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Everything posted by gercr

  1. woo thats unexpectedly heavy for kirby
  2. Just the people who participated, voted Im gonna try to look for some nice source
  3. I just have to "master" (haha, yeah of course), and then I upload too. Did something completely out of my comfort zone for practice, I hope it turns out ok.
  4. uploaded something...
  5. Great job on that illusion entries. Also, im surprised no one recognize the intro of my entry... It was the melody of batman the animated series ^^ (or something similar )
  6. I always wanted to know. How do you make the midis ? Painfully by ear and hand? or do you isolate every track and use a program to identify and export ?
  7. Voted... Great entries. Also hearing again my entry was not a nice experience. Next time, if I only have a couple of hours to do a PRC, I will do something that does´nt involve real instruments, soo many mistakes.....
  8. Yep my friend just cofirmed he is interested in doing something, so we have an artist! So glad my pick turn out to be this
  9. "If for some reason it is not possible to leave boxes empty, fill in Evktalo's song in that place." But Evktalo doesnt even have a song this round!.... hehe --------------------------------------------------------------- I manage to rush a song and uploaded 9 seconds before the deadline, I felt that it was my duty to make a batman entry since it was a pretty awesome source and everyone was ignoring it. Also, apologies for the bad grammar, it should read: "It could be some mixing problems, but again, time was not on my side..." -edit: I was going to ask what kind of super awesome guitar vsti was that, Jorito. I knew it sounded too good to be a Virtual instrument.
  10. If you still need it, I will ask a friend of mine to do the art. He is quite talented.
  11. Biker Mice From Mars !!! I love that game, I still play it every christmas with my brothers, for me is a classic. Awesome remix of a great game.
  12. There´s just too many great songs, voting is gonna be pretty hard.
  13. Woooo 6 entries and counting Awesome ! This is going to be groovy
  14. so what happened to the next MnP ?
  15. hey man, thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it. I know the song had some problems, I wanted to remake the bassline, and the solos. But to make it to the first deadline I had to rush it a little. Then, for the second deadline I wasnt feeling like improving the song because I was kind of bored. I dont really think I will return to this, but If you like I could send you the stems and midi files and you can rework it and fix it, and maybe add it to the megadrive
  16. Would be nice to hear what you people think of the song, even if there is no competition. Already sent the source, BTW.
  17. Well, it appears that I didnt need to wake up early to finish the song...
  18. i´ll upload in a little. Done
  19. I will submit in a couple of hours ( I think, maybe less ) Edit: Done
  20. great works and really interesting compo, Now Im waiting to hear the next source
  21. haha, It was very hard to decide between that and Bright man: Also, Skullman rocks ! ( Im glad someone liked the source)
  22. Im working on something, but I dont feel pleased with the outcome, I´ll problably start all over again.
  23. Already sent the source, it was pretty hard to decide, but I think the source is accesible, upbeat and fun Evktalo, I am expecting a rock masterpiece hehe
  24. Woo I win Im feeling like some Megaman could be a great source for the next PRC...
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