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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! I will set off ALL of the powder kegs!

  2. Never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Next Round... Garpocalypse, Avaris, and Tuberz McGee vs......

    Mix your theme with GILGAMESH, and any other character themes from your round you'd like to cameo, but call your mix Artist Name - Song Title (Your Character vs. Gilgamesh)

    The three heroes enter the next room only to be greeted by the colossal and silly Gilgamesh who is prepared to make mincemeat out of the minstrels.

  4. Next Round... Garpocalypse, Avaris, and Tuberz McGee vs......

    Mix your theme with GILGAMESH, and any other character themes from your round you'd like to cameo, but call your mix Artist Name - Song Title (Your Character vs. Gilgamesh)

    The three heroes enter the next room only to be greeted by the colossal and silly Gilgamesh who is prepared to make mincemeat out of the minstrels.

  5. Next Round... Garpocalypse, Avaris, and Tuberz McGee vs......

    Mix your theme with GILGAMESH, and any other character themes from your round you'd like to cameo, but call your mix Artist Name - Song Title (Your Character vs. Gilgamesh)

    The three heroes enter the next room only to be greeted by the colossal and silly Gilgamesh who is prepared to make mincemeat out of the minstrels.

  6. Nice going bro you filled up my pm box 100% :-P

    Now nobody else can message me!

    I'll check out the vidja when I get home, thank you so much! Don't worry about the PMs I'm just too lazy to clean them out and there's too much important stuff to just do a blind delete. x.x

  7. no green greens for kirby preview :(

  8. No high res logo exists. I brought it up on their forum and the bosses loved the idea but the users just got trolly so nothing came of it. Something simple would be perfectly fine.

    Also did Larry or anyone happen to tell you a rough guesstimate for release? As far as I know it's ready, just need to promote it for a while with the trailer. :-D Thaaanks!!

  9. No moar than a cheese bor gurrrrr!!1

  10. No no wait~ Smoke! SMOKE!!! Not fire :-D Hey, where'd my last message go? xD

  11. No problem son! Sorry it took so long but I'mm finish it up now and PM you back a wav or whatever, I gotta open the pack hahah.. been a little buried :-D

  12. No specific ideas, I think it's mainly data entry anyway. DJP will make the rest of the design with the art assets or ones he makes himself. That's how it's been for current projects anyway since they got the new template which gives less control.

  13. NO WAAAAAAAAAAAY so go ahead lol I can trust you to credit me and stuff..

  14. No worries, I don't actually plan on being out of town all that often. :-)

  15. No, I don't even think it shipped today, probably tomorrow. Then it'll be a while. But you will add me, right? And why aren't you on a talky thing?

  16. No, I wont be better off.. I really don't have the time, will, or resources to get a song covered that is already done... and done well.. please just send your wav over. X_x

    I wouldn't be asking if I didn't think your music was good. SEND ME THAT WAV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you ever cared about the project or the game Bionic Commando, you'll send that WAV!

  17. Noob: Flavor of Lime

  18. NOOO YOU DIDN'T GIVE ANY NOTES RAAWRRRR I'mma sub it lol ^_^

  19. Nooooo where is you :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    I got something I really need your help with :cry:

  20. Nope. :3

    I might tweak it for a future album but there's really no need. It's unfortunate that they didn't "get it" but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the song, really. The version I subbed sounded like this:


  21. Not too fond of the new, less confident 'ocre'. But your friendship is still very greatly valued and appreciated.

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