil)

  20. A Tales character? Like from the Sonic series?
  21. I liked it! Felt like there could have been more electronica in between all the awesome orchestra and jazz, but it is what it is! This might be the first huge album I'm able to listen to in full in 1 sitting!
  22. I think the thing that makes Nintendo "unique" or "great" is also the thing that is their downfall. By all means they should keep making these cutesy games, but they also need to evolve as a company and as a developer. Evolving doesn't mean to jump straight to brown first-person-shooter Mario, but there has to be a happy medium. They could make a Mario that has high-def graphics and doesn't look cartoony. I'm not saying they should make Mario have a plumber's buttcrack sticking out and be hairy and ugly, like he would be in real life. I'm thinking more like this: http://wallppaer.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/mario-wallpaper-hd.jpg Imagine that in a game like this: So generally it would still have everything great about Mario, but it would be taking it into a more detailed and interesting world. For comparison this is what current Mario looks like: http://sickr.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/super_mario_3d_world_run.jpg Quite frankly, the design is shit. I'm not saying I don't LIKE the game or the design, it's good "for what it is", and for being Nintendo, but that's exactly the point I am trying to make.
  23. Sonic Colors was so good it could make you sob uncontrollably into a throw pillow.
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