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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. It's SO dry! Some amounts of reverb on the instruments throughout could have really done a lot to improve the sound of this. It sounds a bit too raw as it is. The sequenced 'acoustic guitar' sample is not very good, and is pretty mechanically sequenced. That Seinfeld slap bass was unexpected but put a big smile on my face. I love the transition at 2:00 -- the note spamming on the conga is pretty well done, and although there's not a lot of velocity variation on the notes, the sample isn't too bad. I think adding reverb could have gone a long way with this, but also having a real guitar recording would have been great. I'm sure at the time there were people who were like "omg you play guitar???" Hahaha... Overall, a nice but pretty busy (and dry) mix.
  2. The intro feels disharmonic and somewhat frightening, leading straight into the major-chords and pleasant orchestral. Strange, but effective. Nice old-sounding orchestral samples -- probably soundfonts, but they do remind me a bit of Garritan personal orchestra. I think this is the first orchestral piece I've heard by the man djp, I didn't even know he did this kind of thing. Very great arrangement and mood throughout including a somber breakdown at 1:50. The string ensembles do seem to break up a little bit and are noticeable during this brief calm section. With modern samples, I believe this arrangement would still shine. Even with the aged samples I found it to be very enjoyable.
  3. Sweet! This song has a fantastic sound that doesn't hurt my ears. It does sound a bit like keygen music, the chirpy synth at 0:54 builds on the keygen vibes. This kind of 'tracking' isn't something we hear too much on OCR anymore, if at all.. pretty rare. I wish it would make a comeback. I bet halc could do it, if he abandons that damnable dubstep. The samples and mixing on this are a lot better than the Instant Remedy post right before this one. I'd drop the hihat by about 3db which is really the only thing that is slightly bothering. The bass drum is nice and hard, but the clap is far too quiet, and when the snare and clap are exposed, you can hear how weak the samples for both are. I'd go as far as to say that the snare is barely audible during the song, though. Some better samples and more volume would have done well here.
  4. High, dry, and lo-fi. There's some clipping in my headphones from this one -- possibly due to the strength of the bass drum. It doesn't particularly pack a punch, but it has pretty strong low frequencies to it. During the intro there are some sounds that are too shrill, such as the scraping echo. The spooky theramin sound is sweet but so dry, needed some reverb and/or light echo. The synth lead at 1:05 is a bit too loud, but for the most part, the synth elements seem less jarring when all of the elements are introduced. A nice, spooky arrangement indeed. I think the bass synth is pretty well-balanced in this, actually.
  5. I can hear the edges of the looping drums! Almost as if the tempo of the song is just the slightest bit different to allow the smallest pause between repetition. I do think the sounds are pretty dry here and could use some reverb. Especially the right-panned ePiano seems very dry as well as being very right-panned. There's also some sour notes here and there in some of the chords. I definitely think some reverb would help complete the atmosphere that is going on -- maybe brighten the string pad a bit (or chop some low-mids) as well as adding reverb. Widening the string pad just a touch would have been great -- not to the extreme that the ePiano is, just a little bit.. maybe L35. I think if the ePiano and String pad had a similar panning, the sound would be more effective. The bass instrument could have come up as well, possibly as much as 4db.
  6. Ouch! The high end! It is randomly stabbing me in the ear. If the bass came up a bit and that high end was tamed, this mix might sound pretty good. There are modern mixes popping out that don't have this much attention paid to the percussion. Cool to hear all of those notes used well. The somewhat theramin-esque lead is sweet. It would be great to hear djp revisit this someday and give it some modern drums and bass and a more spatial, less narrow stereo spectrum. Seriously, I love Bonk -- Bonk it some more!
  7. The flute is definitely a little high in volume compared to the other elements, and is lacking modern articulations -- although the pitch bend at 0:18 makes it seem like a more "realistic" performance. For being an almost 13 year old mix, it still stands up pretty well. The high end starts getting bad at 1:24, and very bad at 1:28, but is only a brief moment of pain. The arrangement is pretty straight forward and repetitive. It begins to loop the song again at 1:58, right? For the time, I bet this mix was amazing -- wish I was here back then.
  8. It's not. I got a December 1st deadline for SM64 and a paid job I'm juggling among other things. I'll due et in time.
  9. I've been working to try to recover this hard drive but nothing is working.. I have it in the freezer now, that's pretty much my last resort. I wanted to fix Doomed Lovers and I'm actually somewhat tempted to remake it from scratch...

  10. I'm pretty sure I've signed that for every project, even ones I'm not on, at least 3 times.. but I did it again. v_v
  11. Thanks Stevo! I had recorded mod-wheel attack for the LASS, but I might need to emphasize it harder... because a lot of people are saying it still sounds mechanical. I might even change to a different sample.
  12. Nope. New un-university version makes no sense and looks needlessly fancy, which in turn makes it look retarded. And the new instrument one looks too much like Rock Band. No likey.
  13. Awww, we can't reenact Corpse Bride in Skyrim weddings anymore
  14. I liked the WIP trailer more where it made it look like I made the Sephiroth song The song cue is still there but now it has the game title put in so people know it wasn't me.
  15. Just to make everyone feel bad -- you'd have to review upwards of 80 remixes a day to review every song on the site before the end of December. Good luck!
  16. At great expense to every other thing I should be doing instead... I'll give it a good try.
  17. I require a category called "Guy who is most bitter about how awesome Skyrim is"
  18. I could see the Overclocked University shirt actually prompting people to ask "What the hell is Overclocked University?" rather than just blindly accept it as some kind of preppy college. To be honest, I've never experienced a college that was "overclocked" or "cool" or "hip" or had any arrangement of those words in its name. So it's definitely something I think would turn a few heads and get people to ask. As for the instruments shirt, it is great too. Very nice. Are these shirts in addition to the regular OCR Black shirt? Cause it's a classic. Maybe you should focus on getting more shirts and sizes in addition to designing additional shirts. And also release that damned site update that was supposed to be out in 2011 and for many years before 2011
  19. I strongly disagree about there being any lack of vocal confidence in Liquid Metal. It may not be your cup of tea but the vocal performances were tight, especially from Rexy who is new to this kind of thing. It's balls (and ovaries) to the wall at all times
  20. You need a "none of the above" option for a lot of these things, like the fanfic one, and the pony one
  21. What about sprinkling Nicholas Cage dialogue throughout a song to make it better?
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