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The Nikanoru

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Everything posted by The Nikanoru

  1. I use Samsung hardware, but I don't see a version for Android. Any chance for this coming out for us non-Apple heathens? I see that Oscilab has a Groovebox app for Android which looks similar, but this obviously not Focusrite/Novation ...
  2. Updates: @Ronald Poe has given me an update of Fleet From the Stars. Give it a listen on the WIP spreadsheet! A new addition to the OCR Forum, @Your_Face, has joined our Audio Support team! His background is rock 'n' roll with plenty of recording studio experience, so he's also going to be on the Mastering Support crew as well. Welcome aboard! ---- 9 days before the deadline! ---- EDIT: Well ... apparently, @Your_Face will take the claim for the Attack Carrier theme (Corneria Boss - SF SNES) as well! What a guy... 3 claims left open ... We've almost got a full album!
  3. Yes, you have sent me an update for Clipped Wings already - but if you wanted to send me another update once you have those drums in place, I certainly wouldn't complain. SCRAMBLE's new version, like I said months ago (and still haven't gotten to), just needs to be assembled and topped with a little creative icing. This is all on me, but I'll be working on it soon. I will let everyone know when it's posted.
  4. Thank you very much for the information! I'll PM you with some questions on this. I saw your note last week and reached out to our Audio Support team. @Jorito has been kind enough to offer to lend you a hand with this, if he hasn't already. ---- Two weeks to go before deadline, everyone! I haven't received many updates so far. I completely understand that this is an interesting time of year and many of our remixers are completing exams and other school-related activities, so if you aren't going to have something in on time, this is fine, but please let me know what is going on. Keep up the good work - looking forward to hearing all the updates!
  5. Just received our first FINAL WAV for Lylat Legacy, @DS394's orchestral overture-style remix of SF64's Opening Theme! I've posted it to the WIP spreadsheet so folks can give it a listen. ---- I'd like to remind everyone that we still have four unclaimed tracks: Boss A (SF64 or SF SNES) Great Fox Theme (SF Assault) Boss C (SF64) Andross Still might turn Andross into a big collaboration if someone is willing to build the framework. Get your claim in now - WIPs will be required for claims after July 1st!
  6. Yes. Well... yes and no. @Thomas Neil wanted this to be an official OCR release in the same way as the other albums, which are distributed for free in electronic format online. If we had wanted to actually publish and distribute this album, I would have had to look at that from the very beginning; this would have involved talking to OC Records or another private / indie label. I haven't looked into it, but I imagine there's a bunch of extra work involved and a freaking HUGE cost, which I certainly can't handle myself. That being said, I will be getting my guy to do disc covers as well and @Etzaen has told me he's doing some character art that can be used as extra leaflet material, so you can print out all the material and make your own copy on a CD-R. It's not exactly PolyGram or WB, but you will at least be able to hold it in your hands. ME TOO. Let's get some of this awesome music finished so we have something to go platinum with!
  7. It's here - our new album cover! I've posted it to the first page of the thread too. Tell us what you think!
  8. The second one - labelled 'NO DRUMS.' We'll deal with any issues like background noise later. First, we need something to record before we start on the recording.
  9. @DS394 has been hard at work - I now have updates for both Lylat Legacy and the Sector X remix. Mostly adjustments to mix, but please give them a listen! DS will be losing the use of his studio in the next week or so. These are almost done, so if anyone else has any notes on mix or production, please let us know so he can get them corrected ASAP. @TheChargingRhino has been experimenting with Clipped Wings, combining some of her previous ideas, and I like the direction she's taking things. I've posted the update she sent me - give this a listen too and let us know what you think! We've got a framework for where the narratives will fall now and we're starting to build some scripts. Once we refine the ideas into something we like, I'll get the script looking somewhat professional and post something to get some feedback from everyone. Thanks to @classic_gamer_76, @DS394, and @TheChargingRhino for all the help on this!
  10. Hey everyone! Updates for today: Promotional poster is being worked on as I write this. My artist has found a hole in his schedule and has been discussing ideas for the layout with me. I'm hoping to get something back from him next week. I've touched base with @Starphoenix on website design, but not much else yet. I'll be looking at layouts over the weekend to give him some suggestions of what I like and what I don't like. Haven't seen any artist bios yet - a little starting content for the website would be nice, if anyone is bored. The goal for website framework to be in place is late August. Second call for anyone interested in voicing a Star Fox character - drop me a line here or by PM if you're interested. ----- I took WAY too long to respond to this. Sorry, Rhino. This is also kind of cool - especially the bit after 1:55 - but I can't accept this in its current form. It is too close in design to another remix we have on the go - SCRAMBLE - and we can't have remixes of remixes on an OCR release. I recommend you continue with the synthwave version I have currently posted from you - this version is sounding very good so far (to me, anyway) and I think you have a much better approach to build your style with here. Maybe you could find a way to work the ideas you had above into the synthwave version? EDIT: FOUR WEEKS TO GO before next deadline!
  11. Looks AWESOME. I'm very excited to see what they've done with this. The music for the trailer seems appropriately creepy and tense - hopefully this is an indication of the kind of music in the actual show. I wonder if we will hear any of the CVIII soundtrack remixed in this - it would be a shame if we didn't hear Beginning somewhere in there, being Trevor's theme and all. I'm not sure why everyone is disappointed with the anime style. What's wrong with it? Forgive my lack of terminology, but it seems like they went with a Ninja Scroll-esque approach, which doesn't seem wrong to me... were we expecting uber-CG or something?
  12. This is fine, but be aware that we are already eight months into the project and the more you change your approach, the less time you have for polish. ----- I see our sig banners are busted again. I don't have time to fix right now, but I'll have a look at this over the weekend.
  13. Great feedback, @classic_gamer_76! Good ideas, I'll keep them in mind. I expect each narrative to be about 60-90 seconds. LOL We all have accents to someone! Thanks, 76 - I'll put you down for Wolf. I don't know who that is, but if this person is interested in doing a voice, go ahead and put them in touch with me here on OCR or at lylat.system.clear@gmail.com. Thanks for the suggestion!
  14. I saw Launchpad in that 2nd trailer too. Another vote hoping Darkwing makes a comeback.
  15. Very happy to see this on OCR! I listened to it for the first time almost a year ago on the workshop and I've still got this track on my mix. Great track, also hoping to hear more from @DarkEco!
  16. The narratives will be decidedly non-musical. I plan to feature ambient noise or some SFX as part of the narrative, but no BGM. Don't worry, I'll keep you in mind.
  17. Alright - I said I would be working on the narrative part of this album in May, so I thought I would give an update on that. I still haven't developed a plan on what this looks like yet, but I have been thinking about the narrative discussion earlier and I'm now building the framework on what that would look like. Here's what I have so far... What I'm thinking is 3 or 4 minute-long narrative scenes and possibly an ending sequence to give listeners a bit of context and help guide the path of the journey, much like the conversations with Pepper and pilot chatter in the games themselves. Each 'scene' would likely be amongst the pilots and a few select guests, depending on the scene. Now, I do not want to go too far with this, as this is a remix/arrangement album and not an audio play; however, I'm totally open to suggestions on how to proceed or anything you think should be mentioned/included in the scene or dialogue. I do not plan to pump the dialogue full of cheese either; I might make a quick joke or two in game context - 'Watch where you're aiming, Fox!' - but I plan to keep as close to what I think the game would say. Here are some examples of where I would see these scenes in the album: Opening <-----> Title Theme (Introduction?) Boss A/Attack Carrier <----> Meteo ('All ships check in') Fortuna <----> Sauria (Approach to Sauria/Meeting Krystal?) Boss B <----> end of disc 1 (Leaving Sauria/Falling into the Black Hole?) Space Armada <-----> Star Wolf (Introduction to Star Wolf) Boss C <-----> Venom Orbital/Base (Approach to Venom?) Andross <----> Ending (Job Well Done?) NOTE: The above are suggestions - MAXIMUM 4 narratives, period. I do not want a dialogue with Pepper at the beginning because we have Pepper's monologue in SCRAMBLE and I'm also not going to build any dialogue around conversations between Fox and Andross because of the Andross monologue I'm planning to build for the Andross remix (whatever form that takes). So - please let me know what you think of the concept and/or if you are interested in possibly voicing any of the characters - and let me know which character you're interested in, if you have a particular character in mind (Yes, @TheChargingRhino, I know you're interested invoicing Krystal and @Cole Train has already given an offer to be Fox, since he's rapping as Fox on the Sauria remix anyway). Keep in mind that I'm not in a position to actually cast anyone yet - I don't even have a script - but if I know you're interested now then I'll contact you later when I'm in a position to start looking at recording. I have no set timeline for this - I'm STILL trying to find time to piece together the SCRAMBLE update and my own WIP - but I can commit to at least having the first script in place by the next deadline, wherever we decide that to be. Speaking of deadlines, six weeks to go!
  18. I get where you are coming from with limited controls/attack zones/movement making for unrealistic situations and clumsy combat, but further to my point, I argue that this is not inherently 'unfair' or 'poor design' - just limiting (and in all cases, irritating). I also get that there are situations like the bats in NG where we go 'how the **** am I supposed to deal with this?!' - there's examples in almost every NES game, some of which I'm sure were unintentional designs - but whenever I'm in that state, I always think to myself 'someone in QA testing beat the game, so that means I should be able to as well.' Taking Castlevania as an example, yes, Simon can only whip in one direction and gets knocked back 30 ft. by enemies that weigh less than his head, but the secret to overcoming this is to have the correct sub-weapon to be able to hit those gaps in your attack zone, getting hit in a way that saves you or puts you in a position to continue, and/or not getting hit at all. That's not unfair - it just takes a level of skill that you have to build yourself to. To your example, yes, it's logical that 8 directions would be more useful, but too bad, you don't get to in the first game - so now what? Turn it off because it's unfair? I mean, Simon doesn't get a BFG or a rocket launcher to use on Dracula either ... I guess I'm coming from the standpoint of 'value what you've got' instead of 'great until the next best thing comes along,' so I tend to really try to appreciate a game for what it is. You're going to find things like redundancy, tedium, and some form of bad design in almost every game you play, whether it be that awful part no one likes to do or sitting through a tutorial you've seen a thousand times that you can't skip - it's all about balancing the good with the bad. To keep on topic, that does not mean that I don't shut off or stop playing games that frustrate me - to this day, I've never beaten TMNT - but I don't blame it on the game, just the player.
  19. I disagree on this point. The 'fairness' of a video game is totally subjective; the developers were simply doing the best they could with the mechanics and physics the consoles allowed them to use and as @MindWanderer said, most of it is simply memorizing the obstacles or patterns to overcome them, with some added hand/eye coordination to manage the exceptions. The same is true for the earlier Mario and Sonic games of 8 and 16 bit generations; in fact, for these titles, lots of levels have timing aspects to them so that you could go through them at top speed without slowing down, so long as you knew the route and where the enemies/obstacles were. I mean, I've questioned the fairness myself of certain situations in gaming - Megaman's mercilessness at failed jumps comes to mind - but these unfair moments are part and parcel with gameplay. The concept of 'unfair' lends itself to forcing our perception of physics onto the game, which frankly, is silly even with today's games. Besides - 'poor and unfair design' is part of what makes these old games what they are. Training one's self to overcome these challenges is what gaming is all about, isn't it? And if they were simple and easy, how could we complain about them a thread like this?
  20. Okay, fair point - I did miss that - but technically you didn't send it to me or make any claim.
  21. You have a claim on the Map Select theme which you sent me a WIP of, but you haven't sent me anything for Boss A/Attack Carrier theme. If you want to remix Boss A, you'll have to give up your claim on the Map Theme.
  22. @JulienMulard's Raid on the Water People now has a new version! Check it out on the WIP spreadsheet. ---- I don't recall asking for a new SCRAMBLE intro, but this is actually pretty cool. If you want to use it, then I suggest that this may be something you consider putting into Clipped Wings instead - perhaps as a breakdown or bridge. Just my opinion....
  23. Totally seconded. Your experience in this mirrors mine. Ended up spending a ridiculous amount of time backtracking all the way to the Encephalon, then fighting low-end Gnosis to get myself to a level where I could compete with her. Xenosaga II is one of those games I will probably never play again, unless I either get a hankering to play through the entire series again or wake up one day feeling particularly like torturing myself.
  24. Here's the original idea for layout that I had for the mass collaboration: Intro with voice over (SF SNES): https://app.box.com/s/ivo689dxvxoxkqvhhkitai52m87t7ch4 1st Movement (SF2): https://app.box.com/s/vfylzj8bdlxggc5319bjlqcsibzjisgh 2nd Movement (SF64): https://app.box.com/s/lds3bw5as82szney1tk8q9106m7ai8b9 Then finish with some variation of this (SF SNES): https://app.box.com/s/374qmxxui5ed302qa03ks9ywe5ec6kmf ... but I also notice that there is no love for SF Zero on this album yet either, so maybe some Andross Zero would be good too.
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