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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I think I might actually be happier with Planet Wisp. But we'll see how things go.
  2. I knew that. I was just seeing if you knew. Did I make it in or what
  3. 1. Chemical Plant (Sonic) 2. Planet Wisp (Sonic Colours) 3, Angel Island (Sonic 3 iirc) 4. not needed 5. not needed
  4. At the risk of garnering hate, gotta say I very slightly agree with urdailypee. (Very very slightly, VERY slightly, just in as much as I think it could have used slightly more effort). This is a really nice mix and it sounds great, and is nice and clear on my monitors, but it seems to meander a bit too much which is something that you notice from time to time with electronica mixes... It has a really nice verse and a chorus and the break at 2:20 is really awesome, but throughout the majority of the song, it lingers on the same four on the floor drum pattern. After the initial repetition, it would have been cool to hear some kind of drastic change with the patterns in the arrangement instead of coming back to that same part. The kick drum does seem to be a bit too upfront but that's a minor gripe. I don't want you to think I am h8in' TGH because I do really enjoy this song and your work, just sharing some thoughts. I don't think the flaws detract from the song too much and it is still quite enjoyable.
  5. You was accused 3 posts ago -- might as well just make the 60k likes campaign!
  6. That genesis looks like it was melted... it probably doesn't work anymore. I'd be sad if I got that for my birthday! Then I would realize it was a cake and I'd eat it. Happy birthday, ya goobers
  7. Well ok but that AIN'T FAIR because the old games didn't have a "Map" theme and the one song I would really like to do from Sonic Colors is the Planet Wisp map music:

  8. Ok, I'll join the Sonic compo, but can I claim "Reach for the Stars" from Sonic Colors? :-P

  9. toasting in epic bread I mean... pretty sure Larry is holding the new torrents hostage until further notice. Jokes aside, the torrents are taking longer not because the staff has to go over them all and decide what to "remove" as previously suggested. It's taking so long because of the new tagging that is being done to all of the remixes before new torrents are released for everything, iirc.
  10. Tamriel has fallen... Sorry. R.i.P. Jack Tramiel
  11. I don't mean to be a dong but what happened to Support OCR Month 2012?
  12. yo dawg you need to usurp the panel and take the exclamation point off of 'She's a Squirter' and set the Halo 3 remix as Halo 3 instead of regular Halo and also USURPER! USURPER! May your gullet forever be clean!

  13. I've neglected to post in this thread because of comments I made previously: http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=848786&postcount=15 I didn't want to help the thread reach the ominous 40th post. But I just wanted to say thanks so much for the kind words folks! I appreciate it a ton, and whoever DOES get the 40th post, please don't pick something difficult just to be mean. If I could make any suggestion, maybe choose something that sounds like I could do well with it. Or something. I mean it's up to you, whoever "you" is. And yeah I don't want to rush this thread towards the ominous 40th post but it looked like it was starting to fall behind so I thought I'd give it a little bu-bump. Thanks y'all!
  14. I listen to your song everyday... oh man, it is so good.

    I'm so happy I got the Bad Dudes sampler from MAG X

  15. Guile's theme DOES go with everything, but I do not :cry:

  16. I had a quick exit from SF compo because I SUCK

  17. I'd love to.

    BUT I WON'T! I'm just too busy. :cry:

  18. I didn't go but I heard they detailed 2 completely unrelated albums and said all current known projects are being replaced with fig newtons. If this album isn't out by July, I will eat my bea--wait.. wait.. I will eat something with a lot of jalapenos on it.
  19. Don't let anyone tell you your dream is frivolous. Start your kickstarter for your shmup, because from memory, I remember it looking really incredible. And one man's justifiable venture may not be another's and that's fine, it isn't for them to say what is frivolous and what isn't. In this economy, who can really afford to save the amount of money it really takes to complete a project? I'll admit asking for $200 to print CDs was a silly idea, but without asking for donations I will 100% not print any albums. And that's fine, if it'd be considered frivolous, I don't need to do it -- especially when people can just download my stuff for free most of the time.
  20. Does anyone have a recording or a transcript of the OCR Panel? I might go to PAX East one decade, but it's probably not this one.
  21. Is there a minimum amount you can start a kickstarter for? Like if I were to start one to gain like $200 to print a new original music CD... lol
  22. Ugh I saw this thread out of the corner of my eye and I thought it said "Pokemon Cancelled" and I was like oooOOOYEEAA-- awww
  23. Could you add "Final Fantasy 8 album" under the "Approved OCR Albums" section for me, sir?
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