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Everything posted by suzumebachi

  1. PS here's Tackle's Cave Story Remix Project song: Tackle - Ball of Ballos
  2. I think I currently hold the title of hairiest guitar wookie. Unless snappleman is really as hairy as he claims to be.
  3. No OCR sightings yet, but I HAVE come across frets for Tackle's 'Ball of Ballos' track from the Cave Story Remix Project. Very, very well done. Probably my favorite Frets on Fire track so far.
  4. Lvl 51 now. Time to grind AV for that 5% chance (literally) that Horde might win and I might get my IBS. Srsly, AV is a fucking joke for horde. I've played 60s on 3 servers, and it's the same everywhere. Alliance wins 80% of the time or more. I especially love when I get into an AV and find that 37 out of 40 alliance are from the same guild on the same realm. 5 minute loss here we go!
  5. Good to see you're still around, man. MAGFest should be funtimes.
  6. I've been playing since early 2005. I don't remember when we first opened the gates on Smolderthorn, but I remember it was fairly early on, since most of the end-game guilds had been saving up shit long before the patch was even implemented. I wasn't online for the actual event though, the server was pretty muched dead for about a full day (except for those on T3 as mentioned).
  7. OGG is not lossless. It's lossy, only much (MUCH) more efficient than MP3. The only problem though, is it's not supported by most MP3 players (by default anyways). FLAC is lossless. But in any case, since your music is already in MP3, this is a moot point, since like others have pointed out already, converting from one lossy format to another is bad news. If you were just starting out, however, I'd recommend OGG over MP3.
  8. I play WoW on dialup. It works surprisingly well. The only place you really feel it is Alterac Valley (80 man battleground). Yeah blizzard's cinematics have always been top notch. The WoW intro video is like... 2 1/2 years old. And it STILL looks flipping sweet. They have some of the best animators in the industry. Pretty much on the same level as ILM/Pixar. I think they'd be perfectly capable of making a full length movie.
  9. Who said I hated it? If you read my post you'd see the part where I understand why they did it. I'm almost glad, because it makes the warlord pieces a bit tougher to get for scrubs. I just wish I got a little more PvP done before it went into effect.
  10. You sure about that? Honor nerf and all... Good thing I managed to get at least one item (wow level 48 boots) before it went back to being a grind fest. But I can see why they did it. My brother (tauren warrior) has already got 3 pieces of the Warlord set, and is damn near getting a High Warlord 2h sword. Pretty ridiculous for a week's worth of PvPing.
  11. I'm still working on my track. Even if this does fail though, I think it's a great idea, so I'll probably finish something myself if anything.
  12. also make sure the soundcard is seated properly (if it's not onboard anyways). also, reinstalling drivers is far from extreme. more like... routine. what kind of soundcard is it anyways?
  13. Fucking Naruto. I'm ruined. I saw an Undead Warlock named Suzumebachi in Orgrimmar today. /wrists Narutards can die in a fire.
  14. Oh the woes of faction imbalance. I have been level 44 for the past week. No, not because I don't play. I play plenty. But because about 80% of my game time is spent defending myself from gankers, or better yet, being camped by them once they are successful. Illidan stats: 8,448 Alliance vs. 3,756 Horde. Maybe it'll change for the better when the expansion rolls around (all the horny 12 year olds might roll blood elves instead of the usual humans or night elves). One can always hope. Anyways, that's night 7 of no levelling (I logged off in disgust when I returned to my corpse only to find a 60 NE druid sitting on it. Hurray.)
  15. stormdrum is taiko drums i think? anyways nobody answered my question about that Ultimate Piano Collection thing.
  16. ???? The Rampage battlegroup has been down for over 24 hours. Also, Illidan has broken for 4-6 hours starting at prime time for the past 3 days.
  17. R.I.P. World of Warcraft (2004-2006). You had a good run.
  18. great googley moogley. what's with all the 56k hate? etc? bite me? anyways, does anyone know if the Ultimate Piano Collection is any good? cuz i might pick it up (on clearance for $19), just so i don't have to spend the next 4 days downloading the free samples (they mail it to you if you buy shit apparently).
  19. OK I finally got the patch installed. I went with a Beast Mastery spec on my hunter. HOLY CRAP has it improved. The little boost the pets get now from your stats actually makes a difference, and the other changes to the BM tree are nice as well. I did an AB just to test it out for PvP even though I was 5 levels low for the bracket (lvl 44), and I ended up taking second place overall (2nd in killing blows, 1st in damage, 2nd in healing--yay bandages and mend pet). my pet alone had 12 killing blows in the 40-49 BG. he was eating rogues and mages alive with bestial wrath on. hunter vs. hunter is VERY interesting now. and i like the new hunter's mark look. not nearly as annoying as a giant flipping arrow. also, warlocks and hunters get new pets apparently. warlocks get a felgaurd (i think) and hunters can now tame the giant snakes from ZG. i dunno if the ZG snake is any different than any other hunter pet, but still it's a nice addition. the warlock pet on the other hand is extremely strong. EXTREMELY. some lock loosed her pet on the guards in hammerfall, and it took literally 20 lvl 55 gaurds like 2 minutes to kill it. plus it cleaves for 1500 damage (srsly wtf, as if locks weren't strong enough). what's weird though is all the expansion content that's in the game, yet entirely unaccessable. like the new map that shows outland and the draenei/blood elf starting areas, the new items with sockets in them, the new jewels, jewelcrafting recipes and crud, pvp rewards that require arena tokens to buy, etc. also, there's a few blood elves lurking around here and there (there's a female blood elf NPC in the horde officer's lounge). dunno about draenei though. another thing i have noticed though, that's entirely unfortunate, is that the economy since the patch is broken. majorly fucking broken. i dunno about your servers, but the horde AH on Illidan is fucked. there's probably 10% of the items that there used to be on there, and everything is OUTRAGEOUSLY overpriced. 30g for green bracers. 40g for green weapons. seriously i dunno wtf is going on there. oh, and wtf happened to the channeling bar for volley? it mysteriously disappeared.
  20. I wonder if they'll even bother implementing new PVP gear for level 70. Hell, I wonder if they'll even update AV. 51-60 AV and a 61-70 AV? And what about the other BGs? Will the 60 bracket become 60-69? Or will WSG and AB just go away also.
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