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The Nikanoru

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Everything posted by The Nikanoru

  1. Ooo, I do love me some Legend of Mana - had to give this a listen. I really like this. The different parts of the track tell different stories to me; I like the structure and dynamic quality of each section. Big fan of the textures I hear throughout the piece too, really adds flavour to the overall feel of this. The only issue I have is that I'm not a fan of the bass synth in the intro and outro; too much 'buzz' for the somewhat atmospheric texture in that part for me. It certainly doesn't impact my enjoyment of this, however! This is great, thanks for posting!
  2. If you are trying to encourage discussion on this, keep in mind that SF2 was halfway through localization before the project was canned. A lot of these are not errors, just placeholder names during translation. --- Taitania is likely the Japanese phonetic pronunciation of 'Titania.' (Ta-i-ta-ni-a) Fortune - well, I don't know what happened here. Probably a typo. Andorf - this is actually Andross' name in the Japanese version of SF. Coneria - also likely Japanese phonetic. (Ko-ne-ri-a)
  3. Hey @The Sexual Intellectual - Just dropping in to say that I really enjoyed listening to this. Or, rather, this, the Devil's Son-In-Law. The lyrics were very entertaining to me - especially the last verse and chorus - but what struck me was the delivery. I thought the timing was fantastic and I love all the expression I hear throughout the track, great storytelling! BTW, you seem to have an 'internal server error' in your last post...
  4. I saw a tribute video for DBZ once with In The End by Linkin Park as a theme for the Majin Vegeta vs Goku fight. I thought this was a very appropriate theme, given the nature of the relationship between Goku and Vegeta throughout the series. EDIT: Tried to find the link, but the video has been taken down.
  5. This one from Lightning Returns is pretty epic...
  6. Hey guys - we're getting close, and I'm still waiting for updates from quite a few people. If you need a little extra time to get an update in place, this is fine, just let me know - I don't mind waiting a bit at this point in the project. There are lots of folks willing to help if you're feeling stuck or unsure of what to do next. We have a new blue WIP! Cornerian Hall of Fame by @TheChargingRhino, @classic_gamer_76, and @Pichu's Dad is sounding pretty fantastic - check it out on the WIP spreadsheet! I have a goal to have a WIP in place for Bad Weather by the end of this weekend and a new SCRAMBLE WIP is on the way! Keep up the great work, everyone!
  7. For me, it remains Sephiroth from the first Kingdom Hearts game. I've beaten gigantic creatures, Weapons, big ships that go pew-pew in every direction, things I can't injure, things that don't die like they should when they should, but this particular Man in Black is truly a monster, IMO. There is something ridiculously intimidating about his movements and the reach of his weapon. I remember that he had four or five attack patterns depending on the level of his health; I really disliked how the game dangled hope by finally letting his HP bar go down after hitting him a bunch of times, then changes his attack pattern to completely throw your timing off. Of course, I know HOW to beat him - like most bosses, it's about adapting to the pattern, memorizing the motions, and eventually relying on instinct and muscle memory to get you through it - but lining everything up without screwing it up has eluded me so far. I have never spent as much time trying to overcome a boss as I have on this guy.
  8. That just earned you a donation. I'll be watching!
  9. I am certainly in a position right now where I am VERY frustrated with my lack of time, but until I can do my part on my track, there isn't really anything to help me with. I've had a couple of offers to help me on my track - another big thanks to @classic_gamer_76 for prodding me every so often - but I have to do my part first. Once I have something down and posted for everyone to hear, I'd welcome any feedback and suggestions folks have! ---- Once again, I'm still available to answer any questions or concerns folks might have about the project its direction. I'm keeping up fairly well with the reviews and things are running smoothly otherwise.I have to focus on my own stuff for a bit but I will try to make sure that I respond to any questions within a day. I've heard from everyone now, but I'm still waiting for WIP updates from quite a few folks. One week left and as @M_Blacki said, there is help available for those who need it - just ask! ---- EDIT: Speaking of asking for help, I've asked our Audio Support team to help out giving some feedback for the tracks posted on the WIP spreadsheet, so don't be surprised if you see some new feedback in your inbox. After all, I'm sure you're all sick of hearing mine...
  10. Hmm. If there is enough interest, we can still make the Andross collab happen ... but who is else is willing to commit to help build the framework? The idea I had for arrangement was to start with the base intro with voiceover in SF SNES, then either medley the various Andross themes in different styles (my arrangement was SNES, 64, Adventures, then Zero) or choose one theme and run with it. I just know I need to work of Bad Weather before I can work on this. If someone else can help out in building the base framework for the track, then it should not be as much of a pain for the rest of us to build on the rest. If anyone wants to give it a try, go for it. I won't mark it claimed until there is a working WIP.
  11. Another quick update: Thank you to @HankTheSpankTankJankerson and @Pichu's Dad for the new WIPs! These are now posted to the WIP spreadsheet - take a listen and let them know what you think! Two weeks left until the deadline! Thank you to everyone who has replied to me or sent a new WIP, still hoping to hear from a few of you!
  12. You have obviously not read the feedback that I sent you already in the formal review of Clipped Wings back on February 20th. I'll give it a bump in case you missed it. If you would like more advice than what I have posted, please PM me with any questions. You will have to ask @Pichu's Dad and @classic_gamer_76 on Cornerian Hall of Fame. On SCRAMBLE, as I said earlier, you are waiting for me. I'm hoping to have the v3.2 WIP ready by Saturday night.
  13. If he adds running chainsaws into the mix, I'm in. Seriously though, this is a great video, @Geoffrey Taucer - you've got a lot of talent for this! I'd also like to give props for the musical accompaniment. I hope @zircon is paying attention...
  14. I'm trying to use the folders in Messages to organize my PMs. The messages are being moved just fine and show in separate folders, but I'm finding that every time I try to load a folder it just reloads my entire list of messages, even the ones sorted to other folders. I've tried reloading the page, rebooting, etc. and the issue remains. Are there other folks having this issue or am just I doing something wrong?
  15. Do you think this is an 'internet ping' sort of thing, where it's checking/cycling for updates or an error in the sleep mode itself? If it's just an internet ping thing, perhaps there's an option for limiting how often the system checks for updates? If it's a sleep mode thing, can you get Netflix for the Switch directly and run from that? It wouldn't be a Nintendo console without a new Mario game and a new Zelda game to play on it! ...This term is taking on a whole new context for me when it comes to pre-ordering brand new consoles.
  16. I didn't mark it orange because I wasn't sure if the ending in the latest version was THE ending - but alright, it IS a full arrangement in it's current form and I'd say about half the overall work is done so yes, I can mark it orange. Well, I just don't have time to lead it and I didn't want to block the claim if someone else wanted it. There's no reason why someone else can't take the claim and do the same thing. For example, I'm still willing to do the Andross voice-over for the intro and I'm sure @TheChargingRhino can still come up with something if asked.
  17. Some updates: I've updated the top of the thread and touched up a few things: Changed color assignments Red = track claimed, no WIP (0% overall) Purple = draft WIP submitted (1%-49% overall) Orange = substantial WIP submitted (full arrangement, 50%-90% overall) Blue = finished WIP submitted (only mix/master left, 90-99% overall) Green = Final WAV submitted (all done, 100%) Some tracks have had status reassigned based on the new criteria Adjusted tracklist (should have been done before submitting for OCR-approval, but I haven't changed it much): It has occurred to my that one of my favorite tracks from the first game, Out of this Dimension, is actually a remix of Voices of Spring Waltz (Johann Strauss II symphony), Yuki (Japanese folk song), When the Saints Go Marching In (American folk song), and Hänschen Klein (German folk song), as well as a bit the Staff Roll (played during credits). OCR is quite specific in their guidelines as to what qualifies as an accepted source, but there have been a few exceptions including Tetris and Frogger; that being said, to avoid holding up the album while waiting for an official response, I have relegated Out of this Dimension to a bonus track if folks still want to try it out. I'd still like to see it on here, FWIW... Boss A and Boss C have been added to claim. I've released the claim for Andross. I'm not getting to this and no one aside from @TheChargingRhino has shown an interest in a big collaboration, so there is another track open to claim. This will be the tracklist moving forward. I may change the order again slightly, but the tracks listed are the ones I would like claimed. Cleaned up / consolidated relevant information I'm still looking for WIP updates before the deadline (April 1st) from the following people: @Etzaen @JulienMulard @Siolfor the Jackal @M_Blacki @CrimsonCobalt - both tracks @HankTheSpankTankJankerson @Thirdkoopa @Pichu's Dad - Meteor Base @TheChargingRhino - Records 1 @classic_gamer_76 - Krazoa Palace (my part of this will be sent out tonight) @Slimy - Ode to Star Fox @Starphoenix - Cyber Warfare I'm going to try to review updates as they are sent so I don't bottle-neck myself like I did at the end of December. If I take longer than a week, feel free to nudge me with a PM. If you are relying on feedback sooner rather than later, mention it to me/us when you submit your update and we'll take that into account when we are allocating time. Oh, and one more thing - for those of you who have been using my signature banner, something has gone horribly wrong in the account I was using to post the logo images and the files became corrupted. Don't worry, I still have the source files saved elsewhere, but it will take me a little bit of time to get all this back up and running. I will let everyone know when I have this fixed. One month left! Looking forward to hearing what has been in the works for the last couple of months! EDIT: Sig banner has been fixed. Copy and paste the image from my signature into yours and away you go!
  18. There were two packages on my doorstep when I got home yesterday... ... but neither of them were for me.
  19. Just a quick thing: @Thomas Neil wrote a few words on his status update I thought I'd share with everyone on the project - you can find it here. Keep up the good work ... and no pressure, everyone!
  20. Same, here - never did receive anything, would like to confirm whether or not it's not Canada Post's fault before I make them an offer they can't refuse. Could my Secret Santa please contact me to confirm whether they sent me something or not?
  21. If we can secure release in late 2018 like I originally planned, then yes; if release is pushed too far into 2019, then I may have to adjust the '25th anniversary' part. Either way, the album name will be Lylat System CLEAR.
  22. I have contracted a professional artist to build us a promotional poster and the cover art for the album - however, he's doing this as favor, so we have to wait for an opening in his schedule. I'm looking to have this by the end of the summer at the latest, but it'll likely be here sooner. Also, @Etzaen has agreed to do some character art as well, as we will be sticking with the 'Arwings in space' motif for the poster and covers. If you want to submit something, go right ahead. Just keep in mind I'll be looking for a professional level of quality. @Starphoenix has agreed to do a website for us. I'm just not there yet on the planning side. It'll probably be late this year or early next year before we actually get to this, but @DS394 has some ideas of what to do here.
  23. Bump...? No response to your plea for response? You make me sad, @YoshiBlade ... so be it.
  24. ... No, but it is on my list. I've got some LSC stuff to do first, then this. I'll get it to you as soon as I can.
  25. I didn't apply in the beginning because I didn't have a solid track list and because I didn't have enough 'star power.' And no, I don't mean @Starphoenix. I also thought there was a progress requirement for application ... which is why I kept asking for complete tracks before I applied. Once I found out there isn't a progress requirement per se, I asked myself 'then what the heck is stopping me from applying now?' Nothing. So I did! I'd still like everyone to stick to the goal of trying to get the 'complete' status for their tracks, as having 12 complete tracks is still a goal for the project for April 1st. EDIT 2/23: I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone when I said I didn't have enough 'star power' for the application. What I meant by this is that according to the guidelines, I needed to have at least five posted/established remixers on my list in order to apply for OCR-approval, which I did not have when I launched the project. My apologies to anyone who took offense at my earlier statement. FWIW, I think we have more than enough 'star power' from ALL our remixers now, published or not.
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