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The Nikanoru

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Everything posted by The Nikanoru

  1. Yes, I caught this too. According to the definition: The definition can be found here: http://www.who.int/features/qa/gaming-disorder/en/ This tells me they class it along the lines of gambling addictions. I guess by the WHO classifying it as a disorder, now folks who suffer from it can get the support they need. Of course, that is where THEY classify it - I think all of us can come up with examples of where small-time addictions are evident. I too have struggled with what I consider to be gaming addiction growing up; only after changing priorities and finding the balance in my life did I manage to avoid the worst of it. However, I found that I still find joy in gaming, so I plan when to take some time to game and plan when to turn it off - easier for some than others. I think that like most of our vices, the secret is moderation. Please everyone - enjoy gaming responsibly.
  2. Just waiting for a few stragglers to get back to me, then we should be back on track with the music. Whew! The Narrative team should be able to access the scripts in time for the update, as well. More to come on this after the deadline. This week one of my focuses is to resurrect SCRAMBLE, our Corneria remix, from relative dormancy. I've touched base with the collab team last week, so I'm hoping to have an update together for this in time for our July deadline. Stay tuned!
  3. To me, nothing beats the sound of live instrumentation. A real bass is the way to go, in my opinion. Given a choice, I would use a double-bass with more reverb and a very light touch of overdrive - this would match the soundscape nicely, IMO - but palm-muting an electric bass might be closer to the sound you're looking for.
  4. As you all know, bLiNd has been a contributor to this project from near the beginning. We haven't seen an update form him in a while, so I sent him a couple of pokes asking him about this recently, but he never replied. Then I came across this... bLiNd's Jade Catacombs was THE track that led me to OCR. Before that, I was cynical and disdainful of most electronic music - I don't know exactly what it was about this track that changed my mind, but it certainly did. Since then, bLiNd has been one of my favorite remixers to listen to. I am VERY sorry to hear about this - as someone who has made such awesome music and has been such a strong contributor to this community, I want to lend my support to him and Jenn in this awful time and so, I encourage everyone to do the same. As stated in the thread, there is a GoFundMe campaign to help bLiNd out financially - you can make a donation at https://www.gofundme.com/aguirre-fire-fund. Take care of yourselves, @bLiNd and @JenZ - we're all thinking of you.
  5. Quick Update: It is with a heavy heart that I announce that @DaMonz has decided to step away from the project due to the very busy life he leads. I have also received news that @HankTheSpankTankJankerson has unfortunately had to drop Meteo (from SF64). Thanks again for your help and all the best to you both! So, I am now looking for a new co-director to help me bring this project to our final goal. I've updated the top of the thread with the VERY basic description of what I need; If you are interested and think you have what I am looking for and the time, please send me a PM or email lylat.system.clear@gmail.com. I'll respond to any inquiries within a day. Looking forward to hearing from you! --- I'm very happy at the response I have been getting on my inquiries on what folks are up to - thanks to everyone who has responded so far. Some claims remain open; of course, I know some may not get filled, but I would rest easier if someone claimed both Fortuna from SF SNES and Meteo from SF64. These are awesome sources that are very memorable and it would be a shame if they were cut from this album. Check project overview for sources. Keep up the good work, everyone! --- Calling my Audio Support team! I've heard form @Jorito, @Your_Face, and @Smittenden - could @Pichu's Dad, @M_Blacki, and @Katamari please get in contact with me?
  6. Holy disgusting Demon's Gate, Batman, it has been a LONG time since this title has come to mind for me. This is a very pretty track. I really enjoy how you dialed back the 'This Boy's Got Wings' feel of the original into something much more subtle and reflective, especially the very light touches like 1:24. Performance-wise, pretty much flawless IMO - maybe a touch less sustain in parts (such as when it rings out while moving into the outro), but that is likely subjective and no complaints from me aside from that. I really enjoyed listening to this, thanks!
  7. This is a pretty chill remix, I like. As far as arrangement goes, I think it's pretty good what you have here. Some comment could be made on the lack of 'tasty licks' or interesting guitar fills on the first loop, but I like what you've done with the back half of the track - I think a lot of the first loop is good at 'setting the stage,' but a light touch here and there would add a bit of flavor (like you did with the percussion, nice touches). Ending was very sudden for me, but not terrible. What I think you'll get picked on most is production, as Vidilian made examples to above. One comment I could make on this in addition is to watch the flanging(?)/chorus oscillation on all your instrumentation. There are some parts where it sounds ... off to me. The biggest distraction for me is the bass synth. The opening is kind of this scratchy record, high-reverb, almost beatnik jazz open stage feel, but this bass is all fuzz, all muffle - like someone put on some hard overdrive on and dropped the tone to the floor. I don't mind the tone so much as the muffle - seems a bit of a mismatch to the soundscape to me. I'd like to hear something that blends a little better and where we can hear the strumming a bit more clearly - for those familiar with my review style, a bit more 'plunk' and a bit less 'thunk.' Thanks for posting - I enjoyed that.
  8. The OC Choral Group was actually put together by Gario a couple of years ago. Because DS and I are members, it made sense to pitch the choral parts of our Sector X remix to the group as one of our first projects. Things have not worked out as planned and folks got busy, so it's been stalled for a while now, but I'm working on at least getting Sector X going again, as we are getting closer and closer to the end here. Hint hint, @DS394! If you have any requests or questions regarding the Choral Group, I'd recommend you send a PM to @Gario. --- Yes, I saw that Meteor Base came out with weird font when I updated the thread, but my format seems to be playing tiddly winks with me. I'll try to fix it once I've turned off and turned back on again.
  9. Found this being referenced by our public broadcaster in the Great White North. I love the 'greasy priest' feel of the lyrics and saloon-like soundscape. The video is rather creepy too.
  10. Wow - I am SUCH a disrespectful whelp for not remembering to include @GCJ in my list of introductions yesterday. GCJ has taken the Awesome Black Hole and Zoness - now on the WIP Spreadsheet. You're officially welcomed aboard, GCJ! --- @TheChargingRhino - Just a quick reminder that this is a concept album with a fairly definite road map, so if you design and build a big, long medley using claimed sources (the staff roll for SF SNES and SF2 is included in Slimy's claim for the ending themes) or claims that are too far apart in the track order, it will have to be a bonus track. If you're okay with that, go to town! Looking forward to hearing what everyone comes up with. --- Umm ... not sure how to respond to this. What are you asking here?
  11. You might notice the front page has been updated and there are some new additions to our team - @Smittenden has taken Boss C from SF 64 and @Afilion has taken Titania from SF SNES. Welcome aboard! Smittenden has also offered to join our Audio Support team. Thanks again for your help! --- I've FINALLY updated the WIP spreadsheet - the track list still isn't in the right order, but everything should be current on there. Give a listen, comment on what you think! PM me if anyone doesn't have access. --- I know folks want to know about the voice work. I'm getting there, everyone - please be patient. --- @TheChargingRhino - First off, congratulations on your graduation! Could you please tell us a little about your plan for collaboration using SAC? Is there a track you are working on now?
  12. Hello, everyone! Popping in to once again say I am still here and this project is still active! @TheChargingRhino - Thanks for keeping the thread active and poking me form time to time. I did get your resubmitted track, I just haven't gotten to listening to it yet. I'll give you a PM with a review when I can. @CmacProduction - I need to PM you with a review - there are a few things I'd like to go over before we call this done. I will be posting your track to the WIP Spreadsheet so folks can get a listen (which I will send a link to as well), and I'll see if I can get some volunteers to review your mix. @Thirdkoopa - Could you please send me what you have on that arrangement when you can? @Pichu's Dad, @Jorito, @Katamari, @M_Blacki, @Your_Face - Heads up! I will be sending three of the more complete tracks for review this weekend (this will include Cmac's track). Let me know if you're still on board! @DS394 - PM me please! Just a reminder for everyone to NOT post WIPs or album tracks to the main thread. There is a Discord group, an IM chat over the WIP spreadsheet, or PMs if you want to - we still want to keep the cat in the bag for now! I know I am being slow, but in the meantime, if you contact me directly, I will respond. Once again, just because I'm being quiet doesn't mean nothing is happening - keep working on those tracks!
  13. @GCJ Ha ha ... ha. Sorry about that. The front page and Project Overview have now been updated, and should match accordingly. Let me know if I've missed anything... Space-y ambient? I'd suggest the Awesome Black Hole ... It's a short source, but an ambient remix could turn this truly creepy. When you have made your decision, go ahead PM me a WIP. Looking forward to hearing it! --- @TheChargingRhino - There was a ton of feedback from the Audio Support group on Cornerian Hall of Fame that was discussed almost a year ago that I have not received an update on. Say, @Pichu's Dad, have you had a chance to go over that mix? And no, I have not forgotten about SCRAMBLE... --- The WIP spreadsheet will be a little longer. I'll advise when I'm done on this.
  14. Hey, everyone! It's been a while. Thanks to those folks who have been looking in on me to make sure I haven't died. Still kicking and thanks for the updates! I know I haven't been doing great at this lately. Last year wasn't a wonderful year for me, but this year I have no excuse - I've been behind and I'm just being slow about trying to keep up. I could say that depression has gotten the better of me, I could say there are several developments in my life I'm dealing with, but really, I just haven't been making the time a priority. That being said, this project means a great deal to me; I think we have some great folks on board, I'm proud of what we have so far, and still excited for where we are going - and a likely reason for my depression is the lack of my own progress on the project itself. So, I'll be recommitting myself to this again - it's time for me to stop sulking and get back to work! ---- So, here is what I see I have to do to get things to current: Update front page and Project Overview - I've received many reminders about this. I will have this back up and running this week. WIP Spreadsheet - I have some new updates to post here too, but I need to confirm permission to post from a few folks. Will update this week as permissions come in. @TheChargingRhino - It is time-consuming to keep all this on Drive as well as the project Box account, and considering how my time has been lately, I'm going to keep it all on Box moving forward. Sorry for this, but you can PM me if you are having trouble accessing. Checking in with folks - I'm checking where everyone is in the next two weeks. No pressure for updates at this time - that would be hardly fair of me - but I am wondering how folks are. Some of you I've heard from recently, some of you I haven't heard from in a while. Please let me know where you are with your track - feel free to reach out to me if I don't get to you first! Updates @Etzaen has been working on some art over the last year which I'd like to share with the team, but I need to figure out the where and how first. Stay tuned for more on this. Our back covers are being produced NOW! I've received the first drafts from my guy and they are looking good. I will post these with the rest of the art when I figure out format. Of all the things I've been asked about on this project, the narratives have generated the most interest! So, by popular demand, 6 of 8 scripts are complete and I will have the rest done in time for March. I need to refresh myself on this part of the project and get the scripts proofread before we start recording, but hopefully I can get folks to start doing this for me by the end of March. Will advise as this progresses. Open voice roles are still available to claim! @classic_gamer_76, please PM me on this when you get a chance. I need to confirm some things for Star Wolf parts. --- Due to my own absence and timing issues, I am no longer optimistic that the project will be ready for submission when reach our July deadline. I think that with a little effort, we can still finish the project by the end of September, but I'm wondering if we should push this to January instead. Please let me know what you think, on the thread or with a PM, on whether pushing for September is something folks think they are capable of. Thanks again for everyone's patience as I figure my stuff out. More to come as things get under way.
  15. Hello all! I'm very glad to see activity on the thread, but could everyone please refrain from posting WIPs to the thread? That being said, I know I need to update the WIP spreadsheet. I'll do so later this week.
  16. NO, THIS IS NOT A DEAD PROJECT. A lack of activity on the thread does not mean nothing is happening! As I told you before, it will probably be January before I get to the narrative work. If you want to build a script in the meantime, go ahead - please send link to me via PM. You already have my guidelines. ---- A reminder to everyone that there is a deadline coming up on January 1st. Looking forward to hearing those updates!
  17. I can totally see a new fighting game ... Disney vs Marvel. Cynicism aside, it would be entertaining to play just to have Goofy make short work of Wolverine.
  18. I'm a little late to the party here, but here's my two bits. (Gee, Hoboka, you must be ready to start a small business with all the change you have off this thread ) IMO, there is nothing currently wrong with OCR's panel. The OCR submission guidelines are fairly good at laying out what OCR expects from submissions for posting; of course, like any organization, they have certain subjective expectations (genre, precedent, etc.) for the material they choose to endorse and it is up to them to determine whether it fits their standard or it doesn't. If you want something posted here, you have to play by their rules, period - and if their standard doesn't fit yours, there are lots of other places you can go to advertise or show off your music. Likewise, as ACO implied, just because you're rejected by OCR doesn't immediately mean to the world "YOU SUCK" or "FO" or "we don't like your kind here" - it just means it doesn't currently fit OCR's standard. Some folks might be aware that I had a project I'm working on rejected by OCR in the not-too-distant past; sure, some of the things said stung and perhaps I didn't agree with all the feedback, but these are simply folks telling me where the tracks are and what is needed to bring them closer to the standard - so I could have chosen to pack my ball up and go home, but I've chosen to continue the project (despite some absences due to life stuff) and use the feedback to improve the album. I've also had folks reach out to me to offer help and advice if necessary in light of the rejection, which is one of the things I love most about this site. 'No skill in mixing? No problem, let's ask ___ for some help. No good string samples? No problem, let's see if ___ has an opening in their schedule. No good distortion pedals for your guitar? No problem, let's see if ____ has the sound you're looking for.' This community is full of folks who want to help and they are NOT hard to find. Personally, I'm fine with the standard and I don't care how long it takes for the panel to review - I respect the time it takes for judging, I respect the opinion of the panel, accept that it is an opinion, and use it as an indicator of where my tracks are and where they need to go to fit that standard. Given Gario's comment on repetition that started this whole thing, has anyone thought to just add a bit of variation in harmony, bass, percussion, or maybe all three? Or, if you're attached to the repetition, asked Gario how you could keep the copy pasta but add enough variation to be accepted by judges? I just think it's pretty clear what wait time was expected and what the reasons for rejection were, so maybe the solution is to address the concerns and resubmit instead of jumping on the judges for how they do what they do. Plus, if you don't want to wait for the panel, I'm sure either Gario or Rozovian would be willing to take a look at things in shorter order to give you an idea of how it would go on the panel. Heck, I'm sure there's lots of other folks reading this willing to give you a hand too, if that's what you think you need. I don't know how much easier they could make it for us. Just my opinion. Another wall of text for the, er, wall.
  19. @CmacProduction has sent me an awesome WIP for the Attack Carrier theme, thus securing the claim. Welcome aboard, Cmac!
  20. ...I'm not dead! @TheChargingRhino - Review FINALLY sent. @CmacProduction - Corneria Boss is indeed open! I've sent you a PM on this.
  21. Yes, we are still alive! Please PM me the current version again, Rhino, and I'll get that review going. Sorry about being quiet these last couple of weeks, will have a project update later this week.
  22. @Deedubs has joined us and claimed Space Armada, complete with a shiny new WIP. Welcome aboard!
  23. @TheChargingRhino Clipped Wings - Still getting my stuff together, but I'll go over what I've been sent and let you know. Cornerian Hall of Fame - Once I touch base with the QA team, I'll be getting the final tracks a once-over from each for any production issues, then it's on to mastering. I don't think any further changes will be needed to the arrangement itself, but the QA review will be conclusive either way. SCRAMBLE - As you and I discussed over Discord, taking the time has been my issue lately. Now that things are clearing up, I'll have more time for this. In addition to helping Jorito finish up with the Secret of Mana project, I have to get my stuff together for this project and touch base with everyone; there are a few loose ends I need to tie up for other folks, then I'll be onto SCRAMBLE - hopefully next week. I should have a new version for the deadline.
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