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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. You know this is probably too little too late, but Youtube has increased their limits to 2GB files and 15 minutes long. You probably could have uploaded the preview, and still can. o_O Also some good news and some bad news: Good news: I got the drums from Usa Bad news: Emunator is on vacation
  2. People hear 6 discs and they think full discs. How many discs released at OCR are 75 minutes long anyway? Tell me that. You could have 30 minute long discs. So everybody, stop whining about disc count all the time on every thread I ever look at. I can understand being hesitant to join a project because it's not run by an OCR Celebrity, but to completely blow off that game and its music because of that is a joke. You should have more respect for yourself and more respect for the music. Having said that, yeah dude, you probably can't run this project. No great movements in history began with the phrase "what if". If you do decide to continue with it though, good luck.
  3. I'm afraid it doesn't work that way, don't mean to burst your bubble. First off, this forum is for remix requests, not project recruitment. o_o Rival battle themes being originals would not pass. This isn't a community of making originals. It's not OC OriGinal. It's not a matter of getting 'permission' to start the project at OCR anymore. You start your project without OCR's support, and then if it's good in the end, they might release it. Things have changed around here. People can't just start a project for a game, whether it is obscure or not, and have discussion about it. A lot of projects are taking their recruitment and discussion to other communities. I never liked most of the decisions they made concerning projects, especially since it practically kicks all of them out of this community. What's to stop them from recruiting and releasing at a completely different site? But that didn't seem to be a concern when they made the new rules. Plus, they would more-than-likely approve projects that existed earlier first. This one just started, but there are projects starting as early as January -- like Final Fantasy 1 -- that don't have official approval. They said that approval is based on which projects are released. No projects have come out since DKC2. The new rules came out shortly before this I think, and the DKC3 project was approved almost instantly for obvious reasons. So prepare for the long-long haul. tl;dr recruit for your project now if you're serious about doing it, post a thread in the recruitment forum, and prepare an off-site thread somewhere for project discussion.
  4. Not to derail this thread, but I saw FF7: Dirge of Cerberus on a list and I remembered how freaking awesome that game was. I'll post my collection eventually but also have a for sale list, because I intend to sell a bunch of them.
  5. You guys up for more readings of fan fic for your show? Here's a good one.
  6. Epic quadruple post. That's generally frowned upon here. Someone will probably edit your 4 posts in a single post if they see it. I've seen your art and it kicks butt. You must work on it a lot, like constantly. I've got some ideas to send you when you're not busy for a different piece of art.
  7. You still up for Rock Banding Holy Light?

  8. Is there a live feed for Otacon or what. Or do I need to call?
  9. My first song was The Task by Rainwound, I don't know if you can find it on the net but I'm going to leak it eventually.
  10. Hey did you save the log from last night JH? I went to bed later than usual just to stay up long enough to compo, sorry I couldn't stay for the listening party. I ended up waking up an hour later in the morning too, bad stuff.
  11. Whaa.. you're going? Eep... It'll be done! I PROMISE *hides*
  12. Holy cow, man! So you're pretty much planning on bringing an entire recording studio. Makes me wish I could bring a decent microphone that'll work with my netbook so I can record Monobrow's guitars while I am there. :J To anyone who looks down on me for wanting to record on vacation... ... But yeah I do want to jam.
  13. There's more than 1 vocal though, so it's plural. It's not everyday that you get an epic composition with multiple vocalists!
  14. Some people, and i'm not going to name any names, but it's someone who posted in this thread.... is mean to me. But I agree OCR is pretty cool place.
  15. Cake combined with anxiety would make me sick, so I'll stay away from the cake and you guys have whatever you want. Though I could probably have 1 of what level99 is postin' about.
  16. Which is the preview? and WHOO nice on the final track! The OA/Scaredsim is definitely great from what I've heard, good work guys...
  17. I'm gonna re-enact that scene from The Twilight Zone movie... if I see something on the wing, that is. I don't know if I'm afraid of heights, I never usually go to them. Contra 4 on what, a GBA? I was going to bring one of them. I have a briefcase.
  18. Read a book, read a book, read a ma-fa'in book. I don't think Youtube would work without the net, but thanks for the link. How about a small tub of ibuprofen? Would they let me carry that on? I was reading the TSA and it's like "Swords... small bombs... wrenches..." come on, haha.. I wonder what their policy is on checking a small dwarf with a ninja throwing star.
  19. I'll be making the FFX Hurry! project website, then Dynamite Headdy, then this... in the next few days I hope.
  20. I never heard of it, but these songs are great. I'll grab Ryuhi's Theme for now, might take more later depending on if you get decent support. I probably won't be able to work on it for a month or two though. I've got some stuff to do. x_x
  21. That sounds purty lame, what could I do on a netbook without the net? I'll probably end up taking my Zune and a sansa on so I can listen to plenty of tunes and.. I dunno... sit there. For 9 hours. x_x I looked up US Airways and it says it's like $14 for 3 hours for internet.. I don't need it that bad. http://www.usairways.com/en-US/traveltools/baggage/baggagepolicies.html I can't find where it says what you're not allowed to take I'm gonna carry-on my stuff and take a briefcase or something instead of checking any luggage.
  22. I heard he's already got a room. Most of the reason I'm going is because everything fell into place like this, I probably wouldn't have gone at all if not for Obtuse's shared room. Hahah.. so blame him..
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