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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. It's disgusting. They're "too good" to work with the community so they make a private project, then announce that they've been doing it to deter the community project...
  2. I think it should have the opposite effect on people. I could go off on a big rant here but the gist of it is, I really do not like or respect secret, private projects, for the simple reason that they don't give the community a chance for inclusion. If it was a SOLO album, then SURE -- all the more power to it, but when it's what the noobs refer to as an "elitist" secret project, and for a game as beloved as FF6, I am not cool with that in the least. And there's the condensed version of my rant. Thanks.
  3. Being in such a free country with such fresh air must have really hurt his respiratory system or something.
  4. So, a mere 8 minutes until the final deadline and all 3 of my songs are done! I'm still waiting on some notes for Black Mage Village but for the most part, it should be solid P.S. Randall Drew is amazing
  5. Do you mean the "How to make remix" panel? I thought that panel would have been sweet if it had covered some of the basics of remixing, rather than the basics of using a DAW or whatever They should plan the panel assuming that people have knowledge of how to make muzaks... am I right?
  6. They should get plastic bracelets... no way is a paper one waterproof, it'd get soap stuck in it.. haha.
  7. When I asked Maverickk a long time ago, he said it was dead. I'll be ready when it comes back but for now, it's like Master Chief in the sleeping thingy at the end of Halo 3.
  8. They seriously need to get something more effective than a carnival bracelet next year. I pretty much rip it off as soon as I get it so I can shower the next morning. Then the cleaning lady throws it away. Not the best idea. I see people on the last day who still have theirs on and I'm like egad man, didn't you shower?
  9. Dude, I thought ahead and was going to buy a flask when I bought my alcohol, but by the time I got to the store they were closed. Then I didn't end up having anything of the sort for MAG. You know years ago I actually saw the classiest flask and shot cups at Wal-Mart, totally unexpected place to see something like that... It's like when you run into your therapist in public, and you're like "Oh hey, so I wanted to talk about--" and they're like "Dude, we're not on the clock right now.. please leave me alone." That is to say when you're good at something and do it professionally, people come to expect it in a way.. So you're like a pro bartender.. I do regret not tossing you some bucks though, I had some singles I think, I'm not sure.
  10. Man, the same happened to me. I was so upset when I left, because I wasn't able to get anything signed by Uematsu or even shake his hand. I feel your pain, bro.
  11. Omg really? Thank you so much Man I've been focusing on the bad comments, it's good to have some positive re-enforcement every now and again..
  12. I wonder what other community can be like that sometimes..... I love all of you
  13. I'm gonna sub this on the 23rd if the mods say it's solid enough. People on theshizz seemed to think it was terrible, because of the vocals... vocal hate from theshizz.. so let's see if you guys agree http://www.bstrader.net/remixes/killerstudiochops.mp3 Source:
  14. From your video links, chiptunes look super hard to perform
  15. Alright I'm heading down to the court right now to have my name legally changed
  16. I'd like to see more realistic achievements next time.. maybe not so much stuff that involves spending outrageous amounts of money or having sex. You'll probably add an achievement for spending outrageous amounts of money TO have sex for next year just to spite me. Though technically if you're having sex at MAG you've already spent an outrageous amount of money to get there.
  17. So Larry kinda talked me into doing an interview with some random person, I don't know who he was, but he was filming interviews on video. I was too tired and my mouth was dry and I was like "no nono!" but Larry's all like "Come oooon" so I had to do it. I remember thinking after it was over "Oh gosh, what did I just say?" I sorta hope the guy tosses all of that. Cause I think I basically said "I make commercial music that appeals to everyone for no reason, I should just quit." I needed someone to be there and yell "Wake up!" or "What are you saying?"
  18. Is there more to the story, or were you the 11th guy who didn't get on the elevator?
  19. More eventually...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcU_It2NCx8 Unsung Heroes Trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rF6AQVj6lZo OCRLive Aquatic Ambiance http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm4W2RcmCBk OCRLive Terra's Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cllb0U0gtF8 DoD Listening Party 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0VKWMy1mBc DoD Listening Party 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og2EIENU500 The OneUps Angry Birds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkRU6rk-uqU Final Fantasy I & II just added: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7w5pt7QvR0 Drunk Nyan Guy
  20. I really liked Sonic Adventure at the time, though recent ports show just how rough it is.. but back then we didn't care, and it was great. This opening song, combined with the epic visuals, was amazing. It was a great rock song. And now it's a PrototypeRaptor techno. I really enjoyed this one, and I agree that the main vocals at certain points could have been louder and the distortion on them was pretty extreme from what I can tell through my monitors. It makes the song sound really distorted sometimes, and I would have liked it just a little cleaner. This song brought back the good memories of the game and I really enjoyed it, so good work PR! You never fail to impress.
  21. Murpy! Murpy murpy! Murple! But yeah. I can do the "Sad didn't get to launch the rocket" theme right? Cause it is my favorite out of the few Cid themes in ff7
  22. Yeah, I felt like I would come home from MAGFest and blow through stuff like mad, but until that actually happens it's not too responsible to keep piling on too much stuff, especially stuff like a 15 minute Dancing Mad. But if you're cool with being a little more patient with me and not being too strict on me deadline-wise, I can still do it, especially if I get stuff done, but I think the 1st is too soon.
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