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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I got the images and CS5 but don't tell me to Hurry! Expect to see something soon. :-P

  2. I got the song written I think... needs LOTS of instruments for it... I don't think I used any of your riffs though :cry: your contribution will have to be that prayer, and can you do like choir vocals or anything like that? That could work real well o_o

  3. I guess I am your secret santa since literally no other person, not even Bahamut, acknowledged that I posted in the thread. XD

    Just tell me what game, what source, genre... then later you can name the song and do the write-up for it for OCR.

    Hopefully I'll get a chance to make it before Christmas. Maybe. :Z

  4. I guess not, just general talk to clear the air or whatnot

  5. I had a dream...

    ...it was of white text. щ(゚Д゚щ)

  6. I had a quick exit from SF compo because I SUCK

  7. I have big plans for MAGFest DoD which may or may not work out, so I am hoping to finish your songs in November which will give me enough time in December to work on DoD especially if I need to make a whole new song or think up different ideas for that. Just thought I'd let you know about my plans for November. :o

  8. i have no idea what that even is.... i haven't been able to keep up with wcrg :-(

  9. I haven't had a chance to do much building on my X apart from scooping up some piles of sand, but pwease don't let it get, like, stolen or something, hehe. :-)

  10. I honestly don't know, I am going to think bionic.ocremix.org but I will double-check with Stevo to see if that's an URL we can grab. :-)

  11. I hope so... shits going down though, bro... I have to find a new home by September 1st... I will do my damndest to get this done :-)


    It wur gud!!

  13. I just saw that message I left on december 2nd. I didn't know you were a "sis". Sorry! :)

  14. I just subbed The Kirb Reich. How is the reception in the album evaluation? :-o

  15. I just wanted to say thank you, I saw the "In joy and sorrow" judgement thread yesterday, and you were the only one who said yes.. you understood that the live sound was intentional.. thanks for your support with it.. but do you think I should remake and resub the song?

  16. I kid mane I will listen haha just not right now I'm watchin a show and eating a burrito

  17. I kinda thought the links were mandatory. You'd have to ask djp / larry / whoever, website people. Mirror 1 / Mirror 2 / Main download + torrent link. :-x

  18. I knew how to multi-out in FL Studio, it was pretty much mandatory, but... any hints on multi-out for Cubase 5?

  19. I know a live accordion player so if you need it I might be able to bridge the gap between you two, like if you could send detailed notes and stuff for him... but.... if not I know you can do this, I believe in you :-D

  20. I KNOW how the work shift thing is. Worked 2 doubles this weekend, and I work midnight tonight. Gee whiz. Well thanks for letting me know, I PROBABLY won't put anyone's tracks up for grabs who say they are going to do it and just need more time. But it doesn't hurt to put a little fear into some peeps. >:]

  21. I know you'll probably never forgive me and I have dumb ideas, but I never meant to drive you out of here -_-

  22. I know you're against my 70s synth BUT skip to 3:25 in this video and watch,

    -- then maybe you'll be more likely to approve of it :-)
  23. I like "Dost Thou Even Hoist" but I didn't see it last time I was on. I ain't been on in a few days though. Trying to do a very last second DoD entry while working overtime. :/

  24. I listen to your song everyday... oh man, it is so good.

    I'm so happy I got the Bad Dudes sampler from MAG X

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