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Posts posted by Souperion

  1. I guess I should first mention that this is actually a collaboration made with my bro, who doesn't have an OCR account.

    More importantly, this is an amateur's fusion of the Rundas Battle (Metroid Prime 3) and the Boss Battle themes from Freedom Planet made with Soundtrap. Metroid has always been one of my favorite games for music, and I loved Rundas' battle from the first time I heard it playing Metroid Prime Trilogy. When I heard the boss music from Freedom Planet, I thought that it would go great with Rundas. So, several weeks and two failed finales later, my bro and I made this little piece, named after Rundas’ last words in Metroid Prime 3. Some kind of attempted rock-techno thing. At any rate, I gladly look forward to any feedback to make this a better arrangement!




    And a time stamp, in case anyone wants it.

    Zero to 0:37 – Rundas Intro

    0:37 to 1:05 – Freedom Planet Boss part A (with Rundas intro underlying.)

    1:05 to 1:32  - Rundas part A over Boss battle part A melody.

    1:32 to 1:54  - original bridge loosely based on Boss Battle part A.

    1:54 to 2:25 – Rundas part A with liberal ornamentation and variation.

    2:25 to 2:53 - Rundas part B

    2:53 to 3:00 - Boss Battle bridge

    3:00 to 3:29 - Rundas and Boss Battle part A.

    3:29 to 3:56 - Boss Battle part B.

     3:56 to 4:30 - Boss Battle bridge, Rundas part C.

    4:30 to 4:34 – A little made up transition.

    4:34 to 4:48 – Boss Battle part C with original counter melody.

    4:48 to 5:15 – Boss battle part B, Rundas part B (failed finale 1).

    5:15 to 5:42 – Recycled ornamental parts, with some Rundas part B (failed finale 2).

    5:42 to 5:56 – Boss battle part B.

     5:56 to 6:15 – Dueling solos?

    6:15 to 6:44: Boss battle part B with Rundas intro and part A.

  2. Allow me to be the first here to say: WELL DONE. I like the concept and the execution of this opus. It tells a good story that transcends the emotion ridden soundtracks of Legend of Zelda. Don't really have any technical advice here, but I quite like what you've accomplished. Maybe I'm just a sucker for big medleys, but I would love to see A Vision of Fi in the OCR collection.

  3. My first impression was that this is a dark steam punk rendering of the song. Which takes place in a world of magical steam punk. I kinda like the direction! You create a definitive clunky and airy atmosphere for the song with all the effects, but the melody is verily drowned under it all. I would focus on balancing the well beloved source with the more ambient aspects of this little project, as well as tuning the sound of said effects. A little more Terra, a little more balanced sfx, and I think you'll have something really cool going here.

  4. You've got the notes and rhythm down perty well, the main thing I can think of is that the guitar and brass sounds a little... flousy. Is that word? Maybe flat. A little distortion or twang or something that needs tuning. Work on that a bit, and I think you'll have a pretty neat and tidy cover!

  5. I remember playing through Terranigma on an emulator not too long ago. After finishing it, I was devastated to find how few people knew about the game (and thereby, made remixes from it.) This mix, and the others on OCR, help me to treasure the memories of running around the world as a spiky haired punk, creating history and breaking the balance of light and darkness. Well done and thank you for this creation.

  6. Machine Passage was my favorite song from the game! It felt the most alien to the Kirby universe, almost like it belonged more to Metroid or a similar franchise. That said, I like what you've got here. It's pretty faithful to the original, but with different timbres and feels to make it unique. Throwing in the menu theme (also a favorite of mine) was a fun way to end it. Not much to offer as far as technical analysis goes, but I enjoyed listening to it.

  7. I'm impressed by how well you spruced up an oft remixed tune. At first it sounds like a fairly conservative trance cover, but the longer I listened, the longer I felt willing to sit through the whole 48 minute video! Continued variation kept me listening, or maybe it was just the synthetic choirs (I'm a sucker for those). My only question is, how long is the loop?

  8. Whether it's a trance or not, I quite like your beat for the classic and beloved Brinstar. The deep and insistent pulse creates the feeling of being encased by tons of earth while traversing endless alien labyrinths. It does get a little mushy, though, as it goes on. The timbre's are pretty nice, but something about them makes it feel like the song is slowly going through a blender. Which is cool, but I think that it needs a little work to be crisper. You've got a good basis for something very interesting here.

  9. This brings back memories of watching my bro play Doom on an emulator, and me wondering why his gun was in the center of the screen. It's a pretty faithful rendition, capturing the original feel of trying to gun down demons in the glorious days of the SNES. That said, I think that you've got a good basic structure, all that's left is to add some inferno worthy ornamentation and interpretation! A little percussion variation here, a shreddy solo there, maybe some overly dramatic slow part, I dunno. Nice work, either way.

  10. This is a song that I don't think ever gets enough love! Zero's theme was my favorite song from X 4. The slightly slower, less driven feel is an interesting approach that I think could work, but it sounds a little dry, if that can even describe sound. The drums and rhythm guitar/baseline feel a little monotonous and repetitive after a bit. A little variation there could go a long way. And I have to admit I was little sad that there was nothing like the solo, though I can perfectly understand you not wanting to even bother with it. If you wanted to add something like it, a little of your own shredeliciousness, I think it would make for a more interesting listen. But you don't have to. Either way, I think you've got the start of something quite cool going on here.

  11. I was expecting a simple cover, but you offered something quite unique and interesting. I was summarily impressed with the variation of the melody(s), particularly around the one minute range where it turned from Lavender town in Golden Sun into its own song. Maybe I'm just a sucker for the the old feel of Golden Sun, but the relatively archaic sound font doesn't really feel that obsolete here. The quiet sadness of Lavender Town mixes quite well with the awe and mystery of the Sanctum. The name "Souless Sanctum" kept popping up in my head.

    At 1:39, when the string section comes in, it is a little deafening to the other parts, though. Maybe soften it there a bit, or make the other parts more pronounced. Wish I had more technical feedback, but I can at least say I enjoyed it. And am fairly sad that you don't intend to submit it to OCR. A really kewl concept you have here.

  12. To be frank, I was almost expecting a sort of themes and variations approach, but I was not disappointed with a medley centered on Zelda's Lullaby. It's equal parts lovely, awesome, and grand, with touches of dread. I was impressed with how well you blended so many song, right on top of each other at times. It only slightly approached being cacophonous near the end climax, but kind of demonstrated the clash between good, evil, dark, etc etc. Now that I am out of useful things to say: it's great.

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