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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Took you long enough to answer, my gym membership ran out :| Good to hear that what you did is possible, though. :D

  2. And This Is The Way We Crash The Party

    1 Minute In :-P

  3. The response to Schala has been awesome and very encouraging. Thanks to the OCR Team + site!

  4. I think you and I should talk and possibly wittle down the tracklist for ff9 a tiny bit more. But I think when we decide on the tracks that are absolute musts, we should hold out until they get covered... I know you probably had the same idea in mind and I'm totally not implying that you didn't think of this already :-)

  5. What's that synth voice you used that sounded all singy and somewhat roboty?

  6. That caveman in your sig, the one who says "Hello? Me oog" Does that mean original original gangsta?

  7. Cause 80 is closer to done than 120. :|

  8. A year ago? Really? My To-Do list is getting closer to done but I still have like 80 tracks to do. x_x

  9. That double-pig pic down there is gay as hell, bro.


  10. I had a dream...

    ...it was of white text. щ(゚Д゚щ)

  11. She's doing a light hop, bro.

    also hey bgc!!! D: quit mockin people lol

  12. horrible-bosses-cover.jpg


  13. Is that online somewhere to be read? :-D

  14. A lot of people write reviews of albums, the difference is that every single one of them doesn't keep posting that they'll do it in each project thread >_

  15. I'm sorry for trolling your thread a bit.. i hope you found what you were looking for. :3

  16. Wow, you NEVER get visitor messages. That's sad.

    Just wanted to thank you for your kind words in the voting thread, even though you went with prop. I can lose happy at least knowing people still dug the song!

  17. Hahaha yeah.. I just saw you done only voted once, and it was for ME, so naturally I thought, I better inform this guy to make the second vote, so I can has mine. :-D

  18. Vote on the other match-up you goose

  19. O ya well u r a brine shrimp!!!!!!!

  20. You will never get another cheeseborgir. :

    Also your silly friend totally didn't vote in the other match-up. He must really be 13!

  21. I WILL Keep changing my avatar until I am happy, I am only happy with one for a short amount of time, then I change it... DEAL WITH IT! NERD! Here... *gives another cheeseborgir*

  22. v LOL He's 14! Dude he showed you, you were so wrong!! :-P

    *gives you cheeseborgir*

  23. You invite someone to join OCR just to vote on the grmrb or what? o_o

  24. Haha I'm sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you hadn't been good, you just leaped from good to awesome overnight :-P Good thing you found that button to uncheck!

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