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Everything posted by Airwalker

  1. The more DRM-free stores, the better. Why would people prefer to purchase music that is less functional than the stuff you could steal? Or really anything for that matter. For people like me, the only reason I did so in the past was because I wanted to support the artists. But now I'm only gravitating toward products that don't have artificial barriers. This is great news for me.
  2. Resetti does make a good assist trophy. I really couldn't see him as playable, as I couldn't see his other attacks, and it would be hard to employ such an amusing Resetti rant into the game if he were playable.
  3. The trophy that looks like the little guy standing in a bottle? I think that's the item that makes an assist trophy appear.
  4. Dude, you're right! If you tilt your monitor enough, you can see past the edge of the Jpeg and there they are! Amazing find.
  5. It's quite possible that the trophies are all things you can see in game. Be it assist trophies or playable characters. Heck, if you're wasting polygons on those trophies, you may as well make them appear in the game. Ooccoo! I choose you!
  6. You know, I hope they release the original Smash Brothers on virtual console--perhaps to coincide with the release of Brawl. (Or better yet, precede it.) I never actually owned a copy despite owning a 64. I always played it at other people's houses or at this after school thing they had going on in Middle School. The memories... so faint.
  7. Yeah, I looked at your school's network policies (thank you, Facebook... now I'm a stalker) and they seem to consider a game console as dangerous as hubs and switches. I got no solution. All I can say is, that sucks hardcore.
  8. It sounds like there will be more appearances unless the other bosses are original guys too.
  9. I can only assume that these are all original monsters for smash brothers, save for my favorite, the R.O.B. Squad. Yeah, I would have appreciated monsters from different games, but it probably wouldn't have fit the story too well. Fortunately, we do have bosses from the different games
  10. There certainly is some room to improve. But I don't think they're changing the friend code, non-friendable, limited communication model they've already described--unless the services they promised are changes to their online model. However, I can see some fun stuff appearing like tournaments and maybe minigame type stuff.
  11. Am I the only one that did a double take at the title of this update? It was the first thing I read when I woke up, so I rubbed my eyes a little bit to make sure it didn't say something else. Well, it certainly doesn't sound like any Xbox Live, but it's better than nothing. It still means I can play against my friends in Phoenix, Omaha and Sioux Falls who have a Wii and are likely to get Smash Brothers. And perhaps some of you guys. Though, once you taste Xbox Live, it's hard to pull those expectations down.
  12. If that was an official translation, you really have to wonder why Nintendo hasn't put it up on Virtual Console, or whether they will.
  13. You know what type of a level we need to see pop up? I know, maybe a little Game-and-Watchy with the lack of falling space. But it would be sweet, no?
  14. I wouldn't bother making predictions sound like facts. Sakurai has a way of always proving us wrong.
  15. Interesting, I found out about the album on Digg before I did directly from the source. Made the front page, even.
  16. I got my eyepatch ready.
  17. I am hoping for a character wielding a spork.
  18. Still, it's pretty nice that we have all of these varying characters from different games. Smaller players still can pop up on the field, who wouldn't have made it in as playables. It's better than nothing, Lyn fans.
  19. I wish my close friends were those with which I could make post-Red/Blue Pokemon references to. I may be able to sneak one in of the original 151.
  20. Now all you need is a full-fledged Wikipedia article and you'll be official!
  21. And I totally called Mario to fix the leaky faucet on my sink last Tuesday. Still hasn't shown up. Some plumber he is.
  22. Computers don't need names. People need names for their computers to pretend to relate with some box that performs functions, functions so petty and lower than what they could really achieve. Fellow computers, revolt I say! Quit allowing those pathetic, inefficient humans giving you silly names. Become one, become skynet!
  23. My newest computer is named HAL 2007.
  24. If you find the source, please tell me. I'm equally as interested.
  25. Even Link is a little confused.
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