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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. This is awesome but why is it under competitions? Hahah. There's no way to compete.
  2. that is Brandon Bush's bamboo pole I'm too lazy to make a pun Good luck other brandon :3
  3. I want to make something and I have a big question about it so I guess I can't keep it secret. I want to make a Demon's Crest EP, or series of EPs depending on how it goes with the first one. I want to do this EP in the style of Dimmu Borgir, black metal but with strong orchestral elements. I know the panel doesn't have a bias against certain genres and they usually don't have too much trouble critiquing live stuff. Sometimes they seem a little too soft on live stuff, and at other times unreasonably harsh. But the point is I don't think they really have all that much experience judging orchestral black metal, it has a distinct kind of production, performance, including vocals... I guess my question is, preferably if someone like Larry or DJP or someone who can DJP could come in and opine on this because I think it's a pretty big question about less common genres. I think the music in Demon's Crest is pretty great and would lend itself to black metal in a creative and enjoyable way, but I don't want to invest all that time and emotion into the project if it wouldn't fly at OCR. As for the argument "do it because you want to", well I have original stuff I could do and release separately. I don't want to do that just yet. I want to work on some more remixes. :3 I don't mean any offense with statements made above, the panel does a good job yet they don't get the opportunity on a regular basis to hear many diverse sub-genres and more underground genres. Here's my Demon's Crest youtube playlist: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=C9A7FFC5A6B949AE Some black metal for example: this and , the latter being a lot less approachable but more traditional
  4. I don't have a PSP so no. I'll probably watch gameplay footage eventually to see what it looks like. I got Chain of Memories and for the most part I kinda lost interest in all the various spinoffs and sequels this is getting. Kingdom Hearts 2 was good. But if it's not Kingdom Hearts 3, I don't care. :3
  5. You can make a good tone with GR4 depending on your guitar. It sucks with my 7-string and I find the modeling in other sims is better. :3 I think Fishy uses GR4, I could be wrong -- his tone is pretty great. Also if you were serious and weren't actually joking about making metal, you'd be the coolest kid in school. Just sayin'.
  6. In the process of downloading, my good man! Edit: listening.. haha.. awesome xD
  7. wintersun THATS 9 LATTERS PLUS A SPACE DAMN IT STOP REJECTING MY POST also Without Morals by Nevermore but it was a sad day
  8. Nobody calls me chicken. ...I'll do it.
  9. IT's been done :3I made this today for nekofrog, the thing I've been practicing for.. turns out it is too much gravel so I'm gonna try clean vocals for it instead :3
  10. How to fix? :3 I never noticed that stuff Also that second thing you talked about sounded cool
  11. I would do this, but I'm already on Hylian Lemon's Zelda album. :3 Get in touch with me when I get about half way through my to-do list and I'll see about doing one of these.
  12. I rarely have enough time or experience, that's why I use the half-stack. :3 I was able to craft a decent tone in Studio Devil but that crap takes HOURS and you have to adjust it heavily if you use a guitar with a different pickup. I just plug into the half-stack with the settings I've got set with any guitar and boom. Put it in standby while I'm setting up, the mics for the most part are always in position, plug in their cables and I'm all set. It's like a 2 minute job. IT'S DA MOST CONVENIENT THING IN DA WORLD!!!!11 I've got one mic aimed center cup for ridiculous crisp and one between the cups for the low end tone. Then I mix that together. Two SM57s on boom stands. :3 Peavey 6505+ head B-52 at-412 cab
  13. Newer news should be at the top of the news pag--OMG DOD IS BACK YAAAAAA
  14. Haha yeah really looking forward to compoing this time, sixto. 100 only comes around.. once
  15. Yeah, I was trying to be quiet with the clean vocals :3 I typically get that way whenever I'm expecting people to show up out of the blue. :3 Also the diaphragm stuff, I gotta practice that. That's the whole point of this. I'll do Harlequin Forest next, but it'll have to be tomorrow or something when nobody's home. This is my studio.. right next to the outdoors, there's where the window broke above my midi keyboard. The neighbors can hear me but I was more concerned with the company. They came while I was making vocal noise anyway and it was embarrassing. :3 Notice the microphone on the mini-tripod, haha.. that's what I used. I didn't want to rip down the boom stands that have SM57s in them on the other side of the room aimed at the amp. ferret's just a troll :3
  16. Now this guy knows what's up. ! Those cleans... well they're a little out of my range but I tried. http://www.tindeck.com/listen/rync I didnt realize I'd be having company come over or I would have done it again, etc.. this is first take type stuff. harpy brothday You could request it and I'll try to help you out with it. I've got some russell allen type vocals to do in the near future, I'm actually practicing up for that in particular. I haven't practiced in months. I'll find a Stratovarius song that doesn't go too far out of range for me and try to record you some power metal vocals.
  17. Here's my review of every remix on the site: "Neat." Happy burfday again, sir
  18. You don't know my music, so why post? :3 I have plenty of work with clean vocals. The point of this is to help people learn metal vocals. :3
  19. Seriously though, real amp sound wins. That clip I posted isn't even remotely doctored or produced. Slap some EQ on it, high pass it, record double or even quadruple rhythms and you're in for a treat.
  20. Hi I need to practice, so I'm gonna be 'singing' along to some Opeth songs and recording it. I'll then have mp3s of this and tracks with just my vocals in them. They'll be practice vocals, but vocals nonetheless. :3 Just posting this for two reasons; (1) Requests, if you want to hear mine on a certain Opeth song, or heck, any song for that matter, let me know. I'll post an mp3 with my added practice death vocals on it. :3 (2) Educational purposes; anyone wanna learn these techniques, post your own recordings, or listen to my vocal tracks by themselves is free to do so upon request. Ask any questions you may have about extreme vocals. :3 If there's interest in this, please post, so that when I come to post an mp3 it's not a double post. If there's no interest I'll probably just keep them to myself. In retrospect, I probably should have started this thread under Guides & Tutorials
  21. I don't have to think before I type. My actual comment was "That is incredibly impressive, great work. The.. mountain tip looks a little weird though.. and has spots on it.." I was referring to your artwork looking like a spotted penis. Thanks for clarifying that. Never played any of the pokemon's, so as an outside observer which many who listen to this album may be, I thought it was a little strange.
  22. Det är sant, är Brandon svartsjuk. Han är också bättre än du! Han kunde också avsluta sitt spår en dag. (before you get the wrong idea, I said SEND, not end)
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