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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. So because most jrpgs are mediocre and don't sell, they should refrain from releasing the best 3 evar? that makes sense
  2. I like hearing that you will be doing moar. And yeah, Kate turned in a WAV! Hooray!
  3. Dearest Rozovian.. Fly, you fool! Also in this instance I am Frodo. I'll see you when you come back but I'm not necessarily gonna look for you. I'm gonna be too busy taking the ring to Mordor with the help of Sam and Smeagol.
  4. They're only up to June 20th, though having said that, they may be judging your song and just haven't added it to the list yet.
  5. I don't know if anyone tells you this regularly but your music is awesome

  6. I'll ruin the surprise since I'm a jerk like that (and that's why everyone loves me) All 5 discs as well as artwork is being printed into a deluxe digipak box set featuring an extra DVD disc of album trailers and previews. It will come in a rich mahogany crate-style box signed by Wes McDonald himself
  7. It might be worthwhile to consider dropping unclaimed tracks from the listing in favor of reaching that December 20th release date. If it was that important for them to be on the album, they would have been. Just sayin'.
  8. No. Use a new post. Ask whoever gives vanity titles, probably larry Yes.
  9. I'm not that knowledgeable with torrents, but if you updated the files in the torrent, if they had the same name, wouldn't it just download the difference in file size and update the file without downloading the entire file?
  10. As a person who only wears black and listens to death metal, I enjoy this song and album, as well as most songs that are posted on this site which aren't death metal.
  11. If they released these 3 games, and promoted them properly, I definitely think that they would move a lot of copies. Xenoblade is one of the reasons I got a Wii (again) to begin with, just like how when the PS3 launched a bunch of people bought Ps3s just for the idea that there could potentially be a ff7 remake. Oh and that ff7 tech demo.. The Last Story too, that was a selling point for me... I will hold out hope that they are localized
  12. I noticed that. Another example is between songs named as Zelda 3 or A Link to the Past
  13. Sweet. I need to write a new letter soon. New album coming out is good timing for writing topics.
  14. Your facebook ID is on here but OCR's facebook integration is still completely useless. I have no way of actually finding your profile just based on that ID number. :|

  15. You mean the chatlog with Fireslash where I argued with him for 30 minutes about NOT blowing up your stuff?
  16. British voice actors would be fine if Xenoblade was a dry, humorless comedy.
  17. So does this mean I can get on this server now? Or am I still banned from when I was accused (but not proven) of blowing up people's stuff before Crowbar even started this server?
  18. cba with the science behind it, hot lady says to play games, count me in
  19. Yeah #3 has a lot to do with #1... If you succeed with #1 then there will be less of a chance of #3
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