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Everything posted by Airwalker

  1. Yeah. I could have sworn I saw Dr. Mario in a screenshot somewhere. Maybe I was mistaken, but he's certainly not in the roster I provided. Then again, I can't seem to find the screenshot I am thinking about. Maybe I imagined it.
  2. Brawl Spoiler http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/2338/finalrosterbg6.png People are saying that is the final roster. Another Spoiler http://s259.photobucket.com/albums/hh286/KazeSSBB/?action=view&current=roomformanymore.png And it meshes with that screen, since you couldn't fit any more characters there as they have placed it. I still want more.
  3. It would be awesome if they got rid of everybody boring and brought in an equal amount of new faces. But I think it would be more awesome if they kept all of the old ones and brought in all the new faces anyway. I don't care if the character selection screen is crammed. Oh, and hey, Dr. Mario is coming back.
  4. We better all be getting both versions of those songs. I hate it when companies arbitrarily decide we're too stupid to realize there are other languages in the world.
  5. Yeah, in defense of EA. Will Wright hasn't seen much trouble leading his new flagship product. He's been developing it since 2001, and there's not even a forced release date pushed out on top of him yet. Though, EA did produce some major crap piles from the glory of Will Wright and Maxis.
  6. I'm sure from all the many previews I've seen of this movie, I've already seen all of the good jokes. And they weren't even that good.
  7. Woah. I totally missed that sticker. I hope this means Brawl's going to have an elite beat agent assist trophy.
  8. I never thought I'd see a remix from Leisure Suit Larry. Honestly. My dad had the game on our first computer. My siblings and I secretly played it. I could barely read, but I was still typing away at the game. I learned all about the birds and the bees among various other things... I love the remix. Even though it's been so long since I played, I definitely remember the tune, and you played off of the old sound so well. The song is just as fun as I remember the game. Now that you got the song stuck thoroughly in my head I'll have to find a copy of the game off of eBay or something. "Yeah baby!"
  9. I doubt they'd bring this to Wii games, but I'd certainly look for something like this in next-gen gaming consoles.
  10. I feel it's just inevitable that the Brawl roster will get leaked, and I will undoubtedly read it by accident. So instead of trying to not find something out for a month and a half (an impossible task), I am instead looking forward to it being leaked.
  11. Good thing somebody caught that. I feel relieved for Ness. Then again, we'd all know 10 days from now when Japan gets their release and everything spills out.
  12. Friggin' brilliant. I'll try my best not to spoil anything in this comment. If anybody else like me stood to the end after the credits, you may have been disappointed in what happened. But, you did hear something very very important. It will answer a few things. But you can't tell what happened unless... well, look it up on Wikipedia. I am not going to spoil it.
  13. My very first AIM screen name was jiglypuf77. Not only did I misspell a Pokemon's name, but I used a Pokemon's name in my screen name. I kept using it because I was too lazy, then in middle school a friend kept pestering me to switch my name. His AIM user name was SkyRunner2000, so as a joke, I made my name AirWalkerY2K. The name stuck. (I never heard of Airwalk shoes before I made my screen name. I can't and don't skate. But I did buy a pair about a year ago. Good shoes.)
  14. I thought about getting one of those, but I don't think it will work with the nifty sleeves I got for free from Nintendo. My number one rule is you shouldn't clash with free.
  15. The Japanese version was only delayed by a week. Weak! They'll still get Brawl by the end of this month. Whereas the US is behind by about a month. (Sorry Euro people, you have my condolences.)
  16. Well, the bar is set low enough for a new Sonic game, so I'm sure anything better than some recent games would be a welcome addition to an old Sonic fan like me.
  17. So, Wal-Mart just sent me an e-mail telling me that "my request" to cancel the Smash Brothers order is being processed. Too good to be true! Oh well. Best case scenario: I would get the game for $20. Worst Case, I got my money back.
  18. If it wasn't a typo, then I figure they probably placed a limit on the number they'd sell at that price. It just got on the frontpage of Digg about an hour ago, so they probably went through them all. I don't think it was a typo though. They have a rather large sale on all types of Pre-order games at the moment. BTW: This links to all of the sale-items. They have some decent 360 games. http://slickdeals.net/?permadeal=11334#direct_deal_11334
  19. =D Done and done, good sir! The only unfortunate thing is that with the $2 shipping, it can take a little over a week to arrive. (Though, I've found those shipping dates to be worst-case-scenario estimates.) So, an extra week without Brawl, oh noes. I better make sure a friend is getting it right away.
  20. Wow. I know I added some fuel to this argument, but let's take a step back. I don't think there are any rules here. Sakurai could mix the characters together however he wants. Who's to stop him? He can make some unlockable and others starters. He can make as many or as few characters as he wants. He could completely forgo the existence of unlocking characters if he felt like it. (Not likely, but I'm just saying.) He could have decided to reveal the certain characters or not. Maybe he's holding back on Falcon and several other characters just to keep the interest piqued around the fans? In any case, a month from now, all this speculation will just seem like a ridiculous series of arguments over however Nintendo's team feels like putting the game together. It's fun to speculate, but... oh well. What can I say? We're here to waste time until the game comes out, huh.
  21. From the original Super Smash Brothers: Unlock Captain Falcon Beat the 1-Player game with any character on any diffculty in under 20 minutes. You will then fight Captain Falcon; if you win, you can play as Captain Falcon.
  22. That's what they want you to think. Make it seem rational at first and them, blam! They mess it up. It's a conspiracy theory, I tell's ya!
  23. Maybe they're just assigning random numbers to throw us all off. Of course it would be funny if the next icon that appears is like #73 or something.
  24. Yay, something of real substance. Something that made me say "Sweet". Although, I can't shake this feeling that Ollmar will become a character that I play once and absolutely hate. Then it will become a character some other player becomes really good at and dominates me. Just like Ice Climbers.
  25. That and we need more female characters. I'm telling you, it's more like Super Sausage Fest.
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