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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Hey DarkeSword, someone said you download the entries at the deadline -- is that true? Cause I ninja-updated mine, and wasn't sure.
  2. It's just the bell-type synths, that's the way they sound. Probably just turn 'em down a bit and it'd be aight. You can turn high-frequency stuff like that lower and it's still easy to hear due to it being pretty much the only thing in that frequency range
  3. Most of the songs have some kind of issue. You can't just not listen to any of them.
  4. I got serious Samuel. Now I hope they finally release a decent Call of Duty bundle... Maybe one with all of the games for $50.
  5. Yeah Nutritious where r u. I will try as hard as I can to meet the deadline of December 1st but now i have other songs I have to make first, paid work.. within 48 hours.. so it's getting tight.
  6. Haha yeah, I turned all the mixes off cause they were giving me tinnitus. Then I realized I had the volume on maximum.
  7. Yeh, I got VvVvV for my bro in law. That's the kind of price range I can afford right now. >:]
  8. There's gotta be something set wrong somewhere that is causing this... I doubt people would report it just to be mean. Maybe there's a tag or something in the description or even something in the video itself that is setting this off now.
  9. Man if people can rip that from the game how come there's no mp3 version of Age of Aggression yet!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?
  10. We get an extra day for Thanksgiving right, right? rigth? ok.
  11. hope you guys like 'typical brandon mixes' too jk.. this one is anything but typical.. it should have screaming Rexy and screaming Hylian Lemon, if we're lucky! IF WE'RE LUCKY!
  12. Happy Thanksgiving, y'all! And to the brits, happy "We Lost The Revolutionary War, Thank Gosh Because The Americans Are Pigs Anyway" Day! To everyone else... enjoy your mead and steak
  13. it should be illegal for hAlSeA and the Taiwanese black metal band ChthoniC to go in the same round. It's not fair to the other metal bands in this compo
  14. Wait... I don't remember saying that! ...or did I? I'm so confused right now... I mean... BARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARK
  15. Makes good enough sense. As people finish their songs for my ff2 project they sub them to the panel. Seems to be working out really well so far. But that's a project coordinated by a person. I suggested the idea of a ff6 project run by "the site", but they probably don't have the resources for that kind of thing. I dunno. It would be great.
  16. I'd totally start one if they let me. Rigth now. Rigth now.
  17. I wasn't actually on OCR while FF7 was in production but I remember talking to you on AIM... too late too, I think you were finishing up the album at the time. I wasn't talking about ff7 at any point though, honestly. I was just saying that making a secret ff6 album that would be "all techno" would be bad I think. I don't know how the conversation got switched over to ff7. It certainly wasn't "all techno". Neblix, I'm not sure what kind of point you're trying to make. You want quality over having a lot of people.. so you would be against letting people join the album based on if their songs passed the panel and were up to OCR standards? Wouldn't that mean you did not prefer quality? Very confusing statement.
  18. Wtf? You're joking right? Man you keep remixing everything on my to-do list. I guess I'll cancel my Faerie Solitaire album now too. >:\
  19. It's bland and not as fattening as chocolate. They ain't gonna settle for vanilla if they know you got a container of cocoa nearby.
  20. If everybody and their mother wants to do one (which is the case, I agree) then I think it'd be awesome of it was more of a site-run thing rather than trying to put the weight on one guy's shoulders such as yourself Baha. It might be confusing to figure out at first but maybe they could recruit for it by letting someone claim it, then that person submits their song to the panel for judgment. It *could* work, don't know if it *would* work. I think these bigger-game albums that everyone wants to do, like ff6, would be better that way from both a recruiting and quality perspective.. maybe. Edit: no I would not like a purely techno album, nor an exclusive / secret one. Secret albums are cool but they go against the idea of community imo.
  21. I wouldn't go as far as to say the project freeze is gone, but the criteria for projects has definitely changed. Now projects need to be authorized for official status through OCR.. The biggest projects are all done (dkc3, MR, WA, Kirby, Badass) and others like ff9 and Vroom are planning to end in Jan/Feb... so it might not hurt to slap a couple new'ns in there. But they'd have to pass the authorization to be official. Anyone can start an unofficial project at any time.
  22. I'm sure ff6 projects exists. As for how exclusive they are and who is involved, nobody can know except for the folks involved I guess. I wanted to make a ff6 ep once. Moved on to other stuff. Definitely needs done though, preferably as a community project rather than a secret one.
  23. I've never played this game but seriously the best spoilers it has are sand sea, mining cave, time stones? meh Is the green hat a bird in this one? I'd be more surprised by that
  24. Are you implying that people don't have the right to do what they wish with their own possessions? The great thing about books, especially small ones, is that it doesn't take long at all to be finished with them... At any rate, when it comes to gifts it is the thought that counts, and you've been really mean ever since you thought I blew up your house on minecraft.
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