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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. What did you have in mind for Song of Memories? Someone who might want to claim it probably needs to know this, since it hinges on what YOU PERSONALLY WANT. You greedy bass-excretion.
  2. This "demand progress" thing puts up a new petition every few days, and send you spam emails every few days as well. I wouldn't be surprised if anyone receiving messages from them about these petitions already has them thoroughly blocked or forwarded to the junk heap already. Just sayin'. A website or organization that spams petitions soon becomes very disliked by whoever is on the receiving end of those petitions. No trollin, just sharing my views on this, but it seems like illegalizing streaming is the kind of thing where they'd turn around and be like "Oh damn, what have we done? We've limited ourselves too!" They should make it illegal to tweet your penis on twitter if you're a congressman. That is all.
  3. As someone who has never read the books, I was surprised, and I'm somewhat bewildered as to what they're going to do next. I'm glad you guys can sit back and enjoy my bewilderment from your perch of knowledge.
  4. This cannot be tolerated. Shoot to kill. ...i love besthesda.... they are innocent in all this.. i still blame sony
  5. If this ends up bein a huge event where OCR peeps are invited, you can bet your hat i'll bring a copious amount of hot sauce
  6. Since this is probably the closest thing to a "Lady Gaga" thread on these forums, I just thought I'd say: I think Lady Gaga'd be pretty cute if she didn't constantly dress like a glass spider. Her music would also be tolerable if she stopped scatting. She CAN'T scat. Saying random "ga ga" crap over auto tune just makes her seem no better than the autotune babies you see on youtube. Having said that, I'm finding the music moar tolerable over time. The repetition still drives me nuts though.
  7. I didn't double post for a while because I thought someone'd be in here. What happened? Someone dropped a ball. As for the 9th episode... Whoo. Didn't see THAT coming. And what is there, 1 episode left? Gotta say I'm glad I chose to follow the little dude, glad he didn't die yet also.
  8. horrible-bosses-cover.jpg


  9. This is an impressive feat of engineering and I thank you for sharing the photo.
  10. In a perfect world Nario would have no less than 5 threads and they would all be sticky. Will be keeping an eye on these.
  11. As if the game is magically going to offer something new after 2 missions. I don't care if there are 59 different armor abilities. I wouldn't trade a sprint for any of them, they're useless. Every single other shortcoming I mentioned about Halo is legit.
  12. You could hold the new controller like a piece of wood with a little samus ball on it, and guide it into holes and crap by leaning the controller. They could call it Samus Marble Madness 2k12
  13. Halo:Reach is a sick joke. Halo 3 was the last "decent" Halo game I played and even then it's a fraction of the game it should be. Now with Reach you either choose between the ability to run (OMG???) or the ability to toss down a pre-death shield.. I guess in the future people are so inbred and retarded they can't do basic things like run, hide behind cover, blind fire, carry more than one object. And the running they give you uses stamina so you can run for about 5 seconds. The rest of the time in Halo you're saddled with a slow trot. That's why Halo Reach is a joke but the Halo series itself is laughable for those reasons. x_z
  14. They weren't wrong when they said all of those people would look stupid though. Somewhat for their appearance using the device and the other part being seen playing on a $400 etch-a-sketch in public.
  15. It's been updated for cool people only... you guys are missing out!
  16. The older folks will say the original Halo trilogy is the best, the new one is weak and isn't proper canon. Also a new trilogy will come out later which is totally Lord of the Rings-esque and makes everyone forget about the Halo "trilogy". Then a game with 7 parts will come out, and the final part will be split into 2 parts. And everyone will forget about the LotR-esque trilogy and the Halo trilogy will truly be a thing of the past, except for the "special editions" that come out where Master Chief doesn't shoot first and everyone gets pissed.
  17. Got a new letter today, and... "What's going on with everyone in the community? Feel free to post that as an open question on the forums." If everyone here says about a sentence worth, I should be able to write it on its own line on a piece of paper. Also he totally got my letter / CD combo
  18. Save the ReMixer, Save the World. Learned a couple things from this: That FFL2 was released on the DS, and that ziwtra's still pimpin' the lo-fi samples. I think it works, and I really did enjoy the song. Judging something based on the sample quality isn't always the best practice, and it's something I've been trying to move away from a bit. To use a tired and worn-out expression, I found the arrangement to be pretty epic although the scratching early on did seem a bit excessive to me... Good show and nice work
  19. Wii U is just gonna collect dust like the Wii did... the novelty of the thing won't be enough to save it from what will undoubtedly be subpar third-party support and shovelware, again. If you gotta buy one early and pay a scalper, then that's your choice.
  20. I would sign up but I might not make a song as good as the person wanted who requested it and they'd yell at me and I'd get sad. EDIT: Ahh what the heck, I'll do one anyway
  21. wow, even i have played pokemon snap on an original n64 even
  22. I released an album recently called Always Remember.. you can download it for free or buy a physical CD for $5... there's still a bunch left
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