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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Also a NIER album would be amazing, with all new English lyrics that follow the story of the game.
  2. Man, they turned my shift last night into a double. 10:30pm to 2:30pm. Gotta say... I always sort of subconsciously groan when that happens, but I always accept the extra shift. Yeah, it means more munny. But I've been up for 21 hours as of right now. Not so fun. Lots of coffee. At any rate, after Sunday I'm off for like... 3 or so days, maybe more. Definitely send that stuff and I'll take full advantage, could possibly have the song to you in 1 day, depending on the complexity of it. Mixed and mastered.

  3. "ZERO remixes for this series" wat WAT I'd support this if it happened, but I have a very strong gut feeling that we need more diverse albums at OCR. I myself am QUITE GUILTY of pushing the FF agenda, but at least the lesser remixed ones... meh... BUT why can't we do some more unique albums? Less Mega Man, less Zelda, less Final Fantasy, maybe someone could make a World of Illusion album? Or a Comix Zone album? Or a Star Ocean album? Or a Silent Hill album? Or a Metal Gear / MGS album? Or a The Sims album? Or a Dante's Inferno album? (The person who could actually pull this off would have to be a genius beyond normal levels of geniusity) Or a Tomba! album? Or a real Earthbound album? Or a Bastion album? Or a Ni No Kuni album? (ALL OF MY YES) Or a Divinity series album? Or a King's Quest series album? Or a Devil May Cry series album? Eh... I think I made my point.
  4. Man, I did some speed running yesterday, that really wipes me out fast. Gotta keep working on my cardio. Speed walking / borderline jogging is pretty good, seems like the best way to get from A to B without going overboard.
  5. Well I mean... he's not the only one who did/does it. I know they're cool guys IRL and it's cool they made it big. But... people should stick around and continue to be a part of OCR, not just pop in to sell their wares once in a blue moon. Agreeing with Brushfire, surprisingly apt post, good sir.
  6. I want to enter this, but does the song have to be done by midnight tonight? Can it just be a wip? (maybe even with midi sounds) Once I have it written I can record it pretty fast. But I won't get home from work until 2:30pm and then I will want to sleep, for a loooooooong time... I hope I can get at least a chance to do this. I think I could make a pretty neat little acoustic/electronic thing. I would hate to make a whole song, and maybe be done by like, April 14th, or after midnight, but be barred from this
  7. Well I am not so sure what I did to deserve the strawberry turtle, but thanks :cry:

  8. I was told that to become a part of OCR you had to have a high post count. That lead to a few solid years of less than desirable posts, but ultimately worked. You could also make music. I wish you luck in your endeavors.
  9. Justin Bieber's music is superior to a LOT of the earlier Beatles stuff. But unlike the stagnant Mega Man series, The Beatles sound changed pretty drastically, and their music got a lot better. Just look at Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road.
  10. The hope was that it would come out this year, it'd almost certainly be late if it does though.
  11. Vanquish was recommended to me before, but it's not on PC
  12. For what its worth, when Mega Man FPS was actually finished and refined and all that, it would have been amazing, probably brought the Mega Man series out of its shameful stasis. Let's not forget Capcom's attempts at new IPs. We'll see whether people care about innovation when the sales figures come out. They may not be developing Remember Me but they're publishing it.. depends where you draw the line, I consider it taking a chance on a new IP to some extent
  13. ^ That's what you get. I would have loved this Mega Man FPS that they dropped, it probably would have been able to get me back into the (undeniably stale) series. Hopefully they still go forward with a MM FPS concept in the future.
  14. It's the zombie apocalypse, you gotta be ready to get up and go at a moment's notice. As far as streaming the musics, all I know is my gut says maybe.
  15. Yeah, the hair physics are ridiculous. xD It whips back and forth like a horse's tail, or some kind of Willow Smith music video
  16. Speaking of Steam keys for PC versions ERMAGERD Fun game! And I can run it pretty smoothly on Ultimate! (which is above Ultra!) Thanks Dhsu This game is hitting the uncanny valley though tbh, you can't tell so much from this screenshot, but seeing it in action, yeowza
  17. YARRR!!!!!!! Is normal and awesome! :-D

  18. Eh? Well I mean, I like to think of these things in terms of OCR. And I probably overthink it. I know people did that kind of stuff waaaaay before anyone here. I JUST NEEDED AN EXCUSE TO POST! This is me and OA But yeah, I do hope more people live stream stuff... music.. I would watch that. It could aid in learning stuff too. Is good stuff.
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