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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Is this the first album ever to have sextuple coordinators?
  2. On my next turn in the DJ Shuffle, I'll be previewing a track from the FF1 Album, so get your butts on here. That means if you don't get on in like 2 minutes you will miss it.
  3. It's the second quest, how do they expect noobs to get passed that?
  4. We did ring the bell near it. It's just so bugged that the bell only worked a fraction of the time even though the rabbit thing was right up against it, and the stun effect only lasted 2 seconds, then he got a defense up. *shrug*
  5. That double-pig pic down there is gay as hell, bro.


  6. I had a dream...

    ...it was of white text. щ(゚Д゚щ)

  7. It might be helpful if you could remember some more of the lyrics... "final fantasy" and "fight" and "not quite rap" is a bit too vague to find something in particular.. There's like, over 100 FF raps
  8. I hope this isn't too personal but where did you have these printed + how much was it for the quantity + shipping?
  9. I'd probably buy it if FF15 was the most mind-blowing square effort to date
  10. Playing this for the first time, I just killed 2 jello molds and this game is looking good. Loving the zelda-isms of bush-cutting and such. Bstrader is me and I'm looking forward to seeing other dudes on this map EDIT: Aaaaand I'm over it. First dark rat boss = overpowered, even with 4 people. Then when you die, they charge you money to revive, and the price doubles each time you die. When you die in a few hits, that adds up to LOTS of money. Anyway, yeah... Z_Z
  11. It all looks beautiful and you can see the joy dripping from Stevo's expression xD
  12. Jah and I concur with the Fish Man about WAVs, they're the tits, and I personally know next to nothing about flacs... I have a hard enough time burning regular CDs. Hah. But I know 16-bit WAV is good for burning CDs.
  13. I think most people 'round these parts use headphones. I think the condition of your room has no effect on your headphones.
  14. My brain is HD compatible. It can also view 3D, but it needs damn glasses to do so. It also receives a stat bonus from cats and neckbeards
  15. Didn't pokemon have some tracks that were mp3-only?
  16. She's doing a light hop, bro.

    also hey bgc!!! D: quit mockin people lol

  17. Hi Here to tell you, my gooderest friends in the world, about a few free to play games now on Steam. I think they're mostly MMO with microtransaction stuff, but anyway, free to play. Global Agenda: Free Agent http://store.steampowered.com/app/17020/ Champions Online: Free for All http://store.steampowered.com/app/9880/ Spiral Knights http://store.steampowered.com/app/99900/ Alliance of Valiant Arms http://store.steampowered.com/app/102700/ Forsaken World http://store.steampowered.com/app/36620/ Playing with friends is a good thing.
  18. I didn't assume you weren't thinking it through, you just.... you... didn't ask me... *sob*... And I guess I can link you again, it's still on the dropbox.. pm incoming ;-P
  19. I can't wait to see the anti-aliased cell-shading on Kirby from a system 150% as powerful as an Xbox. I bet it's the most vivid solid pink I'll ever see.
  20. They hacked the Sheriff but they did not hack the deputy
  21. Hahah, this is the frame of mind to have concerning this debacle. I salute you, sir. Just be careful that the constitution is literally never upheld in court.
  22. How do you expect to recruit someone to do what can't be said? It's like trying to tell Harry Potter you've got to kill, err, he-who-must-not-be-named-and-can't-be-seen-now-because-he's-on-the-back-of-some-dude's-head. Also make my passing sorrow not be green, i sent you wav XD
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