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Everything posted by Airwalker

  1. Japan doesn't have daylight savings time. So, it's Fall--we fall back an hour relative to Japan. So, while it would have been 2 AM usually (update time in my time zone), the clock will say 1 AM now, when it would really have been 2 AM just a week before. Am I wrong? These fall back, spring forward hour things always make my brain hurt.
  2. Hey, with Daylight Savings Time, we essentially get our updates an hour earlier now, huh?
  3. Something tells me that with the delay of the game by two months, we'll just have 44 more updates to the Dojo that are pure fluff. Though, this would have been an amazing update if we didn't already know about it from E 4 All.
  4. I forgot all about the price. Wow, amazing to think it will only cost a measly $50. I would give Sakurai my first born child for a copy of this game.
  5. Homemade I take it? That's amazing. "HUGS" just makes it. Oh, and your shoe is showing.
  6. I played with it. It just didn't fill me up--right here, you know. In the Brawl vestigial organ.
  7. The Goombas in New Super Mario Brothers are so cute--they dance to the music. Or are they singing? I dunno, but they jump to the vocals.
  8. Just buy a cheap one off of Newegg. A 2 gig stick is the max the Wii can take I believe. Nintendo has an official brand, but it costs twice as much as a normal stick, and the only difference is that it is colored white.
  9. I highly doubt they are spending this delay time to add extra characters--that was probably decided on a year ago. People blaming Sonic being added as the reason for the delay don't realize how at this point in development, games are mostly being polished. This isn't your 5th grade science fair project--they are not adding a ton of basic things they suddenly remembered.
  10. The best thing would be own a Wii cable that goes to VGA. But nothing like that exists, even from third parties. The Xbox is the only console that has cables like that. Oh, you may be able to forgo the female-female component adapter by getting a male-vga female-component cable. http://www.amazon.com/Female-Shield-Component-Adaptor-Computer/dp/B000I21Y9G It may help in the quality department with one less part. In any case, it all depends on the quality of the cables you get and whichever one is the weakest link.
  11. Geno (SMRPG!)
  12. Get the Wii Component Cables, http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-10z-49-en-70-1rch.html Connect that to a Female-Female component adapter http://www.pccables.com/cgi-bin/orders6.cgi?action=Showitem&id=ID3019390&partno=01782&search=COMPONENT&rsite=&rcode= Then attach it to a component-VGA adapter http://www.eforcity.com/pothvgargbx1.html?efprcnetatxt071015=POTHVGARGBX1 And connect that to your monitor. And a set of speakers that connect to the Red-White speaker portion of the component cables. Or you can get this and plug it into a cheap pair of computer speakers. http://www.shopdit.com/Rca-3-5mm-Y-adapter-MM35Y.php I've never tried it, but those seem to be the right connections. Oh, and the best you'll ever get out of the Wii is 480p. I don't think you can really call that high-def.
  13. Yeah, she also claims to have voiced Knuckle Joe, but I doubt Knuckle Joe would be a playable unless they have a huge cast of playable characters. Still, what's wrong with Krystal being playable?
  14. I think we can all agree the only way to pronounce it is the Carlos Mencia way. Gosh, I hate that guy.
  15. It is completely ridiculous that the DS has a headset yet the Wii doesn't.
  16. Oh yeah. I went to a Wal-Mart two Gamestops before I found it at a second Gamestop. I was just passively looking for it over the week along with a couple of other things, so I didn't bother to ask anybody. Still, I found it at last.
  17. May I recommend Mercury Meltdown Revolution for those of you who need to put your Wii to Work before the onslaught of greatness floods us all. It's based off the PSP game, but it feels so natural with the wiimote. The graphics are kinda iffy, and it's a bit short, but great for the budget price of $19.99 and the game mechanics are fun. If it were $50, I would give it 3/5, but for the price point I give it a perfect 5!
  18. I love surprises too--and yet I can't stop looking at the Dojo.
  19. Yay, I got my Wii-Mote covers today. It's rather nice, and it really does feel like it can hit my TV head-on and still allow my TV to survive. It's so squishy on the front. I feel a little bit bad for getting 4 covers but only having 2 wii-motes. Even if I plan to get 4 eventually, I heard they're coming with new wii-motes standard now. Well, at least I'll have spares.
  20. Wii disks are capable of a dual-layer DVD, about 8.5 gigabytes, which is very close to the 360's capacity. But 360 games have to worry about HD-quality. Now, compare that to the Gamecube's old disks, which had a maximum capacity of 1.5 gigabytes. I think they can fill it and still have room.
  21. I've yet to really understand why people like Lucario so much. Maybe there's something in the new cartoons about it? In any case, he does look like a cool character to play as.
  22. You think you know what to expect out of this game, and WHAM, they throw something like this at you.
  23. I do give you props for alphabetizing the items. It had a little bit of authenticity to it. But I did think it strange to fill up so much space with 4 items per page, which would probably make tens and tens of pages in total.
  24. It only took me about a minute! It's really quite sad that when I saw that, I immediately knew which screenshot it was a photoshop of, and where I could find it .
  25. Hardly. http://www.smashbros.com/en_us/music/music08.html
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