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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Hahah! Your sig uses that Dimmu Borgir font! Super metal, yo.

  2. Whichever way it goes, it was a good match ;-)

  3. Dude! When did you get so good?

  4. i wanna make it with you

    pm me on aim for details :3

  5. More like Splash Woman uses Splash! Spring Man gets Sprung

  6. Cheeseborgir with 1 pickle? What are you, gay?

  7. No moar than a cheese bor gurrrrr!!1

  8. Cool! Hope you dig it. :-D

  9. I never heard it wasn't allowed o.O Seems pretty common though, people do it all the time in private

  10. Run your GRMRB passed me for some feedback before you sub it :-)


  12. One track is having a few bits re-worked for another mix, the other ones aren't going anywhere.

  13. The quality of tracks and number of claims is irrelevant when the director of the album trivializes the quality of the album as a whole. Jade has had mood swings throughout the process of working on WildArms, it's not the first time I got threatened to be taken off the album for any number of silly reasons, but this last time is the time I didn't attempt to keep them on, so there :P

  14. Lady in the Water was a great movie.

  15. Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?

  16. what? i didn't see it

  17. Bro, hit me up on AIM. Gotta talk to you.

  18. Random dancing cat, I think I found it on fukung.net :P

  19. Hah you're supposed to reply to visiter messages on the other person's profile.. Or just message me on steam or whatever since it's always on, haha.. But yeah, Amanda used to have a brown trench coat, all you'd need after that is a cowboy hat and a holster. Not too out of reach!

  20. THANK YOOO :-D *plops down on the ground here* How's it goin'?


  21. Yeah, I can see your sig! I can't see the nice birthday stuff though. And hey, I pmed you about ff9 a year ago? Not too surprised you haven't heard of it but here's a link: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27108

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