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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Instead of trying to recruit for Underground, why not set Bonkers' medley as Track 1? He would love that. His medley includes Underground, and quite frankly, Underground is not a good source.
  2. NO PREVIEW FOR YOU! But seriously. It's worth waiting for. Get hyped.
  3. A lot of sites didn't give Nier a chance, some downright set out to bash it from the start. There's a particularly embarrassing "review" from one site where the guy is trying to catch a fish for like 4 hours but was completely oblivious to the quest, which by the way had a quest marker, which told him to go to a completely different spot to catch his fish. So he spent 4 hours trying to cash a fish at the wrong spot, probably expert level fish with no bait, because he ignored an aspect of games that's been around for years now... But seriously, don't take reviewers' word for it. They're just people who get free copies of games and really don't put that much care into the process. Much like music journalists who get a CD to review and listen to it maybe 2 or 3 songs through before making up their mind about it. *self burn*
  4. I guess you could say... ..*sunglasses*.. I've just taken a song dump
  5. I thought Ethnic Rush was post-able too.. I heard someone say that at some point.
  6. Yeaaah! One of the best new games Square's made. I was surprised. Totally out of character for them. Incredible music. If you don't believe me, buy or find the OST.. It's pure genius.
  7. I'll make the website if you'll have me. I recently did the Hurry! site. That one was pretty simple and straight-forward for a site. Dare I say it was............................................................................................hurried. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
  8. That's something he's looking into now. Says it's a javascript thing, and it works for some people and not for others. He said he was going to sign up here but hasn't yet. A lot of cool people registered and uploaded their music. It made us happy. Launch was pretty good.
  9. I did end up buying it and it was pretty short. Puzzles were tricky, needed a guide for a bunch of them. Ok, no, I didn't speed through it using a guide. Just when I really could't figure out what to do. x_x
  10. This got "moved to off topic" because I originally posted it in off topic. Ferret, you make yourself look bad at every turn. And that's coming from me. Just take off already.
  11. Tom says, "Yeah it's similar to those websites, but we feel theres enough room on the internet for a new one with a different approach." He goes on to include, "We want to bring in a system that lets the musician earn money from the websites income, so they can continue to do what they love and we also want to run events in various countries and start up communtiy projects, such as the development of iphone games that includes musicians music and they also take a share of its income."
  12. Hi. My friend Tom Williams and I are proud to present to you our new music site, http://www.noctune.net/ On this site, you can register as an artist. You can create your band, your album, and begin uploading music to the site! This will be a great tool for anyone who wants to share their music and get exposure from it in the future. This is launch day, so it may take some time to build the site into something larger, but hopefully you guys can help with this. I believe they may be working to add new content and abilities to the site, so if you have any ideas or comments, feel free to post them here. If you have any questions, please ask, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.. may need to talk to Tom depending on the question. No limitations! Any genre.. originals or remixes. Enjoy!
  13. I heard she already has her ticket to MAGfest, so here's to hoping we see her there..
  14. Not to reign on your parade, but a mod will come in and tell you these recruitment threads are for recruitment only. We're really not supposed to banter about the project, or discuss WIPs or anything of that sort. Just thought I'd let you know before someone came in and warned about that. Though there are better ways to get recruitment than just here, try some other places too. Though this forum DOES get more views than I thought it did. Just not nearly as many as community or projects subforums get. :3 I personally would make a thread at TheShizz (Minibosses subforum) as most of the other people around would see that. Like the DoD people and all that. The fact that a Castlevania album isn't full up within a week or two is enough indication that nobody is seeing this and you need to spread your wings and fly around a bit... like a peacock. Good luck. I only saw this thread because I made a conscious effort to check this subforum, and also because NintenJoe may have mentioned it on Facebook to me.
  15. I forgot about him.. Mike Mangini is a fantastic drummer, one of the fastest in the world. Even played on one of James LaBrie's solo albums I think. I have autographed drumsticks from him. :3 Great guess.
  16. You all know by now that Mike Portnoy left Dream Theater. The band has also announced that they are going to continue on without him, and are going to work on a new album. Who do you think could take over as a drummer for DT, not necessarily replace Mike..? Make some guesses and see if any of them come true when the new drummer is actually announced...! My two guesses would be Blake Richardson or Ed Warby. *shrug*
  17. I overcompensate consonants with death vox. As a result Demonstray was all like, "What are you doin compressing it and doing it really quietly? I've never heard someone do death vox with consonants that loud" and I'm like o_o I don't do them THAT loud but it's loud enough to clear a room, hah. Sometimes I have to focus to not say everything I'm trying to say at the same time. Now THAT is messed up. Like a whole sentence's worth of words at once, it just comes out as gibberish. When I got drunk in Vegas, I stuttered for like 10 seconds before each sentence actually came out, hahah...
  18. Ehh, I must have been high when I typed that. :3
  19. There was Us Monkeys Together by Flickerfall >_> It was in Mandarin I think.
  20. It's not really a laughing matter. I didn't learn how to speak properly when I was a kid despite going to speech lessons. It's why I almost never talk in person and why my voice is really weak. Doing this practice won't help me get rid of the speech impediment but it should help me gain new vocal strength and technique. :-3 Other people can post their recordings and techniques too if they're up to it..
  21. I have one of those speech impediments that doesn't go away when singing. Thanks for asking. I'm going to do these in the order that they were requested, so I think Harlequin Forest is next.
  22. I would volunteer but I don't think anyone wants the simon cowell commentary for their compo album.
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