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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I bumped my elbow hard on a metal paper towel holder earlier, and it literally hurt worse than childbirth

  2. Why would I need a furnace when I have my mixtape

  3. Stress level over 9000

  4. When you click User CP it goes to My Settings isn't there something more suitable as a CP.. maybe My Content.. I don't know.. ain't nobody got time for that!

  5. Wow, you can hover over people's names now and it shows their Facebook status!

  6. Profile Feed is the new Visitor Comment but more like Facebook status sort of? Except... it just posts a visitor comment to your own profile I think.. and that doesnt really go into a "main feed" like Facebook would have... *too old for this lol*

    1. DarkeSword


      It's going to be different from FB and vB. Just gotta get used to it.

  7. where's user cp

    1. DarkeSword
    2. Brandon Strader

      Brandon Strader

      i saw username change requests has been closed but i cant find at all where to actually adjust that setting.... i see display name history but no button in there

  8. Boop.. I think I told you today, well things went south a bit, didn't get much privacy.. maybe tomorrow, I'm hopeful! Sorry for getting your hopes up man

  9. Uhhhh... sure! Is that an OCR thing or an official album thing? ;-)

  10. Glad you are OK and still around!! God bless, man!

  11. Messaged DS about your forum access, let me know when you're able to see it! Or just post a WIP -- I will see your thread pop up!! Thank you!

  12. No specific ideas, I think it's mainly data entry anyway. DJP will make the rest of the design with the art assets or ones he makes himself. That's how it's been for current projects anyway since they got the new template which gives less control.

  13. Hey I don't remember, did you volunteer to do the site for PvZ or was that me? You can do it :lol:

    If I volunteered for it then auughhh...

  14. My grandpa got sick, so I had to work more days at work + someone called off, so now I'm doing about 6 days a week... life has been stressful but the guitars are on my mind.. will do them ASAP

  15. Yurp yurp! Good luck with it, don't let me down! :nicework:

  16. No problem son! Sorry it took so long but I'mm finish it up now and PM you back a wav or whatever, I gotta open the pack hahah.. been a little buried :-D

  17. I been sleepin... No worries, I'll grab and mix / finish it when I get up and to da studio!

  18. Iunno my sleep schedule is all kinds of crazy but I'll usually be on sometime between 10pm and 7am or later if I'm not at work like I am right now :cry: you oughta add some of the clan people as friends cause they'll be on too

  19. Hey, take care of your family and redo your homework so you get good grades, the WIP can come after that -- don't worry!

  20. Hey, you just hit level 24 right? Is that your total or on an alt character? The fastest way I noticed to get to level 29 is to get your Vanguard rank up to 2... you do this by taking on Vanguard Bounties. You could also do it with Crucible but that is PVP. They're both decent ways to gain rank but you have to pick 1 or the other to get your legendaries unless you have time to do both...

    I managed to get a legendary arm armor drop for my Titan which was a Crucible armor, and filled in the other 2 slots with legendaries I bought from the Vanguard, and an exotic chest armor I bought from Xur... good luck and if you got any questions or anything feel free to ask! You're in the clan right?? Play with us sometime!

  21. Hey, would we get rewards for every time we do the weekly nightfall, or only the first time? :-D

  22. tryin'a buy a house and generally being more unresponsible than i should be.. how much time you got lately for remixing? is that all in the past now?

  23. Preettty pretty... pretty good :-) Super busy as usual... need more time for gaming... :cry:

  24. you know i never told you which is sad, but i've always been a fan of your music :-) kinda curious what you are up to these days!

  25. when life gives you lemons..... :-)

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